zaterdag 31 mei 2014

Israël is not Palestine

Even the Arabs in the past has admitted it!

Schanddaad straatnaamborden gemeente Eindhoven

Protest tegen historisch bedrog!

Likoed Nederland is boos op de gemeente Eindhoven omdat enkele straatnamen zoals de Nazarethlaan het onderschrift hebben: stad in Palestina. Daarmee wordt Israël onrecht aangedaan, vindt de vereniging.

Volgens Likoed Nederland ligt Nazareth in Israël en niet in Palestina. "Vooral in linkse kringen begint het salonfähig te worden om Israël niet langer enkel te bekritiseren, maar om ook het bestaansrecht van dit land ter discussie te stellen of soms zelfs te ontkennen. Israël moet van hen worden opgeheven. Waartoe dit kan leiden, is te zien in de PvdA-gemeente Eindhoven."

In een persverklaring zegt de vereniging dat Eindhoven liegt en politiek bedrijft "met een hele rare smaak." Het zou de gemeente sieren om 'Palestina' te vervangen door 'Israël' zodat deze gemeente niet langer meedoet met de de-legitimatie van Israël en de Joden, met alle gevolgen van dien."

Eindhoven kan volgens een gemeentewoordvoerder inhoudelijk nog niet reageren op de kritiek. Het enige wat hij kwijt wil, is dat er in de stad op veel meer plekken straatnaamborden hangen met een onderschrift.

Bron: NOS

Lees: De gemeente Eindhoven veegt Israël van de kaart

Read: Dutch city calls Jerusalem, Nazareth ‘cities in Palestine’

Nog meer bewijzen:

Ons commentaar: Bij deze willen wij de gemeente Eindhoven even laten weten, dat er totaal geen historische grond bestaat voor deze tekst, en ook niet naar de huidige realiteit. Momenteel bestaat er namelijk geen land dat Palestina heet! En in principe bestaat er ook geen Palestijns volk. Daarom verwachten wij ook dat de gemeente Eindhoven deze straatnaamborden zo spoedig mogelijk zal rectificeren!

Doodstraf dreigt voor Sudanese christin

Een heftig verhaal! De 27-jarige Miriam Yahya Ibrahim uit Soedan verkiest Jezus boven haar eigen leven. Ze moest kiezen tussen de islam en de doodstraf en koos voor dat laatste. “Ik kan alleen maar bidden”, zegt haar man Daniël Wani.

De vader van Miriam is moslim, waardoor ze wordt gezien als moslima. Ze werd echter christelijk opgevoed door haar moeder. Miriam trouwde met een christelijke man. Haar broer klaagde haar aan, omdat de familie volgens hem geschokt was dat Miriam met een niet-moslim was getrouwd. 

Nu wordt haar verweten dat ze overspel heeft gepleegd, omdat het in Soedan verboden is om als moslima te trouwen met een niet-moslim. Ook wordt ze ‘afvallig’ genoemd, want het is verboden voor moslims om zich tot het christendom te bekeren. Daarvoor krijgt Miriam honderd zweepslagen en de doodstraf.

De rechter gaf Miriam tot gisteren de tijd om zich te bekeren tot de islam. “Ik ben een christen”, zei de jonge vrouw tegen de rechter, “en ik zal een christen blijven. Ik heb nooit overspel gepleegd.”

De Soedanese vrouw is acht maanden zwanger en heeft nog een zoontje van 18 maanden oud. Daarom krijgt ze de doodstraf pas twee jaar na de geboorte van haar tweede kindje. Tot die tijd moet ze in de gevangenis blijven.

“Ik ben heel erg verdrietig”, zegt haar man Daniel Wani tegen CNN. “Ik ben zo gefrustreerd, ik weet niet wat ik moet doen. Ik kan alleen maar bidden.” Volgens haar advocaat is Miriam heel sterk. “Ze is heel er heel duidelijk over dat ze christen is en dat ze ooit uit de gevangenis komt.”

Internationale mensenrechtenorganisaties en ambassades hebben uitgesproken dat ze de zaak afschuwelijk vinden. Ze roepen de islamitische regering van Soedan op om de godsdienstvrijheid te respecteren. Amnesty International eist dat de vrouw onmiddellijk wordt vrijgelaten.

Bid voor deze sterke vrouw en haar gezin en teken hier de petitie tegen het vonnis.

Bron: EO

Sudan Christian woman faces death for apostasy

Petition to stop execution of Sudan Christian woman

Jerusalem to remain united forever, Netanyahu says

"And in that day will I (God) make Jerusalem a burdensome (heavy) stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth (all the earth’s nations) be gathered together against it." Zechariah 12:3

Jerusalem will remain united forever, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday, dismissing Palestinian demands that it serve as a shared capital as Israel marked the anniversary of the capture of East Jerusalem in the 1967 Six Day War.

Speaking at the Mercaz Harav Yeshiva, a nationalist-religious Jewish learning institution in the capital, Netanyahu said that in the 47 years since Israel wrested East Jerusalem from Jordanian control, the city has been united: “That’s how it’s been since and that’s how it will always be.”

“Jerusalem is also Mount Zion, Jerusalem is Mount Moriah (the Temple Mount), Jerusalem is the Western Wall, and Jerusalem is eternally Israel,” the prime minister said, cataloging sites of historical and religious significance to Jews in the areas of the city captured in 1967.

Once thought taboo in Israeli political circles, the idea of dividing or sharing part of Jerusalem with the Palestinians has gained traction with some Israeli politicians over recent years. Then-prime minister Ehud Olmert endorsed splitting the city in negotiations with the Palestinians in 2008, and other senior lawmakers, including Likud’s Tzachi Hanegbi, have also endorsed negotiating over the capital. In October, Justice Minister Tzipi Livni vowed to stymie a Knesset bill which would prevent the government from negotiating over dividing Jerusalem.

The Palestinians claim East Jerusalem, including the Old City, as the future capital of their independent state. Though Israel essentially annexed East Jerusalem in 1980, the international community did not recognize the move and Israeli building there is considered by many illegal.

According to Central Bureau of Statistics numbers released to mark Jerusalem Day, 37 percent of the 815,000 residents of Jerusalem are Arab.

Netanyahu described Jerusalem as “the heart of the nation” in his speech to an assemblage of Orthodox yeshiva students. “We are safeguarding our heart, the heart of the nation.” “There is a special spirit here, and this spirit is channeled through one place, Jerusalem,” he said.

Read more: The Times of Israel

dinsdag 27 mei 2014

Jerusalem Day / Yom Yerushalayim 2014

The municipal emblem of Jerusalem contains the following symbols: the lion, shown rampant, representing the lion of Judah, a background representing the Western (Wailing) Wall; and the olive branch, representing peace. The Hebrew inscription above the crest is Yerushalayim (Jerusalem, also known as Zion).

Israelis fill the streets of Jerusalem to rejoice on Yom Yerushalayim.

"But upon mount Zion (Yerushalayim) shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob (Israel, the Jewish people) shall possess their possessions (repossess their rightful inheritance)." Obadiah 1:17

maandag 26 mei 2014

Politiek Pamflet: Het 10 punten D66 verkiezingsprogramma.

De 10 stellingen tegen D66!

1. D66 zal alle soevereiniteit van Nederland overgeven aan Brussel/Europa, het moderne Babylon/Babel.
2. D66 zal alle soft en harddrugs legaliseren, zodat uw kinderen (en uzelf) een hersenbeschadiging oplopen, apathisch worden, en daardoor verder nog ongeschikt zullen zijn voor enig onderwijs, werk, en innovatie.
3. D66 zal het onderwijs gebruiken (misbruiken), om uw kinderen te indoctrineren betreffende alle anti christelijke ideologieën, de evolutietheorie, en eigen liberale agenda.
4. D66 zal het door God gegeven huwelijk tussen een man en een vrouw, vervangen door allerlei mogelijke samenlevingsvormen, en homoseksualiteit/homohuwelijk.
5. D66 zal het homohuwelijk gebruiken, zodat homo-stellen uw kinderen kunnen adopteren, en deze kinderen dan tevens geschikt te maken voor het homo – leboschap (en andere perversiteiten).
6. D66 zal zo snel mogelijk een einde maken aan de vergrijzing door middel van (actieve) euthanasie. D66 zal bejaarden bij economisch gevaar zo snel mogelijk uit de weg laten ruimen d.m.v. van bijv. de euthanasie-pil van Drion, die wij al beschikbaar hebben gemaakt in alle verpleeg en verzorgingstehuizen.
7. D66 zal zorgen dat alle christelijke normen en waarden, en alles wat goed en eerbaar is, uit de samenleving verbannen zal worden.
8. D66 zal op het punt van buitenlandse politiek, de Palestijnse terreurorganisaties helpen om een Palestijnse staat op te richten, met als doel het einde van de staat Israël en de huidige ondemocratische Israëlische regering.
9. D66 zal de perfecte (ubermensch) maatschappij creëren, met mensen waar praktisch geen defecten meer aan zijn, en zal dit realiseren door ziektes uit te bannen via abortuswetgeving.
10. D66 zal de zondagsrust, of de Sjabbatdag, vervangen door 7-daagse 24 uur’s economie, om de samenleving nog verder te verzwakken en uit te putten, zodat we nog verder van elkaar vervreemden en individualistischer worden.

D66 heeft antichristelijk imago geheel aan zichzelf te danken

3 dead in shooting at Brussels Jewish Museum

Three people were killed in a shooting at the Brussels Jewish Museum on Saturday. The three died at the scene; another victim was in critical condition in the hospital.

A Jewish community figure, Joel Rubinfeld, told AFP it clearly “is a terrorist act” as a man had been seen driving up and entering the museum before opening fire inside and running off. Rubinfeld, who heads the country’s league against anti-Semitism, said the act was the result of “a climate of hate.”

The country’s foreign minister, Didier Reynders, tweeted Saturday that he was “shocked by the murders committed at the Jewish museum.” “I am thinking of the victims I saw there and their families,” he said.

The La Libre newspaper said on its website that an Audi had driven up and parked outside the museum, and that both a passenger and the driver had gotten out. It said the driver placed two bags on the ground and then opened fire on bystanders before driving off.

“A person wearing a backpack was seen opening fire before fleeing,” RTBF reported [in French].

Twelve people were being treated for shock, according to local sources.

Read more: timesofisrael

Tel Aviv couple (Mira and Emmanuel Riva) among dead in Brussels attack

Drie doden bij schietpartij Joods Museum in Brussel

Forensic experts examine the site of a shooting at the Jewish museum in Brussels, Saturday, May 24, 2014. (Photo credit: AP/Yves Logghe)

Jeremiah 16:14-16

14 “‘Therefore,’ says Adonai, ‘the day will come when (Israel, the Jewish) people will no longer swear, “As Adonai lives, who brought the people of Isra’el out of the land of Egypt, (as the remembrance at Pesach)”
15 but, “As Adonai lives, who brought the people of Isra’el out of the land to the north and out of all the countries where he drove them”; for I will bring them back to their own land, which I gave to their ancestors (celebrating the return of the Jewish people to the land of Israel at the new feast of Tabernacles).
16 “‘Look,’ says Adonai, ‘I will send for many fishermen, and they will fish for them (to make aliyah). Afterwards, I will send for many hunters; and they will hunt them from every mountain and hill and out of caves in the rocks (the rise of anti-Semitism and terrorist attacks on Jewish people)*.

* (...) Explanation by Henoch

False Prophet : The Second Beast to have Mass above King David's Tomb in Jerusalem

This is a very important prophetic video. You need to know the following things. First, we as Christian Zionists and Messianic believers in Yeshua Messiah, do not recognise the Roman Catholic Church (and its followers, the Roman Catholics) as real Christians. Secondly, we acknowledge the right of the Jewish people and believers of Judaism, to pray at David's tomb in Jerusalem, and that it's their property.

NOS Anti Israël Journaal Media Watch

Alweer een recent laster verhaal, rechtstreeks vanuit de antisemitische pers van het NOS journaal.

Lees: "Israël schoot schooljongens dood"

Ook de anti Israëlische zender CNN rapporteerde dit nonsens verhaal, om wederom Israël in een kwaad daglicht te brengen! De volgende analyse van de Israëlische media tonen dat het de Palestijnen lukt om hun propaganda via de media te verspreiden. Het is namelijk helemaal niet zeker dat deze jongens door Israëlische kogels om het leven zijn gekomen. Palestijnse scherpschutters offeren zelfs hun eigen kinderen/jeugd op, om dit te bewerkstelligen!

donderdag 22 mei 2014

King David's tomb (and the Vatican)

It is very sad to hear that many Jewish people, including the rabbis, are such misled, misguided, by Rome and the Vatican and the Pope. It is exactly they who want to take over King David's tomb, and even mount Zion! The Jewish people and Israel never must trust in the Pope, who is a false prophet. He is not for peace as he says, but he wants to make Jerusalem an international city where the Vatican can rule over. This has been always the goal and the dream of the Roman Catholic mother church! If you do not believe me, please read your Bible and all the prophetic words! It states: When they will say peace and safety (security), then sudden destruction will fall upon them!

Amsterdam betaalt Joden erfpachtboetes terug

Opgedreven Joden op het Jonas Daniel Meijerplein in Amsterdam, na een razzia in de jodenbuurt op 22 februari 1941 en het plein heden.

Joden die na de Tweede Wereldoorlog terugkeerden naar Amsterdam en daar ten onrechte werden beboet voor het niet betalen van erfpacht, krijgen dat geld terug. Daarvoor trekt de gemeente 870.000 euro uit. Dat schrijft burgemeester Eberhard van der Laan donderdag namens het college aan de gemeenteraad.

Tijdens de digitalisering van dossiers uit het gemeentearchief bleek in 2011 dat Joodse oorlogsslachtoffers bij terugkomst in Amsterdam alsnog werden aangeslagen en beboet voor het niet betalen van erfpacht tijdens de oorlogsjaren. Het ging om Joden die uit hun huis waren verdreven, moesten onderduiken of naar een concentratiekamp waren afgevoerd.

Ook geld dat omgekomen Joodse Amsterdammers op rekeningen van de gemeente hadden staan, wordt uitgekeerd. Het gaat waarschijnlijk om zo'n 51.000 euro van bijna 900 rekeningen. Rechthebbenden en nazaten kunnen een claim indienen bij een binnenkort op te richten stichting. Mocht er geld overblijven, dan komt dat ten goede aan Joodse maatschappelijke doelen.

Het Instituut voor Oorlog-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies NIOD deed uitgebreid onderzoek naar de erfpachtkwestie en oordeelde dat de gemeente Amsterdam de juridische mogelijkheid had de boetes kwijt te schelden, zoals ook in andere gemeentes gebeurde. Het college van burgemeester en wethouders laat nader onderzoek doen naar de vraag of het ook de geïnde erfpacht zelf moet terugbetalen. Ook de manier waarop Amsterdam na de oorlog omging met andere heffingen, zoals straatgeld en rioolrecht, wordt nader onder de loep genomen.

Bron: jodendom-online

Lees ook: Amsterdam gaat boetes erfpacht aan joodse nabestaanden terugbetalen

Jewish Culture Thriving in Djerba - Tunisia

Op het eiland Djerba voor de kust van Tunesië komen ieder jaar honderden joden samen voor een kleurrijk ritueel. Een pelgrimstocht naar een bijzonder heiligdom, de eeuwenoude synagoge El Ghriba. In de fundamenten van het Joodse gebedshuis zouden stenen zijn verwerkt uit de Joodse tempel in Jeruzalem.

Ongeveer 2500 bezoekers uit verschillende landen deden dit jaar de bedevaart, 7 keer zo veel als vorig jaar. Een cijfer dat alle verwachtingen overtrof. Perez Trabelsi president van the jewish community in Djerba: "This is the second and last day of pilgrimage season in Ghriba... all pilgrims are very happy .. they spent very nice moments in djerba they saw unexpected things especially security. it will certainly help tunisia to make better reputation and receive more turists in future."

Er is veel beveiliging aanwezig. Maar over het algemeen leven de 1500 joden in Tunesië al jaren in harmonie met de moslims. De laatste jaren daalde het aantal pelgrims waardoor de bedevaart werd ingekort van 6 naar 3 dagen. Nu is de belangstelling dus weer aan het groeien. Dat heeft Djerba te danken aan het ministerie van binnenlandse zaken. Zij hebben enorme stappen gezet om de bedevaart ook voor toeristen aantrekkelijk te maken.

Bron: jodendom-online

IDF's First Female Christian Officer

Yasmin Chayach (pictured) has become the first female Arabic-speaking Christian to complete the Israeli army’s officers course. Chayach was following family tradition by volunteering for service in the IDF, as her brother before her was also a proud Israeli soldier.

The Chayach siblings are part of a growing movement of young Arabic-speaking Israeli Christians who are choosing to do national service.

Many of these young people have come to understand, contrary to mainstream teachings in the Arab world, that Israel is not their enemy, but rather their safe haven. As such, they are increasingly eager to integrate with Israeli Jewish society and become strong, loyal and productive citizens of the state.

Chayach’s promotion also further highlights the pervasive role of women in the Israeli military. A full 90 percent of all jobs and positions in the Israeli army are open to women.

Lees: Eerste christelijke vrouwelijke officier in leger Israël

Yeshua Transforms Ultra-Orthodox Girl Into Zionist

Jesus (Yeshua in Hebrew) had no problem turning water into wine, but turning a Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) Jew into a staunch Zionist is quite another story. For many streams of Haredi Judaism, Zionism is a dirty word, and last week's Yom Ha'Atzmaut (Independence Day) was just another bad day. But such was no longer the case for Chava (not her real name), a 23-year-old Haradi Jewess who recently accepted Yeshua as Messiah.

"This was my first Yom Ha'Atzmaut," says Chava. "In our family, we were forbidden to even mention it. We were told by our parents to close the shutters so that we could not see what the abominable Goyim (derogatory word for Gentiles) were doing in the streets. We call it 'Tzibele' (onion) day in Yiddish." For many Haredi Jews, Yom Ha'Azmaut is foul, dirty and pagan.

"We hated Israel," Chava admits. "Our parents did not want us to be Israeli at all. My father wanted to take us all to America."

Now a believer in Yeshua, all of that changed for Chava forever. "When I heard the siren sound in memorial for the fallen soldiers who had given their lives for this nation, I stood up, and my heart stood still," she said. "I understood for the first time how much the people of Israel, my people, had sacrificed to bring us back to this land and make a nation and a home for us, the Jewish people."

Chava feels embarrassed that her whole life she never honored the brave men and woman who had given their lives to secure a homeland for the Jewish people. She admits that she even despised and hated them. "I give thanks to Yeshua who opened my eyes. He has given me a right spirit and a whole new understanding," she says.

In Israel, Memorial Day flows directly into the Yom Ha'Azamut celebrations. Independence can only be celebrated while remembering those who have gave their lives to make it happen, while the joy of nationhood can sweeten some of the painful memories of those who have fallen.

"I understand now how important it is to show respect and honor for the people of this land who have sacrificed so much for me, for my family and for Jewish people around the world," says Chava about her first Memorial Day and Yom Ha'Atzmaut.

"I feel proud to be an Israeli now," she says. "I am glad that I can live here and be a part of our people. God loves our people, all of our people, secular, religious, Arab and Jew. He loves us all," she smiles.

Lees: Yeshua verandert ultra-orthodoxe vrouw in zioniste

Daniel Mael Destroys Students for Justice in Palestine

Those BDS infected pro-Palestinian US students, are really messed up by Arabian Islamic lies and myths from the Middle East.

donderdag 15 mei 2014

Muslim Goes to Mecca – and Finds Jesus (Yeshua)

A Turkish Muslim who made a pilgrimage to Mecca in a desperate attempt to get his life back on track returned as a Christian to the great astonishment of his family. Now a pastor, Ali Pektash (pictured) has been addressing a conference in Jerusalem called At the Crossroads, and sees it as part of his mission to help re-unite the sons of Abraham.

Ali, a Kurd, suffered from alcohol addiction when friends persuaded him to make Hajj (pilgrimage) to Islam's holy city. It was in Saudi Arabia, where liquor is banned, and the religious ritual might cure him, they suggested. When he got there, he cried out to God for help (if indeed He was there) and fell asleep. Jesus (Yeshua) then appeared to him in a dream and touched him, saying: "You believe in me now; leave this place."

After taking a shower next morning, he discovered what he thought was dust on the part of his chest Jesus had touched, but in fact the hair on his chest had turned white in the shape of a hand! At the traditional celebration marking his return from Hajj, he announced to his incredulous family that he had seen Jesus in Mecca and had come back a Christian.

He burst out crying in front of his wife and asked forgiveness for the way he had treated her, clearly demonstrating a dramatic change in his life. But for three years he had no access to a Bible and it was seven years before he met another Turkish Christian.He eventually started a church in Ankara, the capital, which he has recently handed over to trusted elders in order to begin a new work in Eastern Turkey, where he was raised.

At the Crossroads, hosted at Christ Church in the heart of Jerusalem's Old City, is aimed at deepening the bonds of reconciliation between Arab Christians and Jewish followers of Jesus and is being attended by delegates from a number of Middle East countries including Iran, Egypt, Cyprus and Jordan.

Speaking in Turkish (translated through headsets for those who needed it), Ali spoke of how Abraham was also his ancestor, and how he saw it as part of his mission to help re-unite the children of Isaac and Ishmael (Abraham's children by different wives). Illustrating how family division can cause lasting conflict among the children affected, he said it was no different for the descendants of Abraham who continue to be embroiled in much strife and contention with each other.

But now it was time for reconciliation. "We have a very important ministry - to reconcile the world," he said. But it could only be done through Jesus. "Everybody in Turkey says they believe in God," he said. "But people are persecuting me!"

In a further example of reconciliation, a Palestinian delegate from Hebron (where Abraham is buried) said: "I was one of those who hated the Jews, but Jesus changed my life." A number of Israeli pastors responded by laying hands on him in prayer and offering words of encouragement.

Source: israeltoday

Lees: Moslim gaat naar Mekka - en vindt daar Jezus!

Israël helpt ontvoerde Nigeriaanse meisjes zoeken

Premier Benjamin Netanyahu heeft de Nigeriaanse president Goodluck Jonathan hulp bij de zoektocht naar de ontvoerde meisjes en de strijd tegen de terreur toegezegd. De Nigeriaanse president heeft het Israëlische aanbod aanvaard.

Vorige maand werden 276 Nigeriaanse meisjes uit een school ontvoerd door de islamitische terreurgroep Boko Haram. Maandag werd een video gepubliceerd, waarin de meisjes in islamitische kleding verzen uit de Koran opzeiden (foto). Boko Haram-leider Abubakar Shekau zei in de video, de meisjes vast te houden en te dwingen zich tot de islam te bekeren, totdat de Nigeriaanse regering de gevangen leden van zijn groep vrijlaat.

De regering van de Nigeriaanse president Goodluck Jonathan verwierp de eis, en wendde zich tot de internationale gemeenschap voor hulp. Israël heeft snel op deze oproep gereageerd.

Een regeringswoordvoerder in Abuja zei over de Israëlische steun: 'We zijn verheugd om een sterke partner naast ons te hebben, die uitgebreide ervaring en expertise heeft in de strijd tegen terreur'. Volgens recente berichten helpen Israëlische strijdkrachten al met het verzamelen van inlichtingen en leiden zij Nigeriaanse strijdkrachten bij de aanpak van de dreiging van Boko Haram.

Israël en Nigeria hebben een goede relatie. Er is een gezamenlijke defensie-overeenkomst en Israël heeft Nigeria in het verleden al verkenningsvliegtuigen ter beschikking gesteld.

Read: Israeli Forces in Nigeria in search for 200 abducted Christian girls

Demolition of Israeli/Jewish Outpost in Maalech Rechav'am

Read: Ya'alon is Obsessed with Destroying Judea and Samaria

This is very bad decision of the Israeli government and very sad to watch, because there doesn't exist so-called Palestinian owned land in these areas. There is coming much more awareness with the people around the world, that this area of Judea and Samaria (by the Arabs and the world powers wrongly called Westbank), belongs to the Jewish people and the land of Israel.

MK Feiglin: The Land of Israel Belongs only to the Jewish People

Much more: The God of Israel, the God that chose the Jewish people to be his people, says/said: The land of Israel, is MY land!

Michelle Bachman: Israel can be strong without the US

We really wish and pray, that there were more women like this!

ADL Presents Shocking Global Anti-Semitism Survey

"And in that day will I (God) make Jerusalem a burdensome (heavy) stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth (all the earth’s nations) be gathered together against it (against Israel, against the Jewish people)." Zechariah 12:3

Read: Anti-Semitism Survey

Our comment: We are always shocked and very sad to hear about 'christian' anti-Semitism. and we as Christian Zionists apologise to our Jewish friends for this. One of the main causes of this anti-Semitism out of the church, is the replacement theology that came from the Roman Catholic Church. We reject it, and take distance of it.

dinsdag 13 mei 2014

Israeli Government Minister Eli Ben-Dahan : Jews will Pray on Temple Mount

And we pray that it will happen soon! So we as followers of Yeshua can pray there too!

Christian girls brutally kidnapped and forced to Islam

Answer: Islam/Quran/Hadith/Muslims/Islamics

Please Lord, save them!

Group Films Muslims Dumping Trash on Temple Mount

Muslims claim to consider the Temple Mount a holy site – but they have been caught doing some very unholy things there. From soccer games to picnics to vandalism, Muslims have historically shown little respect for the site.

But a Jewish group that ascended the Mount in recent days observed what may be the most egregious example of Temple Mount desecration yet – the dumping of trash right on the mount, just meters from the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which Muslims claim as their third-holiest site.

The group observed a dump truck about to release its contents, and called police over to intervene. Instead of stopping the truck driver, police filmed the Jewish group, and demanded that they identify themselves. The Jewish group demanded to know the identity of the dumpers, who they said were committing a crime – but to no avail.

Tensions rose and shouting ensued between the police and the Jewish group, while Arabs stood by and observed. Police made no move to stop the Arabs, but began pushing members of the Jewish group off the Mount. Police also refused to identify themselves. Eventually, police detained members of the Jewish group and ushered them off the Mount.

Watch: Dumping trash on the Temple Mount

The Temple Mount is Judaism's holiest site. It is the location of the two Holy Temples of Jerusalem - the latter of which was destroyed by the Romans in 70CE - and according to some Jewish traditions it is the point from which the creation of the world began.

In a recent Knesset debate, MK Moshe Feiglin demanded that Israel act more aggressively to prevent the destruction of Jewish artifacts on the site by the Jordanian Waqf (Islamic trust) on the Mount. "If you will go up with me to the Mount, I'll show you how the remnants of Solomon's Temple and the Temple of the Jews who returned from Babylon are wallowing in ashes," said Feiglin in the debate.

Feiglin called on Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to immediately apply Israeli sovereignty over the Temple Mount, and to halt the destruction of antiquities at the site by the Waqf.

"I call on the government of Israel to stop the discrimination and embarrassment of Jews in entering the Mount and on the site," declared Feiglin. He further called on the government "to allow free access to all Jews to the Temple Mount from every gate, and prayer on the Mount, as required by it being part of the state of Israel, the Jewish state," which stipulates freedom of worship.

Source: Arutz7

MP Hawn of Canada remarks on Yom Ha'zikaron and Yom Ha'atzmaut 2014

Statement by the Honourable Joe Oliver, MP on Yom Ha'atzmaut

The Netherlands: A country which refuses to admit its guilt toward the Jews

Some pro Israel Christians in the Netherlands already did asked Israel and the Jewish people for forgiveness.

May 4 is National Memorial Day in the Netherlands. Originally, it was a remembrance day for the murdered and fallen during Germany’s occupation. In the past few years, the issue of memorializing the dead has been partly diluted and stripped of its significance. In several local memorial meetings, Jews are not mentioned specifically, even if they comprised the majority of local victims.

..... the consistent Dutch refusal to admit the disinterest of the Dutch wartime government and Queen Wilhelmina in exile in London regarding the fate of Dutch Jews. The same goes for the massive collaboration of Dutch bureaucracy with the Germans in the occupied Netherlands.

However much the Dutch try to avoid it, this behavior is not forgotten. In February this year, Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles, wrote a letter to Dutch Deputy Prime Minister Lodewijk Asscher. The text focused on his request that the Dutch government investigate what caused almost 39 percent of the current Dutch adult population to accept the huge lie that Israel is conducting a war of extermination against the Palestinians.

Rabbi Cooper also wrote that it had been brought to his attention “that the Netherlands has neither admitted the negligence of its World War II government and the collaboration of the bureaucracy with German occupiers, nor offered any apologies. I believe the Netherlands is the only occupied country during the war where this is the case.” In his reply to the rabbi, Minister Asscher ignored this issue entirely.

..... parliamentarians Geert Wilders and Raymond de Roon posed parliamentary questions to Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte. They asked him why the Netherlands would not offer apologies to the Jewish community for the country’s misconduct toward the Jews during the Holocaust.

Read the whole article: JPost

Shelly Dadon murdered by Israeli-Arab terrorist group

This is one of the main reasons (for as far as concerned by us) why the Palestinian Islamic Arabs will never get their so-called Palestinian state, or a false two state solution (disaster).

Shelly Dadon, 20, from Afulah, was murdered Thursday, May 1, in a deserted wood near the Migdal Haemek industrial zone in northern Israel, by a gang of Israeli Arabs belonging to an terrorist organization called “The Galilee Liberators.”

She died after multiple stab wounds were inflicted savagely on her upper torso. The killers planted clues at the scene that broadcasted their affiliation. However the local police spoke of “various lines of inquiry’ – a regular cliché they use to play down Palestinian terrorist action.

At this time of year, the police prefer to avoid aggravating Arab-Jewish tensions before Israel’s national Day of Remembrance Day for the Fallen and 66th Day of Independence early next week.

Shelly Dadon was on her way to a job interview in Migdal Ha’Emek. Her murderers may have shadowed her from her home in Afula to her destination, or possibly, grabbed her when she arrived. They would have been familiar with the location.

Source: debka

zaterdag 3 mei 2014

End of the Peace Process

Our comment: It is very plain and simple. But the world powers willingly or unwillingly oversee this. Every Muslim has the obligation, mandated from the Koran and the Hadith, to reconquer every land and ground that has ever been in Islamic hands. This is what everybody knows, when you really understand Islam. So the fantasy of the so-called two state solution, will never happen in the Middle East.