zondag 29 maart 2015

Temple Institute Conduct Passover Offering Drill

In preparation for the upcoming festival of Passover, this past Wednesday (5 Nisan – 25 March) the ‘Priestly Training Academy’ established by the Temple Institute held a Passover offering practice drill that was documented by professional photographers. This was the most accurate and authentic reenactment of this service to have taken place in nearly 2,000 years.

The Temple Institute is currently producing an educational documentary film which will depict the various stages of the Passover offering. A DVD is also in the works for the benefit of yeshivot, seminaries and schools, and all who wish to study the details of this important subject.

The Kohanim who participated in this drill, all true descendants of Aaron, all wore authentic Priestly garments and recited the appropriate ‘blessings’ ( in practice mode) which applied to each stage of the commandment’s fulfillment. The event was accompanied by blasts from silver trumpets, and the song of the Levitical choir.

Other stages of the drill included: examination of the lamb for blemishes, the priests bringing the animal to the Temple courtyard, the shechita and receiving the blood which is brought to the corner of the altar, skinning and separation of the inner parts, and the roasting of the whole lamb as required by the Divine command, in a special Passover oven designed and built for this purpose.


Abbas Calls on Arab States to Attack Hamas

About Ishmael (Arabs, Islamics): "He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone’s hand against him, and he will live in hostility towards all his brothers.’" - Genesis 16:11,12

Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas used the platform of the Arab League summit in Sharm el-Shekh, Egypt, this Saturday to attack his "unity partner" Hamas, making a subtle call for the Arab states to take military action against the Gaza-based Muslim Brotherhood offshoot.

Speaking at the 26th summit in the southern Sinai peninsula, Abbas made reference to the campaign of airstrikes launched last Thursday by Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries against Iran-backed Shi'ite Houthi rebels in Yemen - the Houthis have overthrown the government while rapidly expanding their control.

"I hope that the Arab countries will take the same policy they employed in Yemen for all Arab countries suffering from internal conflict - like Palestine, Syria, Libya and Iraq," Abbas said according to Yedioth Aharonot, in an open jab at Hamas in Gaza.

Making Abbas's comments calling for military intervention in "Palestine" all the more pointed is the fact that just two days earlier, Abbas's adviser on Religious and Islamic Affairs Mahmoud Al-Habbash, who also serves as PA Supreme Sharia (Islamic law) Judge, made similar remarks.

Al-Habbash urged the Arab countries to take action and strike Hamas with an "iron fist," in an open call for military intervention.

Hamas and the PA signed a unity deal last April, which has done little to damper the enmity raging between the rivals ever since Hamas violently seized control of Gaza in 2007 - the most obvious example of the how the deal has not changed tensions was when Hamas tried to stage a coup against the PA in Judea and Samaria last year.

Responding to Al-Habbash, Hamas said the comment is "a dangerous and not nationalist call."


Abbas vraagt Arabisch Liga in te grijpen in Gaza

VU-historicus Bart Wallet maakt Joodse Canon

Een nieuwe website geeft met honderd links, ‘vensters’ een prettig leesbaar en fijn geïllustreerd overzicht van de geschiedenis van de Joodse gemeenschap in Nederland. De Joodse Canon is samengesteld door historicus Bart Wallet in samenwerking met Tirtsah Levie Bernfeld.

Wallet is volgens The Times of Israel ‘one of the leading experts on the Dutch Jewish community’ en het Nieuw Israëlietisch Weekblad noemt hem een ‘wandelende encyclopedie van de Nederlands-joodse geschiedenis’.

In dagblad Trouw legt Wallet uit waarom slechts zes van de honderd vensters over de Tweede Wereldoorlog gaan: ‘Het beeld van de Joden als slachtoffers is wijdverbreid. Daar lopen we niet van weg, maar er is meer: we willen ook de enorme culturele rijkdom en creativiteit laten zien die Joden in al die eeuwen tentoon hebben gespreid.’

Volgens Wallet is ons beeld van de Joden ‘vrij karikaturaal: de Shoah en Israël, verder komen we niet. Wij willen laten zien dat het Joodse verhaal meer is dan die twee dingen’.

De Joodse Canon begint in 1295, met een verhaal over de Jodenstraat in Maastricht, één van de oudste Joodse wijken van Nederland, en eindigt in 2012, met de ‘musealisering’ van de oude Amsterdamse Jodenbuurt in het ‘Joods Cultureel Kwartier’.

Daartussen de bekende verhalen uit de Joods-Nederlandse geschiedenis, zoals de ban van Spinoza door de Amsterdams-Portugese gemeente, de aanstelling van de eerste Joodse minister, Michel Henri Godefroi, de verhalen van het kamp Westerbork en van Anne Frank, maar ook minder bekende verhalen, zoals de instelling van een numerus fixus voor Joden in Leiden, in 1735, en het besluit, in 1817, dat Joden Nederlands moesten leren om beter te integreren.


De Joodse canon

Joodse historie is meer dan Shoah en Israël

"Anti-Semitic" attack on London synagogue

Police arrested six men after a group of 20 or so tried to violently force their way into a London synagogue late Saturday night, according to multiple reports.

In a video posted to YouTube that appears to show the incident, members of the Ahavas Torah synagogue in Stamford Hill can be seen defending themselves with chairs and other objects amid loud cursing and an apparent assault by an unseen group just outside a pair of doors with broken windows.

Reuters reports only one worshipper sustained minor facial injuries defending the building.

It is unclear what kicked off the incident, but police expressed doubt it was a planned attack.

"The incident is being treated as an anti-Semitic incident, due to remarks made by one of the group," London's Metropolitan police said in a statement. "However, there is nothing to suggest it was a planned or targeted attack."

Rabbi Maurice Davis of the Ahavas Torah synagogue, backed up the police statement, telling the BBC: "I think this incident was more anti-social than anti-Semitic."


Joden in Londense synagoge aangevallen

Netanyahu Named Prime Minister, Coalition Talks Begin

Israeli President Reuven Rivlin on Wednesday night received the final results of last week’s elections and promptly tasked Benjamin Netanyahu with forming the next government, effectively naming the latter Israel’s next prime minister.

Netanyahu on Thursday began the first official coalition negotiations, and troubles surfaced almost immediately.

Moshe Kahlon, whose Kulanu Party won 10 seats, suddenly canceled his scheduled meeting with Netanyahu after learning that the ultra-Orthodox parties would be offered key economic positions in the Knesset.

Kahlon ran on a platform of further reforming the Israeli economy, an in particular tackling skyrocketing housing prices. He argues that giving the ultra-Orthodox control over Israel’s purse strings would prevent any meaningful progress.

Naftali Bennett, whose Jewish Home brings 8 seats to the coalition, kept his meeting with Netanyahu, but was adamant he would head to the opposition if not given either the Foreign Affairs or Defense ministries.

Avigdor Lieberman, whose Israel Beiteinu won just 5 seats, has also demanded the Defense Ministry, and has likewise stated his willingness to sit in the opposition should that condition not be met.

Inside Netanyahu’s Likud, senior party members have attacked the smaller potential coalition partners for not being more modest in their demands. The higher ranked of Likud’s 30 Knesset members also insist on being rewarded with ministerial posts.


Netanyahu premier, coalitiegesprekken beginnen

zaterdag 28 maart 2015

End Times Signs: Consequences of Cursing Israel

All these countries with these natural disasters cursed Israel by SUPPORTING and RECOGNISING a PALESTINIAN STATE.


Peru recognises Palestinian state (2011)

Italy & Mexico recognised PA Observer staus UN, are in the process.

U.S. is judged and wrecked with disasters for Obama's Admin. policy against Israel

Animals, birds, fish dying:

Hosea 4

1b There is no faithfulness, no love,
no acknowledgment of God in the land.
2 There is only cursing, lying and murder,
stealing and adultery;
they break all bounds,
and bloodshed follows bloodshed.
3 Because of this the land dries up,
and all who live in it waste away;
the beasts of the field, the birds in the sky
and the fish in the sea are swept away.

zondag 22 maart 2015

Yemen worshipers were cursing Jews when mosque blown up

A video recording of a deadly terrorist attack at a Shiite mosque in Yemen on Friday revealed that worshipers were chanting a slew of hateful slogans just as a suicide bomber detonated himself, killing scores of people.

The bombing, one of three committed in a pair of mosques, was carried out by the Islamic State during weekly prayers. At least 142 people were killed and 351 were wounded in the attacks, carried out in the Shiite rebel-controlled capital city of Sana’a.

The amateur video, hosted and translated by the Arabic media watchdog MEMRI, shows a preacher conducting a sermon at the Houthi al-Hashoosh Mosque, leading the crowd in an impassioned cry against Israel, the United States and Jews.

“Our belief in Allah will increase after today. We will triumph over their deceit and their arrogance. Allah is with us,” the preacher said.

“Death to America. Death to Israel. Curse upon the Jews. Victory to Islam. Allahu Akbar,” the worshipers recited en masse. Then a terrorist roaming among the mosque’s patrons detonated himself, causing a scene of mass panic.


Sjiieten vervloeken Joden en vliegen de lucht in

Obama and the Two State 'Solution' (Disaster).

Obama is dead wrong over the Two State 'Solution' (Disaster).
It is The Road Map to Israel's Destruction! If the U.S. Administration will keep on pushing for Two States, and when it will force Israel to give away Land and Settlements (from the 'westbank', Israel's heartland: Judea and Samaria) to the 'palestinians', America will be literally Split in Two, for Dividing Gods Land.

vrijdag 20 maart 2015

Total Solar Eclipse Timelapse 20th March 2015

Eclipse in The Middle of the 4 Blood Moons

Total Solar Eclipse Timelapse 20th March 2015 (VIDEO)

Acts 2 / Joel 3

17 ‘Adonai says:
“In the Last Days,
I will pour out from my Spirit upon everyone.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your young men will see visions,
your old men will dream dreams.
18 Even on my slaves, both men and women,
will I pour out from my Spirit in those days;
and they will prophesy.
19 I will perform miracles in the sky above
and signs on the earth below —
blood, fire and thick smoke.
20 The sun will become dark
and the moon blood (red)

before the great and fearful Day of Adonai comes.
21 And then, whoever calls on the name of Adonai will be saved.

Revelation 6

12 Then I watched as he broke the sixth seal, and there was a great earthquake, the sun turned black as sackcloth worn in mourning, and the full moon became blood-red.
13 The stars fell from heaven to earth just as a fig tree drops its figs when shaken by a strong wind. 14 The sky receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved from its place.
15 Then the earth’s kings, the rulers, the generals, the rich and the mighty — indeed, everyone, slave and free — hid himself in caves and among the rocks in the mountains,
16 and said to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us, and hide us[a] from the face of the One sitting on the throne and from the fury of the Lamb!
17 For the Great Day of their fury has come, and who can stand?”

Super Full Moon

Unieke zonsverduistering mogelijk van grote profetische betekenis

CNN’s Christiane Amanpour Attacks Netanyahu, ‘Right-Wing’ for Being ‘Racist’ Toward Arabs

The Only true rascists are Islamic Arabs and self proclaimed Islamic Arab 'palestinians'. No Jew can freely live and work or vote in their Islamic Arab countries, as the Arabs in Israel. The Islamic Arabs always keep on wining.an complaining, because they want to take Israel's (God's) Land.

Read: Apartheid=Racist

woensdag 18 maart 2015

dinsdag 17 maart 2015

Bijbel Vs. Koran - Islam Vs. Christendom / Jodendom

Ik zag gisteren het debat tussen Geert Wilders Alexander Pechtold. Daar is veel over te zeggen, maar ik wil mij focussen op een punt dat de heer Pechtold van D66 maakte. Het is een punt dat veel linkse, liberale, en blinde politici al geruime tijd maken. Je hoort het zowel hier in Nederland als bij buitenlandse politici. Het punt is het volgende: Een kleine groep ellendelingen (jihadisten, fanatici, radicalen) heeft de religie, het geloof, van de islam/moslims gekaapt, en maakt het ware geloof van de islam (die volgens hen toch eigenlijk vredelievend is) tot een schande!

Ik weet niet of deze politici dit te doen om op een politiek correcte manier geen onrust onder de moslims te zaaien, of omdat zij dit doen uit totale onkunde en onwetendheid. Men wil maar niet de historische feiten, en de ware aard van deze religie, erkennen. Of ze hebben er geen onderzoek naar gedaan, of het interesseert ze niet.

De Heer Jezus zegt in de bijbel, dat een slechte boom geen goede vruchten kan voortbrengen. Deze gelijkenis is geheel duidelijk. Je moet onderzoeken, wat is de boom? En je moet onderzoeken, wat zijn de vruchten? Het is heel simpel: de slechte boom is in dit geval de islam, die brengt slechte vruchten voort, namelijk het islamitisch terrorisme. Een goede boom bijvoorbeeld, is het Christendom (ook het Jodendom), want die brengt goede vruchten voort, zoals liefde, ontferming, barmhartigheid. Een basis/wortel van die slechte boom, is het islamitische boek de koran. Het Liefdesboek van God is de Bijbel. Het ene boek predikt haat, en het andere boek predikt liefde Ik zeg altijd: Het is een strijd tussen twee boeken; en welke God is de ware God uit die boeken?! Wanneer je dat niet uitzoekt, dan ga je inderdaad dit soort rare punten maken als de heer Pechtold en vele andere politici, die er geen verstand van hebben.

Dan kun je jezelf afvragen, waarom zijn er dan ook zoveel door de wereld benoemde 'gematigde' moslims? Dan zeg ik je eerst bij voorbaat al, dat ze net zo lang gematigd zullen zijn, totdat zij de overhand krijgen in getal, want dan zullen zij al snel omslaan naar onderdrukkers en onderwerpers. Maar dit even terzijde. De zogenoemde gematigde moslims, zijn eigenlijk culturele oftewel traditionele moslims, zij zijn moslim vanaf hun geboorte, omdat hun ouders ook moslim waren of zijn. Culturele en traditionele moslims, weten in het algemeen ook niet veel over de inhoud van hun koran, net zomin als een traditionele rooms-katholiek (of protestant, maakt niet uit) weinig of niets weet van zijn/haar bijbel. Zodra een moslim of moslima echter inhoudelijke koran studie gaat doen, dan radicaliseert zo iemand door de tekst al gauw. En dan krijg je dus een islamitische fundamentalist die gevaarlijk wordt voor onze samenleving. Wanneer iemand echter de bijbel gaat lezen en bestuderen, dan wordt die persoon een volgeling van Jezus Christus, en een liefdevolle modelburger.

Ziet u het verschil tussen de twee boeken, en de twee religies? Daarom zegt Jezus ook, een goede boom zal ook goede vruchten voortbrengen! Ik hoop met dit stukje een beetje een sluier te hebben opgelicht, alhoewel het een ingewikkelde materie is, en moeilijk uit te leggen, zeker voor mensen die deze dingen niet geestelijk kunnen beoordelen of verstaan. Ik heb eens een Joodse broeder horen uitleggen, dat de islam en de koran, moslims in een psychose brengt en doet blijven. En ik denk dat daarin heel veel waarheid schuilt! Helaas. Met de liefde van God, en Jezus Christus, hopen en bidden wij dat nog veel moslims tot de waarheid zullen komen, en de koran mogen verwisselen voor de bijbel, en Allah mogen verwisselen voor Jahweh!

Geschreven door Henoch (17 maart 2015).

Ps. u mag deze tekst vrij kopiëren en verspreiden!

Israeli Elections - Please, don't vote Left !!!

"Then he shall confirm a covenant (of death) with many for one week ..." Daniel 9:27a

Voting for the left parties at the coming Israeli Elections will bring Israel in Great Danger! It will mean a covenant with death, a deal with Iran so it can obtain an atom-bomb, and more land for 'peace'.

Herzog, Livni put Israel's security at risk

If so, God in His great Mercy, will turn the bad for good:

"Your covenant with death will be annulled, And your agreement with Sheol (hell) will not stand." - Isaiah 28:18a

Question about "the covenant"

Special Interview: Binyamin Netanyahu

Jon Voight's Message to the people of Israel

dinsdag 10 maart 2015

ISIS fighter: ‘I was forbidden at the Gates of Heaven'

This fabulous story came from Aleppo, Syria earlier this week. An 32-year old ISIS jihadist has recently experienced clinic death after recieving multiple gun shot wounds in clashes with the Syrian Army forces and left helpless by his fellow fighters at the battlefield.

He was found unconscious by monks of the Saint Dominican Catholic Presbytery of Ayyash hours after his collapse. They carried his body 26 kilometers to give a proper burial before this man came miraculously back to life.

As hecame back to his senses, he reported to priest Hermann Groschlin of the visions he had whilst in the afterlife, an event that profoundly changed him.

“He told me that he was always taught that to die as a martyr would open him the Gates of Jannah, or Gates of Heaven” recalled the priest. “Yet, as he had started to ascend towards the light of the Heavens, devilish entities, or Jinns he called them, appeared and led him to the fiery pits of Hell. There he had to relive all the pain he had inflicted upon others and every death he had caused throughout his entire life. He even had to relive the decapitations of his victims himself”, an experience the jihadist claims will haunt him for the rest of his life.

“Then Angel spoke unto him and told him that he had failed miserably as a human soul, that he would be banned from the Gates of Heaven if he chose to die, but that if he chose to live again, he would have another chance to repent of his sins and walk along God’s path once again”

The young man claims he was brought back to life in moments and eventually converted to Christianity days later,being assured that he had been misled throughout his religious life in the jihadist environment.

The young man, who’s wounds have surprisingly healed in a very short time, has chosen to live amongst the members of the Catholic presbytery who rescued him from the desert and hopes his story will help other ISIS fighters change their ways and convert to the one and only true God.


vrijdag 6 maart 2015

God's Holy Name Carved in the Mountains of Israel

"...But go now to my place which was in Shilo where I set my Name at the first..." - Jeremiah 7:12

The Name of God

woensdag 4 maart 2015

Happy Purim 2015

Chag Purim Sameach

Chuck Missler - Macro Codes in the Book of Esther

dinsdag 3 maart 2015

Tom Deckard Prophecy (2007) - U.S. thwarts an Israeli attack against Iran's nuclear facilities

Obama threatened to fire on Israeli jets attacking Iran
Published today 12:37 Saturday 28/02/2015, 22:33 (Jerusalem

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) – A Kuwaiti newspaper reported Saturday that US President Barack Obama thwarted an Israeli military attack against Iran's nuclear facilities in 2014.

Al-Jarida newspaper quoted "well-placed" sources as saying that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had taken a decision to carry out airstrikes against Iran's nuclear program after consultations with his minister of defense Moshe Yaalon and foreign minister Avigdor Liberman in the presence of top security commanders.

The decision came, according to al-Jarida, after Israel revealed that the United States and Iran had been involved in secret talks over Iran’s nuclear program and were about to sign an agreement in that regard behind Israel's back.

According to the report, Netanyahu and his commanders agreed after four nights of deliberations to task the Israeli army's chief of staff Beni Gants to prepare a qualitative operation against Iran's nuclear program. In addition, Netanyahu and his ministers decided to do whatever they could do to thwart a possible agreement between Iran and the White House because such an agreement is, allegedly, a threat to Israel's security.

The sources added that Gants and his commanders prepared the requested plan and that Israeli fighter jets trained for several weeks in order to make sure the plans would work successfully. Israeli fighter jets even carried out experimental flights in Iran's airspace after they managed to break through radars.

However, an Israeli minister "who has good ties with the US administration revealed Netanyahu's plans to Secretary of State John Kerry" and as a result Obama then threatened to shoot down Israeli jets before they could reach their targets in Iran.

Netanyahu had to abort the operation and since then relations between Israel and the United States have been declining, according to the sources quoted in the report.


Saudi Arabia will allow Israel use of its airspace to strike Iran

Netanyahu Leaves for 'Critical, Historic' Trip to Washington

You don't want the crazy antisemetic Haman's of Iran (Persia) to get a nuclear bomb!