donderdag 27 december 2012

Two State-Solution Lie, the Palestinian Lie

There is NO 'palestinian' people!

Even their own leaders admit that there is no such thing as the 'palestinian' people. Here is the entire quote, please read this carefully:

'The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct 'Palestinian people' to oppose Zionism. For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa. While as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan.'

(PLO executive committee member Zahir Muhsein, in a 1977 interview with the Dutch newspaper Trouw.)"

Israel MUST Built Houses! Read Ezekiel Chapter 36

What to think of Israel's most hidious crime (Cynic),the world community condemns in the strongest of terms, more then the brutal islamic mass-murder on Syrian ground, of building houses on their OWN God given Land!

Lance Lambert - Zegen, vloek of toeval

Lance Lambert, Bijbelleraar uit Jeruzalem en bekend van boeken als Israël is Uniek en Voorbereiding op de wederkomst, maakte samen met Hatikva Film Trust van de Britse filmmaker Hugh Kitson een documentairereeks over Gods bedoelingen met Israël, Zegen, vloek of toeval? Het eerste deel van drie documentaires gaat over Israël als de baarmoeder van het Koninkrijk van God op aarde.

De Heere belooft bescherming voor Zijn verbondsvolk, en de vervulling van Zijn beloften aan hen, in de uitspraak “Ik zal zegenen wie u zegenen, en wie u vervloekt zal Ik vervloeken” (Genesis 12:3). Dit maakt deel uit van het Abrahamitische verbond, waarin de Heere het land Israël gaf aan de nakomelingen van Abraham, Isaak en Jacob als eeuwigdurend bezit. God verklaarde dat zij het volk zouden zijn waarmee Hij Zijn Koninkrijk op aarde zou vestigen.

Wat zien we terug van deze belofte in de geschiedenis? Kunnen we de ontwikkelingen die onze geschiedenis hebben gevormd uitleggen met deze belofte van God? Of is het allemaal louter toeval?

Deel 1 van de reeks Zegen, vloek of toeval? onderzoekt de belangrijkste verbonden in de Bijbel in de context van hun Hebreeuwse wortels, met als hoogtepunt het nieuwe verbond, dat werd bekrachtigd door de dood, begrafenis, opstanding en hemelvaart van onze Here Jezus Christus.

Deze eerste documentaire in deze reeks laat ook zien wat er gebeurt met naties, rijken en individuen die zich keerden tegen Gods oude verbondsvolk en Zijn beloften voor hen, van de exodus uit Egypte tot de val van het Romeinse Rijk.

Bij de dvd wordt een studiegids geleverd met korte Bijbelstudies bij elk hoofdstuk. Deel 2 en 3 van deze reeks zijn nog in de maak.

Bron: CvI

What the Messiah will bring! - The Jerusalem Connection

Voedselpakkettenactie Oekraine

“Dit is mijn troost in mijn ellende: dat uw belofte mij levend maakt.” (Psalm 119:50)

De winter in Oekraine is hard en koud. De lokale autoriteiten in Oekraïne verstrekken in de winter voedsel aan de allerarmsten. Alleen Joden krijgen niets. “Want,” zo zeggen de autoriteiten, “Joden zijn toch rijk en kunnen goed zakendoen, die hebben onze hulp niet nodig”.

Maar helaas leven veel Joden in Oekraine en de hele Voormalige Sovjet-Unie in bittere armoede. Christenen voor Israël biedt hen door het geven van voedselpakketten de zo noodzakelijke steun. Daarbij vertellen we hen over Gods trouw aan Zijn volk, en helpen we de Joodse families bij de terugkeer naar hun thuisland Israël. Ook vele Oekraïense Holocaustoverlevenden ontvangen voedselpakketten, wat ze echt als bemoediging en troost ervaren!

Helpt u Sara en ook vele anderen?

Giften voor een humanitair doel of actie
Bank 529.31.02.52

t.n.v. Christenen voor Israël te Nijkerk
o.v.v. De naam van het project dat u wilt steunen, bijv. Hineni, Gaarkeukens, Voedselpakkettenactie, of dergelijke.

Bron: Christenen Voor Israel

zondag 16 december 2012

Mijn Chanoeka Presentatie

Hanukkah, final day 8, at the Western Wall

How the Israeli Flag Was Chosen?

David Wolffsohn, who attended the First Zionist Congress in 1897, tells the story of the birth of the Israeli flag:

"At the request of our leader Herzl, I came to Basle to make preparations for the Zionist Congress. Among many other problems that occupied me then was one, which contained something of the essence of the Jewish problem. What flag would we hang in the Congress Hall? Then an idea struck me. We have a flag -- and it is blue and white. The Tallit (prayer shawl) with which we wrap ourselves when we pray: that is our symbol. Let us take this Tallit from its bag and unroll it before the eyes of Israel and the eyes of all nations. So I ordered a blue and white flag with the Shield of David painted upon it. That is how the national flag, which flew over Congress Hall, came into being. The blue stripes above and below the Magen David remind us of the Tallit. When we see the Israeli flag, we remember the faith and the prayers of the many generations of Jews who longed for the return to their homeland."

In 1948, after nearly two thousand years of exile, the State of Israel was reestablished as the Jewish homeland. The new flag of the modern state was unfurled at the United Nation in 1949. The flag has been a symbol of the proud return of the Jewish nation to its homeland.

donderdag 13 december 2012

New Fatah logo includes map erasing Israel

The official Palestinian Authority daily published a picture of the official logo chosen by Fatah for celebrations marking the movement's 48th anniversary.

The logo features various symbols, including a map of "Palestine" that includes all of Israel, the number 48, the Palestinian flag, and the slogan for the 48th anniversary: "The state and the victory." The logo features also a white dove (false 'peace' symbol), the Dome of the Rock (to symbolize the reconquering of Jerusalem), and a black-and-white checkered keffiyah in the shape of the whole State of Israel.


Logo van Hamas voor zijn 25ste verjaardag. Commentaar overbodig!

The Beat Goes On around Israel and surrounding nations

Resist Antisemitism

Resist Islamic Antisemitism/Facsism:

Instead, Be an:

Nearly 70 years on, Holocaust survivor reunites with ‘Righteous’ rescuer

Shoshana Golan, left, a Holocaust survivor who changed her name from Rozia Beiman, reunites in New York with Wladyslawa Dudziak, a Pole who passed her off as a family member during the Holocaust.

NEW YORK (JTA) — Even though 67 years had passed since they last saw each other, Wladyslawa Dudziak and Rozia Beiman (Shoshana Golan) reunited as if they hadn’t missed a moment.

Dudziak, 85, was flown to New York last week from Poland to meet with Beiman, whom she had saved from the Nazis more than a half-century before.

Dudziak lived in Lublin during World War II and asked her family to look after Beiman when Beiman’s parents went missing — presumably sent to the nearby Majdanek concentration camp. Although extremely poor, the family hid Beiman in its home and pretended she was a niece until the city was liberated in 1944.

“I still feel like she’s my sister, even though I haven’t seen her in so long,” said Beiman. “I think about her all the time. I trusted their family wholeheartedly during the war. I knew they wouldn’t give me up because they loved my parents.”

On Nov. 21, at Kennedy Airport, Beiman greeted Dudziak and her daughter with flowers. Dudziak, who had never been on a plane before, cried when she saw Beiman.

The reunion was arranged by the Jewish Foundation for the Righteous, a New York organization that provides financial support to hundreds of non-Jews who saved Jewish lives during the Holocaust.

In 1945, Beiman immigrated to Israel with a group of orphaned children and changed her name to Shoshana Golan after meeting her husband, Micha, in the army. The couple live on Kibbutz Gal On, in the northern Negev.

“Shoshana never told me about her past, even though I knew she lost her whole family,” Micha Golan said. “But I remember she used to have nightmares, and only later did she tell me how a Polish family hid her. It’s hard to describe how grateful I am, but I want Wladyslawa to know that our family, our four children, would not be here if it weren’t for them.”

Beiman said that even though she was only 6 when she was hidden, she understood the dangers faced by the Dudziak family in keeping her alive. After she moved to Israel, she kept in contact with the family, sending them packages with basic foods such as coffee, sugar and fruit.

The easiest way to remember the Dudziak family during their time apart was to go to church, Beiman said, since the family taught her Catholic prayers and regularly attended services.

“My mother reminded me to never forget that I was Jewish, and it was difficult to live with that since I was pretending to be Catholic,” Beiman said. “I struggled with understanding God, and still do, but church was a comforting place for me at the time, and still is.”

Read whole article: timesofisrael

Shoshana Golan’s mother, Sara Beiman, holds her daughter just before entrusting her with the Dudziak family. Sara presumably died in Majdanek. (Jewish Foundation for the Righteous via JTA)

Jewish Holiday

European Jewish Parliament slams EU for 'one-sided' condemnation of Israel

Hanukkah in Brussels: Festival of Lights celebrated in Belgian capital

Hanukkah Public Lightning, Rotterdam, The Netherlands:

Anti-Semitic attacks: Israeli ambassador to Denmark warns against speaking Hebrew loudly

This is Awful !!!

Chanukah at the Kotel 2012 / 5773

Standing with Israel also means celebrating with Israel! Below, Sephardi Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar lights the [Hanukkah] menorah in front of the Kotel, the Western Wall, in Jerusalem’s Old City.

dinsdag 11 december 2012

Yes, Turkey Again!!

President Abdullah Gul warns Israel against pursuing E1 settlement construction plans. 'Israel has become a burden to its allies,' he says.

Turkish President Abdullah Gul criticized Israel's plans for settlement construction in the contested E1 area in the West Bank, warning that "Israel is playing with fire."

Gul spoke Tuesday at a press conference in Ankara after meeting Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Turkish news agency Today Zaman reported. Abbas also appealed to the UN Security Council, asking it to force Israel to suspend the construction plans.

Speaking of the UN General Assembly vote, which granted the Palestinian Authority a nonmember state status despite the objection of the US and Israel, the Turkish president said that Israel "Should have sat down at the negotiation table in a peaceful manner" instead of opting for the "aggressive" announcement of its new plans.

Gul warned that Jerusalem's decision was "very dangerous" and that it "Aims at separating Palestinians in the West Bank.


Hanukkah and Yeshua

Joden Europa moeten binnenkort opnieuw vluchten voor hun leven

Jeruzalem, 1948: Joden moeten massaal door de Sionspoort vluchten nadat ze door de Arabieren uit hun huizen zijn verjaagd. 19 jaar later zou Israël een einde maken aan de Arabische bezetting van Oost Jeruzalem.

Messiaanse Jood Jerry Golden gelooft dat de tijd dat de Joden net als in de jaren '30 opnieuw zullen moeten vluchten voor hun leven, ook uit Europa, op ieder moment kan aanbreken. Nu al verlaten steeds meer Joden landen zoals Noorwegen en Zweden, waar het antisemitisme door de massale immigratie van moslims fors is toegenomen. In de rest van Europa is eenzelfde trend zichtbaar, aangewakkerd door de politiek die, zoals recent bleek bij in de VN, steeds vaker door de knieën gaat voor de racistische Palestijns-Arabische anti-Israëlpropaganda. Een nieuwe grote Midden Oosten oorlog lijkt dan ook een kwestie van nog maar weinig tijd.

De allerlaatste Joden gaan Noorwegen verlaten. In Duitsland durven de Joden vanwege het toenemende geweld tegen hen en hun synagogen hun kippots (keppeltjes) niet meer te dragen, een herhaling van de jaren '30 van de vorige eeuw. In Frankrijk, thuis van zowel de grootste Joodse als grootste islamitische gemeenschap in Europa, groeide het antisemitisme het afgelopen jaren met vele honderden procenten. Veel Franse -en ook steeds meer Amerikaanse- Joden kopen huizen en appartementen in Israël, dat velen als hun laatste toevluchtsoord beschouwen.

In Londen werd een nieuwe moskee voor maar liefst 40.000 moslims gebouwd. Net als in Parijs worden complete straten in Londen regelmatig afgesloten omdat duizenden moslims besluiten om demonstratief midden op straat tot Allah te bidden. In beide hoofdsteden grijpt de politie nooit in, uit angst voor nog meer moslimgeweld en om voor racisten uitgemaakt te worden. Hierdoor zijn complete wijken in diverse grote Europese en Amerikaanse steden overgenomen door moslims. Geen agent durft er meer te komen.

Golden begrijpt net als veel Israëliërs niet waarom de regering Netanyahu tijdens het laatste conflict met Hamas niet voor eens en altijd een einde gemaakt heeft aan de Palestijnse terreur. 'We moeten ons niet druk maken over wat de wereld vindt, want dit gaat om ons overleven. In een oorlog is er één winnaar en één verliezer. Wij kunnen het ons niet veroorloven te verliezen, want wij kunnen nergens heen. Als zij winnen dan zullen ze onze vrouwen en kinderen verkrachten en iedereen vermoorden.'

De Messiaanse Jood bereidt zich met zijn boot al jaren voor op het moment dat 'het vuurwerk begint' en de Joden massaal uit Europa moeten vluchten. Als Israël bestookt wordt met duizenden raketten zal er geen luchtverkeer meer mogelijk zijn. De enige manier waarop Joden dan nog in Israël kunnen komen is met een boot.

De verdeling van Israël en Jeruzalem door de VN op 29 november was niets anders als een besluit om de Joodse staat te vernietigen, stelt Golden. 'Maar alle landen die voor 'Palestina' hebben gestemd hebben Gods oordeel over zich afgeroepen. Zacharia 12:9: Te dien dage zal Ik zoeken te verdelgen alle volken die tegen Jeruzalem oprukken.' Hoe erg de vijanden van Israël, de Joden en hun steeds kleiner wordende groep steunbetuigers ook tekeer gaan, 'God zal wonderen verrichten en deze vijanden vernietigen.'

'God heeft Zijn volk, de Joden, veel beloften gedaan, en Hij kan niet liegen. Dus wat er ook gebeurt, als de rook optrekt zal Israël nog steeds bestaan en de enige overgebleven veilige plek ter wereld voor de Joden zijn. God zal hen thuisbrengen, precies zoals Hij heeft beloofd. En als u weet wat ik weet zou u veel liever in Israël dan in Amerika zijn. Er komt namelijk oorlog in de VS, maar op deze plek, de Olijfberg, zal de Messias -Yeshua Ha Mashiach, de grootste Jood ooit- Zijn voeten planten.'

Bron: Xandernieuws

Read: This Time it Looks Bad - Really Bad!

Tsjechië solidair met Israel - Czech Republic Friend of Israel

de Tsjechische premier Petr Necas Israel te zullen blijven steunen binnen de Europese Unie en uitte hij zijn zorgen over het Iraanse nucleaire programma.

Necas ontving in de Tsjechische hoofdstad Praag een Israelische afvaardiging onder leiding van premier Benjamin Netanyahu. De Tsjechische premier zei overeenkomsten te zien tussen het hedendaagse Israel en de situatie van Tsjecho-Slowakije in de jaren dertig. Een klein land omringd door omringd door grootmachten die de staat wilden vernietigen of annexeren. Israel ervaart volgens Necas in het Midden-Oosten een vergelijkbare situatie.

Necas stelde dat het belangrijk is om bezorgdheid te blijven uiten over het Iraanse nucleaire programma en dat Tsjechië binnen Europa elk voorstel tot boycot van Israel te zal afkeuren. Tomas Kraus, directeur van de Federatie van Joodse gemeenschappen binnen de Tsjechische republiek, hoopt dat Tsjechië kan leren van Israel als succesvol gebleken land voor startende bedrijven. Necas en Netanyahu gaven aan dat zij elkaar bekijken als interessante handelspartner en wensen ook samenwerking op het gebied van veiligheid na te streven.

Bron: CIDI

Read: Netanyahu thanks Czech Republic for support

Czech Republic:

Israel's supporters blow horns in front of government headquarters Czech Republic


Netanyahu: "Where is the Outrage that Hamas Openly Seeks Our Destruction?"

picture edited by Henoch

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu met with representatives of the foreign media in Israel on Monday, denouncing the hypocrisy that has come to dominate the international community’s handling of the Arab-Israeli conflict.

“This weekend Hamas leaders openly called for Israel’s destruction. Where was the outrage? Where was the UN? Where was Abbas?” Netanyahu demanded. “Why did Palestinian diplomats not only remain silent in the face of these calls, but spoke of the intention to unite with Hamas?”

“There was only deafening silence,” asserted the prime minister.

“We cannot accept that the international community has no problem denouncing Israeli intentions of building Jewish homes in the nation’s historic capital of Jerusalem but remains silent as Palestinian leaders openly call for Israel’s destruction,” Netanyahu said.

“But Israel will not remain silent. We will continue to defend our rights against those who seek to deny our past and delete our future,” he continued. “We will continue to tell the truth about our rights in this country and will continue to defend ourselves against our enemies who seek our destruction.”

Netanyahu said there were five main issues with which he dealt during the four years of his term – Iran, which he brought to the world’s consciousness, was the first. As far as the second, the threat of missiles is concerned, he noted that Hizbullah quadrupled irs store of missiles to 60,000 since signing UN Resolution 1701 which ended the Second Lebanon War and was supposed to prevent that buildup. On the other hand, Hamas now has half of the number of missiles it had just one month ago, down from 10,000 to 5000 due to the recent IDF operation. He praised Israel’s Iron Dome, later jokingly calling the kippah he placed on his head as Minister Yuli Edelstein lit the Hanukkah candles, his own Iron Dome.

After reporting on the other major issues of his term, cyber warfare, infiltration and attempts to start negotiations with the PA, Netanyahu good humoredly fielded several questions from the audience.

Source: Israel & Stuff

Our Comment: What If ...... Netanyahu and IDF-Staff came out of a giant Sidewinder-Rocket which they did shoot at Gaza-terrorcells? Then the UN with other world-thugs and anti-Israel-antisemites would immediatly arrange a world-press-announcement condemning Israel for doing so. Now Islamic death-sqaud Hamas does so from their stage with a symbol of a Jew-killing rocket and ...... NOBODY SAYS A THING!

maandag 10 december 2012

We Are Synonymous with Israel - We are the Movement against BDS

Hey, all you BDS ‘Boycott Israel’ Muslim and Leftist Jew-haters…..

Keep it up. You are contributing to more Israeli economic success than it’s ever had before.

WHAT IS BDS? The global movement for a campaign of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel until it gives up all the land that rightfully belongs to the state of Israel was initiated by Arabs of Palestine in 2005, and is coordinated by the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), established in 2007. BDS is a strategy that allows Jew-haters from every walk of life to play a role in destroying the Jewish state and giving its land to a people who have only been known as Palestinians since 1967.

The group called ‘We are Synonomous’ is made up mainly of Christians and Jews who counter the boycott and protest activities of anti-Israel groups who try to shut down stores and businesses that do business with Israel or carry Israeli-made goods. ‘We are Synonomous’ says, “If you threaten to boycott an Israeli Business, we will move in and make them profitable, whether we need what they are selling, or not.”


Remarks Netanyahu on Hamas anniversary 'party'

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,(Sunday, 9 December 2012), made the following remarks at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting:

"Yesterday we were re-exposed to our enemies' true face. They have no intention of compromising with us; they want to destroy the state. They will fail, of course; in the annals of the history of our people, we – the Jewish People – have overcome such enemies.

But it is interesting that Abu Mazen has issued no condemnation, not of the remarks about the destruction of Israel, just as previously he did not condemn the missiles that were fired at Israel. To my regret, he strives for unity with the same Hamas that is supported by Iran.

We in the Government have no illusions. We want a true peace with our neighbors. But we will not close our eyes and stick our heads in the sand. We are not prepared to repeat the same mistake of a unilateral withdrawal and withdrawals that, in effect, led Hamas to take control of Gaza. I have always been astonished at the delusions of others who are prepared to continue this process and call it peace. You would hand over more territory, in this case in Judea and Samaria that controls Israel's cities, to the same people and the result, of course, will be a Gaza on the outskirts of Tel Aviv, Hadera and Kfar Saba.

Therefore, we must – and are capable of – standing against this. We will also withstand the international pressure, were it not for which, we would not have reached this point. Today, this is what is required from leadership in Israel – to have no illusions, to stand up for the vital interests of the State of Israel and to rebuff the pressure to bring Gaza into every home in Israel. This is what we are doing and will continue to do."

"Palestine - from the [Jordan] river to the [Mediterranean] sea, from the north to the south [i.e. all of Israel] - is our land... Palestine was and still is Arab and Islamic... Jerusalem is our eternal capital... Israel has no right to Jerusalem." (head of hamas)

"They have said, 'Come, and let us wipe them out as a nation, that the name of Israel be remembered no more." (Psalm 83)"

ISAIAH 60:18 says, "No longer will VIOLENCE (Hamas, חָמָס ) be heard in your land, nor ruin or destruction within your borders, but you will call your walls Salvation (Yeshua, יְשׁוּעָה) and your gates Praise."

Psalm 2; Joel 3:1-2; Amos 9:15

Our Comment: Meshaal must repent, convert, and turn to Yeshua, or else he will reap what he preaches and sow himself: death & hell.

zaterdag 8 december 2012

Chag Sameach Hanukkah from Henoch's Christian-Zionists Blog

Gezegend Chanoekah gewenst!

Van Henoch & Marcel-Benjamin


Celebrate Yeshua and the
Festival of Lights.

'I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.'"  (John 8:12)

On the Hanukkah menorah (called a hanukkiah), the shamash (servant candle)
sits higher than the other eight candles and is used to light them.
Yeshua said: Even as the Son of man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many.”
What a wonderful picture of how Yeshua, the Light of the World,
gives us the "light of life," through Ruach HaKodesh (the Holy Spirit).

Tonight is the first night of Hanukkah

All over the world, the Jewish People will be lighting their hanukkiahs (Hanukkah menorahs) in remembrance of the miracles that God performed about 2200 years ago in the Holy City of Jerusalem.

The first miracle was God's deliverance.

After years of being oppressed by the Syrian/Greeks, who desecrated the Holy Temple by sacrificing a pig on the altar, enforced idol worship, and forbade Jews from reading and following the Torah.

God delivered the Jewish people through Jewish priest name Mattathias and his sons who led a small group of Jewish men to rise up against the 25,000 soldiers of the Syrian/Greek army.

When the Jewish priests entered the Temple to re-dedicate it and light the Menorah, only one small bottle of oil was found — enough to last only one day.

Miraculously, that tiny supply of oil lasted eight full days.  

This second miracle gave the priests enough time to create more sanctified oil to keep the Temple Menorah burning, as it had to be lit 24 hours a day.

In the Brit Chadashah (New Testament), Yeshua was at the Holy Temple on Hanukkah when He was asked directly, "Are you the Messiah?"

"Then came the Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah) at Jerusalem It was winter and Yeshua (Jesus) was in the Temple area walking in Solomon’s Colonnade.  

"The Jews gathered around him, saying, 'How long will you keep us in suspense?  "If you are the Messiah, tell us plainly.'”   (John 10:22-23)

A father lights the hanukkiah (eight-branched menorah) with his child.

We will be thinking of YOU Tonight, as we light the first candle
on the hanukkiah.  Let us Rejoice in God's miracles of Hanukkah
and the miracles that He is doing today in our lives.

May your holiday season be illuminated with the
Light of the World — Yeshua HaMashiach.