vrijdag 29 april 2011

Something else about Japan !

March 15, 2011 Wake up world! Japan Against Israel = Curse by God on Japan

The countries of the world are blind to spiritual realities that are as the laws of physics inviolable.

Ever since the establishment of the State of Israel in May 15, 1948 the Lord God, Jesus Christ, is devoted to the gathering of His chosen people Israel back to the land He promised the patriarchs.

It is the ignorant nations of the world that are proceeding as if God did not exist and His Word was not valid. The nations are taking a position against Israel that places them and the people involved in God’s Judgment.

The Apocalypse is about to start and it will involve the whole world in its destruction.

Japan took a position against Israel on the one year ago anniversary of the day that the Earthquake happened. This is the latest example of the Genesis 12:3 I will bless those who bless you and whoever curses you I will curse. This promise made to Abraham will cause a lot of suffering to those nations that go against the Will of God.

Several books have been written documenting this promise to Abraham.

The Israel Omen by: S. Douglas Woodward

As America has done to Israel by: John P. McTernan

Eye to Eye by: William Koenig

Source: twelvebooks.wordpress.com

(15 March 2011)

"Japan, The Earthquake, The Timing"

March 11, 2011

The Government of Japan deplores the decisions of the Government of Israel to give permission for the construction of 1,600 housing units in East Jerusalem in addition to 112 units in West Bank just after the Israeli and Palestinian leadership’s acceptance of the start of indirect talks. The Government of Japan does not recognize any act that prejudges the final status of Jerusalem and the territories in the pre-1967 borders. Japan demands that the plans should not be implemented.

The Government of Japan continues to request strongly that both parties will act in a way that enhances mutual confidence. Japan sincerely hopes that the indirect talks in the peace process will swiftly develop into the resumption of direct talks between the two parties. Official statement: http://www.mofa.go.jp/announce/announce/2010/3/0311_01.html

Ironically the same day a catastrophic 9.0 Earthquake struck off the cost of Japan triggering a Tsunami that devastated whole cities in moments, death toll estimates could reach tens of thousands. Now Japan is in even more trouble as they are struggling to keep 3 Nuclear Reactors from total Meltdown. The earthquake according to scientists and Seismotologists, was so powerful it shifted the Axis of the Earth and moved the entire Isand of Japan 18 feet.

Source: www.fivedoves.com

Did Japan apologize for their war crimes?


When compared with Germany, Japan has never apologized for their war crimes. They have recently paid some money to Korean 'comfort girls,' and have contributed money to countries they ravaged, such as the Philippines and Malaysia, but without admitting any guilt. They are, as a culture, in denial about the terrible crimes they committed against nations they controlled in the 'Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere', against populations and individuals, including western POWs. When any attempt is made to discuss this, they become highly embarrassed.

Our comment:

Allthough these bad things, there is grace for the Japanese people, when they will turn to the Lord!

Read our: Jesus/Yeshua Loves Japan and the Japanese People

Update: Video of bro. Frank