dinsdag 24 januari 2012

Nieuwsuur 19 Jan '12 - Interview premier Benjamin Netanyahu

Our Comment: Stupid leftist biased and one-sided questions of anchorwoman Mariëlle Tweebeeke. We also do not agree with Netanyahu that the land must be devided and given away more then it is now to get ´peace´. It will not work, it is wishfull thinking of the Israelies, they even don´t have try. Rather build on the houses in Judea & Samaria in a very rapid rate on their God given Land, the Mountains of Israel!

What the ´palestinian´ islamic arabs really want, is fortold prophetically in the Tenach, Psalm 83 verse 3, 4 and 12.

They (Arabs, ishmaelites, islamic muslims) concoct crafty plans against your (Gods) own people (the Jewish people); they plot against the people you favor.

“Come on,” they say, “let’s wipe them (the Jews) out (destroy them) as a nation! Let the name Israel be remembered no more!” (be blotted out, and be changed in a jew-free land named ´palestine´)

Who (the so called ´palestians´) say, “We will take for our own, the land (Israel, the land that was given by God to the Jewish people as a eternal inheritance) that belongs to God.” (the God of Israel, not Il-Allah of the Islam)