donderdag 16 juni 2011

Nazi German Third Reich bans on religious slaughter (shechita), first anti-Jewish Laws implemented in 1933

Germany banned shechita three months after Hitler came to power in 1933, and a ban was enforced in Poland with the Nazi invasion in 1939.

Bans introduced by the German Third Reich and by Mussolini were removed by Allied Command when the Allies liberated Europe.

"One of the first enactments of the Nazis in 1933 was to outlaw the Jewish method of slaughter,"
said Rabbi Yehuda Brodie, registrar of the Manchester Beth Din.

The Nazi propaganda film Der ewige Jude (The Eternal Jew), designed to sow hatred for Jews, contains one scene that utterly distorts the way animals are killed in accordance with Jewish law, depicting Jews as rejoicing in the suffering of animals.