woensdag 1 mei 2013
14th Plenary Assembly of the World Jewish Congress
The 14th Plenary Assembly of the World Jewish Congress will be held in Budapest, from 05-07 May 2013, to discuss matters of importance to the Jewish people globally, including the alarming rise of neo-Nazi political parties in several European and other countries, and the situation in the Middle East.
500 delegates and observers from the WJC’s affiliated Jewish communities and organizations in 100 countries are expected to convene in the Hungarian capital. Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, Germany’s Foreign Minister Westerwelle, Hungarian Archbishop Péter Erdő, as well as various special envoys to the Middle East will address the gathering. Delegates will also elect a new WJC Executive for the next four years. The event is organized in cooperation with the Federation of Jewish Communities of Hungary (MAZSIHISZ).
Source: WJC