vrijdag 7 juni 2013
Al-Qaida leader calls for Jihad against Israel
Al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahri urged Syrians to unite to bring down President Bashar Assad and thwart what he said were US plans to set up a client state in Syria to safeguard Israel's security.
In a 22-minute recording, posted on Islamist websites on Thursday to mark 65 years since Israel's founding, Zawahri also said the only way to solve the Palestinian problem was through Jihad (Islamic holy war). "There is no solution for Palestine except Jihad," Zawahri said.
"Every free Muslim in Palestine should unite with his Muslim brothers to implement Sharia (Islamic law) and rule by it, and make it a reference above all references, and to liberate Palestine in order to set up an Islamic state, even if the West hates that and calls it terrorism and extremism," he added.
Source: JerusalemPost
Commentaar Remko [fb]: Al Qaida leider Zawahiri roept op om Assad af te zetten en een jihad te voeren tegen Israel. Het westen steunt de oppositie tegen Assad en daarmee helpen ze dus al Qaida. Snapt u het nog ? Ik niet in ieder geval. Ja, Assad is een dictator en vijand van Israel. Het alternatief is echter levensgevaarlijk. Dat alternatief is een land geregeerd door die hard islamisten. (die Israel willen vernietigen).