dinsdag 11 juni 2013
Min. Bennett: Middle East is Falling Apart
"I see no peace on the horizon. We know the truth,” said Economic Minister and Bayit Yehudi head, weighing in on the public feud between Justice Minister Tzipi Livni and Deputy Defense Minister Danny Danon.
"The entire Middle East is falling apart before our eyes, and none of [the forces at play] is registering to the Zionist Federation,” he said acerbically.
Livni said Monday that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has to make a decision in the diplomatic sphere, and that he must put an end to the phenomenon she termed “Danonism.” The term refers to Deputy Defense Minister Danny Danon, who has spoken out against the idea of a Palestinian state.
“Look at the government: there was never a government discussion, resolution or vote about the two-state solution,” Danon had said. “If you will bring it to a vote in the government — nobody will bring it to a vote, it’s not smart to do it — but if you bring it to a vote, you will see the majority of Likud ministers, along with the Jewish Home [party], will be against it.”
Source: ArutzSheva
Read: Bennett receives death curse (Pulsa Dinura) over non-Haredi policies