woensdag 23 februari 2011

Earthquake Shakes Up Suez Canal as Iran Warships Approach

“An earthquake measuring 5.9 on the Richter scale shook up residents at the entrance to the Suez Canal early Monday morning, 48 hours before two Iranian ships, a frigate and a supply vessel, are expected to enter the canal. The National Institute for Astronomical and Geophysical Research reported that tremors from the 3 a.m. quake lasted for 27 minutes, but caused no damage.The ships had originally been expected to enter the Suez today (Monday), but Egyptian officials announced the delay this morning, without explanation.

Is there something God likes to say or wants to warns us for???

Read also: From Arutz Sheva

An aerial view of the Suez Canal

Emergency and Disaster Information Service Map

"Toen Hij (Jezus/Yeshua) op de Olijfberg (ten oosten van Jeruzalem) gezeten was, kwamen zijn discipelen alleen tot Hem en zeiden: Zeg ons wanneer zal dat geschieden, en wat is het teken van uw komst en van de voleinding der wereld? En Jezus antwoordde en zeide tot hen: Want volk zal opstaan tegen volk, en koninkrijk tegen koninkrijk, en er zullen nu hier, dan daar, hongersnoden en aardbevingen zijn." (uit: Mattheüs 24)