vrijdag 30 november 2012

Iran is building a big nuclear bomb, confirm inspectors

Iranian Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant where the Satanic Islamic Ayatollah's are building their Bomb for the Destruction of Israel. But it will fall on their own heads!

For the handful of people who might still believe Iran's nuclear program is benign, an Associated Press report confirmed by inspectors with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) revealed that not only is Iran building a nuclear bomb, it is building a big one.

Earlier this week, the AP reported on diagrams it had obtained showing calculations for "nuclear explosive yield." The desired payload was 50 kilotons.

IAEA officials who spoke to the news agency confirmed that the diagram was the same as the one discovered by inspectors recently at an Iranian nuclear facility.

The IAEA included the diagram in a report on Iran's nuclear program, but some in the international community continued to downplay the possibility that Iran was seeking atomic weapons.

According to the AP report, more than a few IAEA officials are frustrated by the way the Western powers are handling what is clearly a very dangerous and urgent situation.

One of the inspectors noted that the diagram could not possibly be construed as anything other than plans for a weapon, debunking all Iranian claims that its nuclear program is for civilian purposes only.

It should also be pointed out that if all Iran wanted to achieve was a demonstration that it had nuclear capabilities, it could do so with a much smaller bomb. Fifty kilotons is three times the explosive yield of the bombs that destroyed the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in World War II.

A bomb that large is likely intended for use against an enemy.

Source: IsraelToday

Lees: Inspecteurs bevestigen: Iran bouwt groot kernwapen

UN births never-before-seen state of Palestine

Terrorist wolve in sheep-clothing Abu Mazen (Abbas) and antisemitic UN targetting the souvereign State of Israel

The United Nations General Assembly on Thursday voted overwhelmingly in favor of recognizing a new sovereign nation that has never before existed in the annals of history: Palestine.

The Palestinian Authority's motion to upgrade its status at the UN to that of a non-member observer state passed by a vote of 138-9. Those voting against the resolution were: Israel, the United States, Canada, the Czech Republic, Panama, the Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru and Palau.

The motion is largely symbolic, as General Assembly resolutions are not legally binding. However, that symbolism is enough to change the face of the Middle East conflict. And those involved knew full well what they were doing, and tried to make the event resemble as closely as possible a similar vote 65 years earlier that gave brought about the establishment of the State of Israel.

Most importantly in the short term is the fact that "Palestine" can now obtain membership at the International Criminal Court, where is it certain to file regular lawsuits against Israel. The Palestinians' new status will also greatly complicate Israel's ability to act against terrorism emanating from Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip.

Despite these complications, and the symbolism of the motion, Israeli Ambassador to the UN Ron Prosor declared from the General Assembly podium that nothing can negate the Jewish people's 4,000-year-old bond with its ancestral and biblical homeland.

In the Palestinian-controlled territories, there was a mixture of responses. Many rejoiced, and saw the vote as the "birth of Palestine." But others noted that only political activists were joined the celebrations, and that the bulk of the public will not be happy until "Palestine" replaces Israel on the map.

"We don't want [the] '67" borders, a Palestinian university student told The Times of Israel. "We want all of Palestine [sic]."

Others said that as long as the move "annoyed the Jews" then is was positive, and a good first step toward one day taking all of the land.

Source: IsraelToday

Lees: VN baart nooit eerder geziene Staat Palestina

Israeli Ambassador Prosor: I heard a speech 'full of hate'

We hate the biased inquisitioners of CNN and their ungodly immoral questioning. The comparisson between the IRA and Hamas makes us sick; because that's so out of it. Go you sit down and talk with you're murderers CNN! Before you try to talk your head will be chopped off!

Palestijnen: 'Fatah en Hamas samen, dan zullen we Israel vernietigen'

Hierom verhoogt de VN de status van het niet-bestaande 'palestina'!

UN vote recognizes state of Palestine

UN vote recognizes state of Palestine; US objects; Netherlands abstains

Our Comment: We think the world-leaders, countries/nations (Psalm 2) have become totally blinded and retarded / completely mad over this whole 'palestinian'-bid/upgrade at the UN, and the fata-morgana and utopia of the idea of a nation called Palestine. Today in the news a so called 'palestinian' rejoicing citizin expressed the true goal and purpose of these Islamic/arab people. He said before camera without shame or hesitation: "I hope/pray, Allah willing, Fatah and Hamas will become one, so we can destroy Israel." Now you have your answer! The UN and all those who have voted for this upgraded-status of a non-existing (non-negotiated) 'palestine', are eagerly willing and responsible to coorporate for the next Jewish genocide and purpose to come against Jerusalem and Israel (Read Zechariah 12:1-9) for it's destruction. But the God of Israel - our God, through Yeshua Hamashiach - shall deal with these nations the same as that nations dealt with Israel, so their judgement will be swift and sure! We are a little glad my country The Netherlands abstained from this crazy UN-vote, but their view of a two-state-solution is just as bad.

woensdag 28 november 2012

Billboards in Gaza thank Iran

The Devil's dark evil unclean religious demons working through the spirit of antichrist in Islam and in those people! We pray that they will repent of their sins and convert to Yeshua HaMashiach, before hellfire gets them!

A Truce? Message of Anti Christ/Messiah; Islam

dinsdag 27 november 2012

Crisis in the South: Federation Respite Days - Jewish Agency

DNA- en historisch bewijs dat de Joden geen Khazaren zijn

Het staat onomstotelijk vast dat de huidige Joden wel degelijk 'echte Joden' zijn en géén Khazaren, zoals Israëlhatende antisemieten beweren.

De Joodse Tempel heeft nooit bestaan.' 'Jezus was een Palestijn.' 'De Joden zijn geen Semitisch volk maar Khazaren, dus zijn het eigenlijk geen echte Joden.' 'De Palestijnen stammen af van de Kanaänieten en Filistijnen.' Zomaar een paar absurde beweringen die door Arabieren, Palestijnen, hun steunbetuigers en ook door kerken en christenen vaak worden gebruikt om de historische band van het Joodse volk met Israël te ontkennen. Daarbij negeren zij echter keihard historisch én genetisch (DNA) bewijs dat het huidige Joodse volk wel degelijk de 'enige echte' Joden uit de Bijbel zijn.

De Arabische/islamitische wereld is er de afgelopen tientallen jaren goed in geslaagd de geschiedenis en werkelijke wortels van het conflict met de Joodse staat Israël te herschrijven. Hierdoor is de sympathie van de wereld voor de Joodse staat na de jaren '70 goeddeels verdwenen en is de Palestijnse versie in zowel Amerika, Europa als de VN inmiddels breed geaccepteerd.

Joden eigenlijk geen Semieten?

Eén van de meest gemene pogingen om de Joden uit de geschiedenis van het Midden Oosten en in het bijzonder Israël te schrijven is de bewering dat de Joden eigenlijk helemaal geen Joden of Semieten zijn. De Palestijns-Arabische lutheraanse priester dr. Mitri Raheb, aan wie die dit jaar de prestigieuze Duitse mediaprijs werd toegekend, is één van de bekendste promotors van deze theorie.

In 2010 beweerde Raheb op een conferentie in Bethlehem zelfs dat het huidige 'Israël' eigenlijk van het 'Rome' uit de Bijbel afstamt alleen de voorvaders van de Palestijnse christenen destijds in het Bijbelse heilige land woonden. Met andere woorden: de huidige Joden in Israël zijn niets anders dan wrede veroveraars en beroven de 'echte' Semitische afstammelingen, de Palestijnen, van 'hun' land.

Raheb baseerde zich op een onbewezen, eeuwenoude theorie die sinds de vroege jaren '90 echter grondig en met wetenschappelijk bewijs is weerlegd. Deze theorie luidt dat de meerderheid van de huidige Joden met een Europese of Ashkenazi achtergrond niet de afstammelingen van Semitische voorouders uit het Midden Oosten zijn, maar van Turkse nomadenstammen, de Khazaren, uit Centraal Azië, die zich ergens in de 9e eeuw tot het Jodendom bekeerden.

Joden 'vervangen' door Palestijnen en/of christenen

Deze vervangingstheologie -waarin de Palestijnen en/of de christenen de Joden vervangen- werd gepopulariseerd in het boek 'De Dertiende Stam' (1976) van Arthur Koestler, die zich net als Raheb baseerde op ontkrachte rassentheorieën die werden bedacht om de Joden van hun voorouderlijke land te beroven. Rahebs en Koestlers theorieën worden vandaag de dag door Joden- en Israëlhaters, neonazi's en moslims maar al te graag als 'feiten' aangehaald. Hun gezamenlijke doel: het ontkennen, wegredeneren of in het geval van moslims zelfs letterlijk vernietigen van de Joodse staat Israël.

Het Khazaren Rijk duurde van de 7e tot de 10e eeuw en bevond zich ten noorden van de Zwarte Zee, de Kaukasus en de Kaspische Zee (heden ten dage Oekraïne en West Rusland). Op zijn hoogtepunt was dit imperium net zo groot als het Byzantijnse Rijk en het islamitische Kalifaat. In de 9e eeuw maakte koning Plan het Judaïsme tot de officiële religie van de Khazaren.

Sommige historici denken dat alleen de Koninklijke familie en de aristocratie zich tot het Judaïsme bekeerden. Anderen denken dat veel gewone Khazaren hun voorbeeld volgden. Er bestaan hoe dan ook historische referenties -zowel Joodse, christelijke als islamitische- dat Khazaren inderdaad Joden werden.

Khazarentheorie = Antisemitisch racisme

De stelling dat de meeste moderne Joden van deze Khazaren afstammen komt echter voort uit populaire 19e eeuwse racistische theorieën die later werden gepromoot door bekende antisemieten zoals Henry Ford. Er waren zelfs enige geassimileerde Joodse 'intellectuelen', die niets moesten weten van een aparte plaats voor hun volk -laat staan van een eigen Joods thuisland- die de Khazarentheorie onderschreven en stelden dat de huidige Joden niets anders zijn dan een bonte verzameling mensen uit verschillende volken, ondanks het feit dat historisch en archeologisch bewijs ook toen al het tegendeel liet zien.

Joden zijn GEEN Khazaren

De Joodse non-historicus en journalist Arthur Koestler trok zich in zijn boek 'De Dertiende Stam' dan ook uitsluitend verkeerde conclusies die waren gebaseerd op foutieve identificaties en bewuste verdraaiingen. Koestler dacht naïef genoeg dat hij kon aantonen dat de meeste Joden geen Semieten zijn en er daarom geen reden was voor 'antisemitisme'. Het gevolg was dat zijn boek juist door Joden- en Israëlhaters werd omarmd en nog steeds breed geciteerd wordt alsof het om een wetenschappelijk erkend werk gaat.

De vraag of de meerderheid van de Ashkenazi Joden die voor de Holocaust in Polen en andere Oost Europese landen leefden en nu de meerderheid van de Joden uitmaken de afstammelingen van de Turkse Khazarenstammen zijn kan even duidelijk als ondubbelzinnig met 'NEE' worden beantwoord.

Joden als sinds Romeinse Rijk in Europa

Lang voor de Khazaren zich tot het Judaïsme bekeerden, in Oost Europa arriveerden of zelfs maar bestonden kwamen er namelijk al een aanzienlijk aantal Joodse gemeenschappen in Europa voor. Al sinds de dagen van het Romeinse Rijk hebben er Joden in de Balkanlanden, de Krim, ten noorden van de Zwarte Zee en in de Kaukasus gewoond. Archeologische opgravingen hebben aangetoond dat er op het Tamam schiereiland in de Zwarte Zee al sinds het jaar 51 n.C. een Joodse gemeenschap was en sinds de 3e eeuw in Hongarije en Bulgarije.

Gevlucht van Centraal naar Oost Europa

Historisch- en ander bewijs laat zien dat de meerderheid van de Oost Europese Joden afstammelingen zijn van de Joden uit Centraal Europa (Duitsland, Bohemen en Moravië), wier voorouders uit Rome en daarvoor uit het Midden Oosten waren getrokken. In historische verslagen uit de Middeleeuwen is te lezen hoe de Joden al in de 11e eeuw uit Centraal Europa naar Oost Europa vluchtten als gevolg van de kruistochten. Tussen de 13e en 16e eeuw gingen veel Joden vooral in Polen wonen omdat de Poolse heersers relatief tolerant waren en hen zowel bescherming als vrijheid van religie en bezit boden.

Migratie Joden gedocumenteerde historie

In de 14e en 15e eeuw werden Joden uit veel landen verdreven en vonden in Polen een veilige vluchthaven. Uit oude documenten blijkt bijvoorbeeld dat Joden al in de 14e eeuw land bezaten bij de stad Wroclaw (Breslau). In 1575 leefden er al 150.000 Joden in Polen, dat daardoor het hartland van de Ashkenazi Joden werd. Veel Joden hadden generaties oude achternamen waaruit duidelijk hun afkomst bleek: Bachrach (Bacharach), Frankfurter (Frankfurt), Landau (Landau), Mintz (Mainz), Shapiro (Speyer), Wiener (Wenen).

In tegenstelling tot de Khazarentheorie over de oorsprong van de Ashkenazi Joden is de migratie van Joden van Centraal naar Oost Europa wél een gedocumenteerd historisch feit. Bovendien is er nog ander bewijs dat definitief een einde maakt aan alle speculaties. Ironisch genoeg was het juist dit bewijs waar Raheb naar verwees dat al zijn veronderstellingen onderuit heeft gehaald.

DNA bewijst: Joden zijn 'echte Joden'

Uit modern genetisch onderzoek door moleculaire biologen blijkt dat specifieke etnische volken en groepen uniek genetisch materiaal bezitten, dus uniek DNA. Dit geldt voor bijvoorbeeld de 'Ethiopiërs', de 'Slaven', de "Turken' en ook voor de 'Joden'. Dankzij deze genetische bevindingen kunnen historici heden ten dage nauwkeurig bepalen waar volken en etnische groepen in het verleden hebben geleefd.

Uit meerdere DNA studies naar de wereldwijde Joodse gemeenschap blijkt dat de meeste Ashkenazi én andere Joden dezelfde 'Joodse' genetische kenmerken bezitten en dat ze nauw verbonden zijn met Semitische groepen. Met andere woorden: de Semitische / Midden Oosten oorsprong van de meeste Joden, inclusief die in Oost Europa, is daarmee bevestigd.

Hoewel een minderheid van de Joden van Khazaren afkomst kan zijn is dus overduidelijk bewezen dat de stelling dat de meeste Joden niet Semitisch zijn maar Khazaren vals is. Veel Joden- en/of Israëlhaters, waaronder ook christenen, zullen het ongetwijfeld niet leuk vinden, maar de hedendaagse Joden zijn dus wel degelijk dezelfde 'Joden' als in de Bijbel.

Iedereen kan Jood worden

In de Joodse gemeenschap zelf zijn dit soort discussies overigens totaal irrelevant, vooral omdat de Joden geen 'zuivere bloedlijn' en 'rassenleer' kennen. Door alle eeuwen heen hebben Joden mensen van allerlei volken en rassen tot hun geloof verwelkomd. Ruth was een Moabitische, werd een Jodin van de stam Juda en zelfs een voorouder van Koning David en zelfs Jezus. Na de nederlaag van Haman -zoals beschreven in het boek Esther- bekeerden veel Perzen zich tot het Judaïsme.

Op dezelfde wijze is er enig Khazaars DNA in de Joodse genen terechtgekomen - maar wat zou dat? Iedereen kan zich ongeacht afkomstig of ras tot het Judaïsme bekeren. Een bekeerling wordt vervolgens net zo Joods geacht als Abraham of Mozes.

Delegitimering Israël

De voortdurende pogingen van mensen zoals Koestler, Raheb, officials van het Vaticaan en andere christelijke kerken om het bestaan en belang van de Joodse staat Israël te delegitimeren zijn behalve een doorzichtig onderdeel van de Palestijnse propagandacampagne zowel in historisch als wetenschappelijk opzicht louter absurd te noemen. Niettemin blijkt dat het voortdurend herhalen van dit soort leugens steeds meer mensen heeft overtuigd.

God heeft de Joden niet verworpen

Dit geldt helaas ook voor veel christenen, die in deze valse als 'feiten' gepresenteerde leugens hun eeuwenoude, door het Vaticaan bedachte en door talloze protestantse en evangelische kerken overgenomen vervangingstheologie, waarin een dikke streep werd gehaald door Gods Bijbelse en eeuwige beloften aan de Joden ten faveure van 'de Kerk', bevestigd zien. En dat ondanks het feit dat de bekeerde Joodse farizeeër Saulus duidelijk schreef dat God de Joden niet heeft verworpen, maar enkel de ogen heeft toegesloten zodat het evangelie aan de heidenen kon worden gebracht:

'.. dit geheimenis: een gedeeltelijke verharding is over Israël gekomen, totdat de volheid der heidenen binnengaat, en aldus zal gans Israël behouden worden... Zij (de Joden) zijn naar het evangelie vijanden om uwentwil, maar naar de verkiezing zijn zij geliefden om der vaderen wil. Want de genadegaven en de roeping Gods zijn onberouwelijk.' (Rom.11: 25-29)

Bron: Xandernieuws

zaterdag 24 november 2012

‘Taking down Hamas is a necessity, not just for Israel, but for humanity,’

Says estranged son of terror group’s founder, Mosab Hassan Yousef

Sounding more like the frustrated resident of a southern Israeli city after suffering days of sirens and rocket strikes than the son of one of Hamas’s founders, Mosab Hassan Yousef told Israel’s Channel 2 News on Friday that taking down his father’s terror organization “is a necessity, not just for Israel, but for humanity.”

Speaking from a safe house in a secret US location 48 hours after a fragile ceasefire ended eight days of Israeli-Hamas conflict, the former terror operative turned Israeli informant said, “Let’s not forget that our enemy is a barbarian enemy and they are using women and children as a shield.”

“Hamas was born to destroy. Hamas does not know how to build,” he said. “I doubt they will be able to build a modern Palestinian state and hope their lies will be exposed to the Palestinian public.”

The son of Hamas founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef, Mosab Yousef broke ranks with Hamas in 1997 and began working for the Israeli domestic intelligence service Shin Bet. Ten years later, after helping Israel thwart dozens of terror attacks and arrest many members of his former movement, Yousef left for the United States where he sought political asylum and later converted to Christianity.

Speaking as footage of air force jets pounding Hamas targets in Gaza, and of IDF soldiers preparing their tanks for a possible incursion, played in the background, Yousef said that “If Hamas continues to threaten the security of the state of Israel, I believe Israel has the ability and the capacity to control the borders and cut off the weapons supply.”

Yousef said he was not surprised to see Hamas had proved capable of firing at cites in the center of Israel, as it did on several occasions over the week, aiming for Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. “I think the Israeli intelligence knew about Hamas’s capacity. That was a test to see what Hamas has in storage, and today we know their ability more than any time in the past. I am sure this will allow us to prepare for what is beyond the horizon,” Yousef said.

The solution, according to Yousef, is to educate Gazans about their real friends and foes. ”We need to expose the lies and educate the Palestinian public that Israel is not the enemy. Israel actualy helps the people of Gaza more than anybody else,” he said. “We need the average Palestinian to see this clearly.”

Addressing video footage of Hamas operatives dragging a body of a suspected collaborator with Israel through the streets of Gaza earlier this week, Yousef said: “Hamas thinks they can kill the will of people by intimidation. Most of those who are killed in the Gaza Strip for the suspicion of collaborating with Israel, have nothing to do with Israel.”

Asked if he ever desires to return to his West Bank hometown of Ramallah, Yousef chuckled, saying, “Everybody knows what the result would be. I am not interested in going to Ramallah as of now, but I hope at some point in the future there will be a new generation that prays for peace and co-existence. If this happens I would love to go back to Ramallah, at least to visit.”

Yousef concluded the English-language interview with a smile and by wishing viewers Shabbat Shalom, a good Sabbath, in Hebrew.

Read whole interview: Times of Israel

There was, is, and never will be a 'Palestine' or 'Palestinian State'


Ban Ki Moon & Clinton in Syria?

Only Israel is the Neighborhood Bully according to the lying world and media (while Israel is attacked by Islamic Terrorist from Gaza, day by day). The world has no interest when Islamics slaugther others somewhere else, if Israel can not be blamed. - Henoch

'Orchestra of Exiles' Story

vrijdag 23 november 2012

Rabbi Melamed accuses Left and Media of idolatry

Prominent Religious Zionism rabbi blames Israeli Left for security situation which led to Gaza conflict, says media biased. 'Their idol is Peace Now and they are responsible for all our troubles,' he argues

Rabbi Eliezer Melamed, one of the most prominent Religious Zionism rabbis, has launched an unprecedented attack on the Israeli Left and media on the backdrop of the recent security situation.

Melamed, who serves as rabbi of the Har Bracha community and head of the local yeshiva, blamed the Left for the security situation which led to the recent conflict in Gaza and accused the media of biased coverage and cover-up.

"Had the Israeli established media been honest, it would have played recordings of all the leaders responsible for the Oslo Accords and the pullout from Gaza, so that the entire public could hear their stupid promises and understand just how distorted their ability to analyze reality really is."

In a scathing column published Friday in the Besheva newspaper, Rabbi Melamed wrote: "It seems that the more we criticize the Israeli media establishment, we will still be missing the truth compared to the harsh criticism it really deserves."

He explained that "the people leading the media establishment have estranged themselves from their people and heritage. Indeed, they wouldn't dare say anything against the soldiers or residents of the south and center who are under attack, but deep inside they adopt the justice in the enemy's stand."

The rabbi used harsh words to attack the Israeli Left and media, referring to them as godless, idolaters and dreamers. "While the loyalists of Torah, the people and the land present real estimates, the pagans are trapped in illusions and false hopes, which are shattered in our faces time and again.

"The reason is that they are as devout in their idolatry. Their idol is called Peace Now or 'human rights', and this is precisely the sin of idolaters, who take one value and worship it without taking the other values into account."

He added that "the leftists, who estranged themselves from their Jewish heritage, are looking for an idol to give their life hope and meaning. Most of them believed in Communism once and made many people's lives miserable. Now they believe in Peace Now and are responsible for all our troubles…

"Many are already aware of the appalling bias of the media and Left's 'experts', their estrangement from their people and homeland. Many understand that their commentaries and analyses are a sort of entertainment, which has a very weak connection to reality and logic. We have to reemphasize the leftists' guilt again and again. Repeat the 'we told you so' phrases 1,000 times. Continue to distribute videos of their foolish remarks on social networks."

Source: YNetJewish

There is No Occupation of Palestinian Land

The Myth, Lie and falsehood of the term 'Occupation' - A great factfinding article to read for all who oppose the right of the Jewish people to live and to own their (God given) Land.

There is No "Occupation"

by Morton A. Klein

National President, Zionist Organization of America

Arab spokesmen regularly complain about what they call "the Israeli occupation" of the Judea-Samaria-Gaza territories. But the truth is that there is no such "Israeli occupation."

To begin with, nearly all Palestinian Arabs currently live under 'palestinian' rule, not Israel's. (except for many Arabs who live freely and work in Israel). Following the signing of the Oslo accords, the Israelis withdrew from nearly half of the territories, including the cities where 98.5% of Palestinian Arabs reside. The notion that the Palestinian Arabs are living under "Israeli occupation" is simply false. The areas from which Israel has not withdrawn are virtually uninhabited, except for the 2% where Israelis reside.

The term "occupation" is also used to indicate that Israel has no right to any presence in Judea-Samaria-Gaza or the Old City section of Jerusalem, and that the Israeli presence in any of those areas constitutes illegal "occupation" of someone else's land. In fact, Israel has the strongest religious, historical, and legal claim to this land, The territories of Judea-Samaria-Gaza and the Old City of Jerusalem were integral parts of the Jewish kingdoms throughout the biblical eras, and are explicitly mandated by the Hebrew Bible as part of the Land of Israel.

These lands were Jewish thousands years ago, under King David, King Solomon, and other Jewish rulers; can anybody name a Palestinian Arab king who ever ruled over "Palestine"? No--because there never were any.

All of the most important Jewish religious sites are situated in those territories. The very name "Judea" --a term which was commonly used by the international community throughout all the centuries until the Jordanian occupation in 1949-- is derived from the same root as the word "Jew," testifying to the deep Jewish connection to the land. The reason Jews are called "Jews" is because we come from Judea. This historical-religious right was the basis for the League of Nations decision, in 1922, to endorse the Jewish people's right to all of the Holy Land, on both sides of the Jordan River.

From the standpoint of international law, it is important to note that prior to 1967, there was no other recognized sovereign power in the territories. Israel's capture of Judea-Samaria-Gaza and the Old City of Jerusalem in 1967 did not constitute an illegal "occupation" of someone else's land, because prior to 1967, there was no legal or recognized sovereign power there. The Jordanian occupation Judea-Samaria and Jerusalem during 1949-1967 was illegal, having been carried out in defiance of the United Nations Security Council. The only countries in the world to recognize it were Pakistan and (in part) England.

Furthermore, Israel captured the territories in self-defense. Israel took over Judea-Samaria-Gaza and the Old City of Jerusalem in self-defense, in response to aggression by Jordan and Egypt in June 1967. Had Jordan not invaded Israel --ignoring pleas by Israel to stay out of the war-- Israel would not control Judea and Samaria today. As former State Department Legal Adviser and former head of the International Court of Justice in the Hague, Stephen Schwebel, has written: "Where the prior holder of territory had seized that territory unlawfully, the state which subsequently takes that territory in the lawful exercise of self-defence has, against that prior holder, better title."

It is also significant that U.N. Security Council Resolution 242 does not require complete Israeli withdrawal from the territories. Resolution 242 requires Israel to withdraw "from territories" captured in 1967, but the authors of the resolution deliberately left out the word 'the' before 'territories' because it was their conviction --as articulated by then-British foreign secretary George Brown-- "that Israel will not withdraw from all the territories." The Soviets tried to insert 'the', but that effort was specifically rejected so as not to suggest that Israel is obliged to surrender all of the territories.

Finally, it should also be noted that the Oslo Accords recognize Israel's right to remain in the territories, at least until a final settlement is reached. The Oslo accords accept Israel's presence in the territories at least until an Israel-PA agreement on the final status of those areas. Chapter 2, Article X, Clause 4, specifically recognize that in the disputed territories, "Israel shall continue to carry the responsibility for external security, as well as the responsibility for overall security of Israelis for the purpose of safeguarding their internal security and public order" until a final accord is reached. Furthermore, the Oslo accords do not require Israel to dismantle any of the Israeli communities in Judea-Samaria-Gaza--in effect, an acknowledgment of Israel's right to maintain those communities, at least until a final-status agreement is reached.

In short, the notion that there is an illegal Israeli "occupation" is a myth.

donderdag 22 november 2012

Rabbi Ronsky: Ceasefire is a Huge Failure

Former Chief Military Rabbi Brig. Gen. Rabbi Avichai Ronsky called the ceasefire with Hamas "a huge failure."

Speaking with Arutz Sheva, he explained his feeling thus:

"You had tens of thousands of soldiers here, from the standing army and mostly the reserves, who left everything – the family, work – and came immediately, out of a strong desire to stop the immense chutzpah of the terror groups, which have started to get us used to having missiles fired at Jerusalem, Rishon Letzion and Tel Aviv.

"The ceasefire, in my eyes, is a great mistake and a disappointment to many."

The very negotiations with terror groups are strictly forbidden," he said, "even if they are carried out through interlocutors. In actuality, we granted legitimacy to the Hamas organization, which was considered a terror group in the eyes of many countries in the world. We spoke to them and turned them into a legitimate organization. This kind of thing must not happen. The Americans don't talk to Al Qaeda, either."

"The great IDF stood here facing a disgusting and vile terror organization and signed an agreement with them. This is a big, unfortunate farce. We have given them great strength now, look at the victory celebrations."

Rabbi Ronsky said that the IDF should have reconquered the Philadelphi Route – the corridor that runs along Gaza's border with Sinai – in order to stop weapons smuggling into Gaza. "It's true that diplomatically this is complicated, because it is the Egyptian border, but there is no choice. Our sovereignty has been violated."

Source: ArutzSheva

Veel Israëliërs woedend vanwege staakt-het-vuren

Inwoners Sderot Zuid-Israel protesteren tegen 'staakt het vuren' bestand.

Gisterenavond ging Israël akkoord met het zoveelste staakt-het-vuren met de terreurbeweging Hamas en moest zoals gebruikelijk accepteren dat de Palestijnen op de hen zo kenmerkende wijze dit bestand onmiddellijk schonden met het lanceren van 20 raketten en ook vanochtend weer een projectiel op Israël afvuurden. Inwoners van heel Israël en politici op 'rechts' zijn daarom woedend dat premier Netanyahu de invasie voor onbeperkte tijd heeft uitgesteld en Hamas nog steeds in tact houdt.

Op zijn Facebook pagina kreeg Netanyahu een storm van kritiek te verduren vanwege het feit dat hij Hamas weer niet heeft willen verpletteren. 'Ik woon in het zuiden en we zijn zojuist geraakt door een salvo van 10 Grad raketten. Over welk staakt-het-vuren heeft u het? U kruipt weg onder de tafel en Hamas viert feest. Waarom? Omdat Bibi het zuiden heeft verraden.'

De premier toonde begrip voor deze gevoelens, maar schreef dat een langdurig staakt-het-vuren beter is voor de veiligheid van Israël.

Terwijl hij reageerde klonk in diverse dorpen en steden opnieuw het luchtalarm omdat de Palestijnen het bestand 'vierden' met nieuwe raketaanvallen. De premier voegde er dan ook aan toe dat het in de toekomst alsnog 'noodzakelijk kan zijn een grote en harde militaire campagne tegen Hamas' te voeren.

Inwoners van het stadje Sderot zijn het echter spuugzat dat de regering in Jeruzalem iedere keer opnieuw toegeeft aan de grote druk van met name Amerika om een staakt-het-vuren te accepteren.

'Dit was niet de uitkomst waar wij voor hebben gebeden,' verklaarde burgemeester van Ashdod Yehiel Lasri. 'Ik ben bang dat deze pauze slechts een korte tijd zal duren en hoop dat we op zijn minst internationale steun hebben verzameld voor een hard antwoord dat nodig is als we opnieuw beschoten worden.'

De feiten spreken dan ook boekdelen: tijdens het eerste 'staakt-het-vuren' van november 2006 tot mei 2007 vuurde Hamas 315 raketten op Sderot en omliggende gebieden af. Israël reageerde niet éénmaal omdat de Joodse staat wél zijn afspraken nakomt.

Het tweede 'staakt-het-vuren' duurde van juni 2008 tot december 2008. Hamas lanceerde in die periode 530 projectielen op Israëlische dorpen en steden af. In heel Israël weet men daarom dat de Palestijnen ook nu hun beloften zullen blijven breken.

Dat komt voornamelijk omdat een 'staakt-het-vuren' niet erkend wordt in de islam, maar er enkel sprake kan zijn van een 'hudna' met de vijand. Een 'hudna' is een tijdelijk, maximaal 10 jaar durende pauze in de islamitische oorlog tegen een niet-islamitische vijand. Moslimleiders mogen een hudna aangaan en naar eigen inzicht weer verbreken wanneer ze dit goed achten.

Het Israëlische parlementslid Ben- Ari begreep dit heel goed toen hij de bittere teleurstelling van veel Israëliërs verwoordde: 'Wij spreken Hebreeuws tegen Hamas, maar wij moeten leren Arabisch tegen hen te spreken.' Omdat Hamas gezworen heeft Israël te vernietigen, moet de Joodse staat hetzelfde met hen doen, stelt hij.

Ben-Ari noemt het een 'fatale fout' dat Netanyahu een massale invasie van Gaza weer niet heeft doorgedrukt. 'Dit is een strijd om de toekomst en Hamas heeft die nu duidelijk gewonnen. Tijdens de vorige verkiezingen beloofde Netanyahu Hamas te vernietigen, maar dat bleken loze slogans.' Ook degenen die hun hoop hadden gesteld op de 'harde' minister van BuZa Avigdor Lieberman zijn nu bedrogen uitgekomen.

'Ik hoor steeds meer mensen die zeggen dat ze nu beseffen dat ze het mis hadden met Netanyahu, dat hij het publiek heeft voorgelogen en beloften heeft gedaan die hij niet kan of wil nakomen. Bij de volgende verkiezingen (22 januari 2013) zal hij daarvoor de prijs moeten betalen,' concludeerde Ben-Ari.

Of hij daarin gelijk heeft moet nog blijken, maar de commentaren die Netanyahu voor zijn kiezen kreeg waren niet mals. 'Voor de eerste keer in mijn leven ga ik niet op Likud stemmen,' schreef iemand. 'Hamas heeft verklaard dat hun voorwaarden voor een bestand zijn ingewilligd en zij hebben gewonnen. De pijnlijke waarheid is dat ze deze keer gelijk hebben,' aldus een medestander.

'Ik ben een Likud stemmer, maar nu heeft u mijn stem verloren,' schreef Anat Cohen. Een ander: 'U moet zich schamen dat u zo pijnlijk gezwicht bent voor terreur. Laten we hopen dat het volk van Israël u bij de volgende verkiezingen eruit trapt.'

Bron: Xandernieuws

Lees ook: Obama blokkeert al dagen invasie van Gazastrook

Read: Southern residents: Bibi capitulated to terror

Peace and Safety in Israel?

Israeli Government, Netanyahu, Barak, Lieberman wishful-thinking of 'peace' and 'safety'

After a deadly eight-day conflict, Israel and Hamas militants agreed to a ceasefire effective Wednesday evening, the Egyptian foreign minister announced at a press conference.

Mohammed Kamel Amr, the foreign minister, made the announcement in Cairo and was flanked by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

“Egypt is assuming the responsibility and leadership that has long made this country a cornerstone of international peace,” Clinton said.

The deal was brokered by the new Islamist government of Egypt, solidifying its role as a leader in the quickly shifting Middle East

The cease-fire agreement, which took effect at 2 p.m. ET, was confirmed by Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Reuters reported that the Israeli leader warned in a statement that more forceful action may be employed if the cease-fire deal is unsuccessful. Netanyahu also left the door open to a possible ground invasion of Gaza at a later date.


THE BIBLE SAYS: "For when they shall say, Peace and safety (the world, but also Israel); then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape." (1 Thessalonians 5:3)


CAIRO — Hamas and Israel agreed to a cease-fire that took effect Wednesday evening following a week of intense diplomacy to stop rocket fire and airstrikes that have pounded the Gaza Strip and Israel and raised fears of plunging the region into a wider war.

The truce began at 9 p.m. local time and appeared at least initially to be taking hold.

The deal was announced in Cairo by Egyptian Foreign Minister Mohamed Amr and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, who flew to the region Tuesday night as hopes for a truce remained elusive amid heavy artillery exchanges.

“After intensive efforts, calls and negotiations with the Israelis and factions of the Palestinian resistance, we have come to an understanding,” Amr said.

Clinton said: “The people of this region deserve to live in peace and safety,” adding that she had discussed with Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi “how Egypt and the U.S. can support this process.”

In Washington, President Obama thanked Morsi for his efforts “to achieve a sustainable cease-fire and for his personal leadership in negotiating a cease-fire proposal.”

It was unclear how the deal would be enforced. It calls for Israel to stop all bombardment — from land, sea and air — of the Gaza Strip and for Hamas to halt firing rockets into Israel. It also notes that Israel should stop “incursions and targeting of individuals.”

The Stupidity of a ceasefire / truce between Israel and Islamic Gaza

For us this 'ceasefire' deal is an unbelievable - what will become - one of the biggest historical mistakes/errors, the Israeli Government under lead of Bibi Netanyahu could make. The following points tell you why:

1. The 'struggle' for Hamas & Jihad calls not for any two-state solution, but for a Jew-free 'palestine', which include the whole land/area of Israel.

2. Opening of the Rafah-crossing and Egypt-border for Gazans going freely in and out, will be a fully opened area for Jihadists entering, arms and rocket prviding, to the Islamist Jihad including Hamas in the Gaza-Strip.

3. Hamas is an offspring of Egypt's radical Muslim Brotherhood, which will be eager to undiscriminatly bring long-range Iranian rockets with large explosive-heads into Gaza for the next assault on Israel and it's civilians.

4. Hamas aim and goal isn't more freedom for the 'palestinian' people in Gaza, but to reconquer the land of Israel for Islam, and turn it into a taliban-style Islamic sharia-led state (by the way, without Jews/Israelies or born-again Christians).

5. Hamas & Jihad only believe in the Islamic 'hudna'-truce, a partial 'rest' for military terror re-building, re-strenghthening, re-grouping, and re-arming.

6. The Islamic terror-rulers in Gaza are bloodthirsty barbarics, antisemites, murderers, their own wife-beaters and rapers, brainwashing their children into Jew/Christian hating suicide-bombers, where Israel never can make a true peace with.

The Western World seems totally blind and ignorant of these facts, probably because they hate Israel and the Jewish people in their inner-core themselves, although they always will deny this at the surface.

Israel is now asking, by this so called 'ceasefire, for the next assault and blow of Hamas and Islamic Jihad on their own soil, whichby many more Israelies will loose their lives and will be murdered.

The only just and righhtious thing Israel had to do was, taking over Gaza by ground-offensive, throw out and kill the Hamastans & Jihadists, save the 'palestinian' people of Gaza, and re-take Gaza for Israel forever.

Written by Henoch

Read: Should Israel Agree to a Cease-fire?

Iraeli Soldiers use their bodies to spell 'Bibi [is a] loser' for not going into Gaza ground-battle.

Israelis Unleash Anger Over Ceasefire on Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Facebook Page

Thousands of Israelis took to Facebook today, shortly after Prime Minister Netanyahu announced that Israel had accepted an American backed Egyptian ceasefire plan with Hamas, to express their anger over what they feel is a bad deal for the Jewish State.

Within an hour of the Prime Minister’s announcement on his Facebook page the post attracted over 3000 comments, the vast majority of which expressed disappointment and anger. Of 100 comments reviewed by The Algemeiner, less than 10 were positive or neutral.

Commenters blasted the Prime Minister for what they called a failure to ensure the safety of Israel’s citizens and many promised not to vote for the Prime Minister in the upcoming Israeli elections on January 22nd.

The social media outcry reflects the general sentiment in Israel, where 70% opposed a ceasefire agreement according to a poll released by Israel’s Channel 2 news that was conducted before the ceasefire was enacted.

“Hey bibi you just proved that you have no back bone. I officially dont respect you anymore,” said one commenter.

“Shame to Israel…You risk the lives of Jews,” wrote Nati Geffen.

“It is not clear to me why Hamas dictates when there is a war and when you finish a war,” another stated.

“You’re not my Prime Minister,” wrote Ohad Kvity. “You are a puppet of the Americans! Lost my vote,” posted Asaf Spektor.

Among the few supporting comments was this one from Meir Gilady who hailed the operation as a success, saying, “Bibi did the right thing. Do not listen to critics. deterrence restored.”

Source: the Algemeiner

We wrote on Bibi's Facebook [2 Tweets]: We think #ceasefire is big mistake of #Israel. Rooting out Islamic evil rule in #Gaza by invading #IDF ground troops is best option! New load of Iranian long-range rockets coming into #Gaza as we speak, and #Israel is believing wrongly in a #ceasefire - #Hamas rearming!

woensdag 21 november 2012

Palestijnse militanten breken bestand met afvuren raketten

Aartsleugenaar en Islamitische Hamas terroristen-leider Meshaal. Legitiem doelwit voor Israel?

Het anti-raketsysteem Iron Dome heeft enkele van de raketten neergehaald. Israël heeft sinds het ingaan van het bestand om 20.00 uur Nederlandse tijd geen aanvallen meer uitgevoerd.

De leider van de islamitische terreurbeweging Hamas, Khaled Meshaal, heeft gezegd dat Israël 'gefaald heeft zijn doelen te bereiken'. Volgens hem heeft Israël moeten toegeven aan de voorwaarden van 'het verzet' in de Gazastrook

Meshaal bedankte ook Iran voor de steun aan Hamas. Volgens Meshaal speelde de streng-islamitische republiek 'een rol in het bewapenen van Hamas' tijdens het conflict.

Israël en Palestijnse radicalen in Gaza kwamen woensdag een bestand overeen. Egypte en de Verenigde Staten speelden daarin een bemiddelende rol.

De afspraken houden in dat beide partijen stoppen met schieten en dat er een einde komt aan aanvallen in de Gazastrook van Israël.

Ook moet Israël het transport van goederen en mensen bij de grensovergangen weer toestaan. Deze laatste afspraak moet binnen 24 uur ingaan, als het bestand standhoudt.

Bron: Elsevier

Two Rockets Fired at Israel from Lebanon

Two rockets were fired from southern Lebanon towards the Israeli border on Wednesday evening, a Lebanese security official told AFP.

"Two rockets were fired, one fell in what was clearly Lebanese territory, the other went towards Israel," the official said on condition of anonymity.

It was not immediately clear where the second rocket fell.rockets fall in israel from lebanon

On Monday, two Katyusha missiles aimed at Israel were discovered in southern Lebanon's Mazra'at Halta, near the Kfat Shuba Hills, approximately four kilometers (2.5 miles) away from the Lebanon-Israel border.

A Lebanese military official said that the rockets, which were successfully dismantled by the Lebanese army, had been fully equipped with timers and were ready to be fired at the Jewish state.

The official said that terrorists based in Lebanon launch rockets at Israel "every time there is an aggression against Gaza."

Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah pledged on Monday the Lebanese Shiite group's support for Hamas terrorists in Gaza in light of Operation Pillar of Defense, insisting it was unaffected by differences over the conflict in Syria.

"Some are saying that Israel is punishing Hamas for they think it was abandoned by Iran, Syria and Hizbullah," Nasrallah said in a speech to supporters in Beirut.

"Iran, Syria and Hizbullah will not give up on the people of Gaza and its resistance, and this is our religious and moral and humanitarian obligation," he said.

News of the rocket launchings first emerged after it had been announced that Israel and Hamas had agreed upon a cease-fire agreement to end the most recent wave of violence.

Source: virtualjerusalem.com

Islamic Terror Against Israel has to Stop!

Cease Fire ?

New load of Iranian long-range rockets coming into Gaza as we speak, and Israel is believing wrongly in a ceasefire - Hamas rearming from re-opened border-crossings Egypt!

Gaza rockets hit Israel after ceasefire

Gaza rockets hit south Israel after truce

World Mainstream Media against Israel, Infiltrated and Brainwashed by Lying Islam

How the Media Lies to You about Israel

"Israel occupies palestinian territory/land" - LIE!

"Gaza has been turned by Israel into an open-prison" - LIE!

"The people of Gaza suffer by the Israeli blockade" - LIE!

"Israel kills palestinian woman and children on purpose" - LIE!

"Israel is just as responsible for violence as Hamas is" - LIE!

"Israel's actions in Gaza are disproportioned" - LIE!

"Israel started the war and violence" - LIE!

(more coming)

Insanity of Islamic taliban rule in Gaza

This is the Real Islam, unfortunatly. Now the world sees the dark evil of Islamic Hamas, Jihad, and Islamic sharia rule in general. This you'll don't want in Israel or in your Country!

Why Does the Worlds Mainstream Media Support and Defend these Barbaric Islamic Evil Rulers in Gaza, and Keep on Questioning Israel's Rights to Be?


Israel's Prophetic War - Ezekiel 38 & 39

The bible said that nations will unsuccessfully come against Israel giving God the opportunity to display His awesome power.

OPERATION PILLAR OF DEFENSE DAY 8: Gaza rockets continue to pound Israeli homes

Stand With Israel

Israel is a noble nation that has constantly been under attack by the muslims ever since her inception. Despite these continual threats, Israel has emerged as one of the most prosperous, innovative, and powerful countries in the world - despite being only about the size of New Jersey. Tremendous lies have been propagated with regard to Israel's history and policies, but the truth casts Israel as one of the most humane, peace-seeking, and just countries that has ever existed on earth. With a biblical mandate by God that is further being scientifically proven every day, Israel has the right to reclaim all the land that rightly belongs to the Jews - despite protests by muslims who have historically taken over lands by torture, violence, and oppression. For the world owes the Jews a safe and prosperous country that they can call their own. Israel is indeed a blessing to the world and God's shining light upon a hill. Help defend and Stand with Israel!

Terror attack on Tel Aviv bus (videos)

@andersoncooper And #CNN #Hamas News-Network is rejoicing and celebrating with those barbaric Islamics in #Gaza sharing candy at the situation-room

Terror attack: Blast on Tel Aviv bus; 21 hurt and injured

A massive blast occured at around noon Wednesday on bus line 142 on Shaul Hamelech Street - at the heart of Tel Aviv, near the Kirya military compound. Rescue forces reported of a mass casualty event.

Twenty-one people were injured; two people sustained moderate to serious injuries, while the rest were lightly wounded. Four people suffered shock.

An eye witness at the scene said: "I heard a boom and then saw a black cloud. Guys in the cab radio said 'A bus is dismantled.'"

Eye witnesses near the Kirya reported that the loudspeakers at the compound called all soldiers to take cover. Many police cars arrived at the area.

Yoni Yossef of ZAKA was one of the first people to arrive at the scene. "There were panic and chaos," he said; "People were lying outside the bus. Paramedics started to arrive. People aren’t used to this. It's taking us years back."

Internal Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovich arrived at the scene of the attack with Police Commissioner Yohanan Danino.

"Such a terror attack has great significance," Aharonovich said. "Hamas is a murderous organization that stands for the destruction of Israel. We have to strike all terror hubs."

Tomer Simon, an eye witness, recounted: "There was a horrible explosion; we were sure at first that it’s a hit on Tel Aviv and the sirens just didn’t go off. I opened my office window and saw the bus crushed."

Simon added: "I ran and tried to help those who were injured as much as I could. All the windows of the bus were smashed."

Source: Ynet

Terreur Bomaanslag bus Tel Aviv

Hoe kwaadaardig kan iemand door de Islam worden, om zijn 'zegening' aan zelfmoordenaars en bom-aanslagplegers te geven! Wereld, Stop het Hamas-Taliban regime in Gaza!

Terrorist Bomb Attack on Bus in Tel Aviv; Hamas Celebrates

A terrorist left a bomb that exploded in a Dan bus originating in the nearby city of Bat Yam on Shaul HaMelech street in central Tel Aviv, around noon. Three people suffered serious injuries, two of whom needed surgery and are being operated on as this is written.

No one was killed, although the area teems with Israelis as it is the location of the Tel Aviv courts, banks and major businesses.

Twenty-one people have been evacuated to Icholov Hospital, just one street away, most of them with lesser injuries. Others are being treated for emotional shock.

Eyewitnesses said that that the terrorist boarded the bus, placed a suspicious package there and then fled. Others said he threw a briefcase into the middle of the bus. Police arrested one suspect but later released him when it became clear he had no connection with the attack.

Authorities said there was no advance warning of a terrorist attack. No terrorist group has yet taken responsibility for the attack, but Islamic Jihad and Hamas have threatened to strike anywhere in Israel.

TV images showed the bus with its windows blown out and its metal frame contorted from the force of the blast, in images reminiscent of scenes from previous terrorist bombings in the Second Intifada, also known as the Oslo War.

The front window was completely shattered and glass littered the floor as the wounded were loaded into ambulances by an army of medics.

Netanyahu's spokesman said it was "a terrorist attack."

Gaza Arabs celebrated the attack, and Hamas officials said it was carried out in revenge for Israeli aerial bombings in Gaza that killed several members of one family.

Source: Arutz7

dinsdag 20 november 2012

Praying for Israel's Safety

Campaign to ban Hamas from Twitter begins - Hamas Media Lies Exposed

Central Israeli city of Rishon Lezion directly hit

A residential building in the central Israeli city of Rishon Lezion was directly hit by a rocket that was fired by Hamas, lightly injuring two people. Three others suffered panic attacks.

The projectile hit the building's top floor, causing severe damage. Most of the residents sought shelter upon hearing the air raid siren that sounded around 6 pm.

Kfir Rosen, 26, a resident of the building, sustained very light injuries in the Fajr-5 rocket blast.

"My brother and I were on the porch when the siren went off," he said. "We wanted to see the rocket being intercepted so we didn't go into the shelter. The siren ended so I thought everything was fine, until we heard a very loud blast. Rocks fell on us from the top floor."

Rosen was expected to be discharged from the hospital on Tuesday night, but his family had no apartment to go back to.

"We can't go home," he said, "As far as we know they're evacuating the building. We'll sleep at our relatives' home tonight."

Miriam Nahman, 70, was lightly hurt by shrapnel when she failed to reach the shelter in time.

"I've been in tougher situations, I'm realistic," she said. "My kids are stressed. Better I than them."

Liora and Ami Pinhas, a couple who live on the top floor, said the fact that they survived the attack was "a miracle."

"God saved us," Liora said. "We heard the siren, went into the shelter and then we head a loud blast… when we came out we could hardly open the door, and then we saw that our house was gone. Nothing was left.

"It's an indescribable miracle that we're alive," she added.

Source: YNet

In Support of Need of a Gaza Ground Offensive

For nearly a week, Israel has been under attack from terrorist elements in Gaza, primarily Hamas. As the Israeli air force and navy respond with surgical, targeted strikes on Hamas facilities, the government is weighing the possibility of ordering a ground offensive too.

In our view, an armored push into Gaza in order to deal the Hamas military wing a decisive blow is necessary. From a strategic, long-term perspective, Israel cannot avoid confronting Hamas head-on, and must take action sooner rather than later. For Israel to restore quiet to its borders and ensure its survival in the new Middle East, Arab governments and terror organizations must feel that it would be a mistake for them to militarily challenge Israel. Israel must demonstrate that even in the face of great political pressures it is strong enough and willing, when necessary, to take vigorous action.

While strong Israeli action carries serious risks, strength and victory also bring many benefits. In the current and developing environment Israel has no safe or good choices; it will have to take dangerous actions. Acting later will be more dangerous than acting now, and sooner or later Israel will be forced to act.

For some time, we have advocated the need to respond to attacks from Gaza with a large-scale military operation. We said that if no such action was taken, the attacks against Israel would surely increase, and indeed they have. Gaza is small enough for Israel to destroy most of the infrastructure and the leadership of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the other terrorist organizations that are based there. The goal of such a ground offensive would be to restore deterrence and signal an Israeli determination to battle the rising Islamist forces in the region. By acting sooner in Gaza, Israel will also greatly reduce the missile retaliation it would face if and when it strikes Iran’s nuclear facilities.

Today we can again say that attacks on Israel will surely further increase if the IDF does not now take the drastic and dangerous action involved in a full-scale military invasion of Gaza. A smaller operation, akin to Cast Lead, will create at most another short postponement of attacks on Israeli civilians and will be followed by further escalation.

Read whole article: Here

The Madness of a Ceasefire for Israel Not ending Islamic Jihadists in Gaza

Our Tweets:

#Ceasefire is pausing of execution that must be done by #Israel : extinction of Islamic terror-nest in #Gaza

#Israel makes a big mistake now and will loose much more Israeli and #IDF soldiers lives by not ending the Jihadists in #Gaza

Never Seen Before: Sirens Code Red at the Kotel

Rocket-Alarm Jerusalem Western Wall

IDF soldier killed in barrage from Gaza

Yosef Partuk (18) from Emanuel

An IDF soldier was killed in a rocket and mortar salvo that was fired on the Eshkol Regional Council on Tuesday afternoon.

The kibbutz where the soldier was hit was barraged for several minutes. Another barrage on the region lightly injured five people.

The incident raised the death toll on the Israeli side to four since the beginning of Operation Pillar of Defense. The soldier was among the forces deployed to the Gaza region in recent days to back up troops stationed there.

A resident of the Kibbutz said that he had heard several mortar shells wheezing above the town. "We heard two blasts," he said. "It's pretty scary… Anyone who wishes for a ceasefire can keep on wishing. We want it to go all the way. We have suffered enough."

Source: YNetNews

Rocket fire on Israel persists; keeps on hitting Israeli towns!

As heavy rocket fire on southern communities persisted on Tuesday, the IDF continued to gear towards a ground invasion of the Gaza Strip.

Four people were lightly injured when a rocket hit a six-storey building in Rishon Lezion. Three others suffered panic attacks. An air raid siren sounded in the central Israeli city around 6 pm.

A short while earlier, one Israeli was seriously wounded when a rocket hit a house in Ashkelon, and seven were lightly injured by a rocket barrage that was fired on the southern city of Ashdod around 4 pm. Three of the victims in Ashdod were hurt when a projectile hit a store in a commercial center, while the others were injured when a rocket exploded in an open area in the city.

The owner of the store that was hit in Ashdod said that his customers and employees ran for cover when they heard the air raid siren. "My entire store was destroyed and my car was totaled," he said.

Source: YNet

In Israel many will be traumatised and suffer from Shell-Shock for all of their lives!

Stop Islamic Terror Rocket-Attacks from Gaza NOW!


When Will the Gaza Ground Offense Begin, to give a Final Blow to Islamic Terror and Hatred?

‘Our media are now propagandists for Hamas’

Raheem Kassam discusses Operation Pillar of Defense from Jerusalem

maandag 19 november 2012

The Word of the Lord and the Judgement of Gaza and it's inhabitants

Amos 1:6 This is what the Lord says:

For three sins of Gaza,
even for four, I [God, the Lord] will not relent.
Because she took captive whole communities
and sold them to Edom,
7 I will send fire on the walls of Gaza
that will consume her fortresses.

8 I will destroy the king[d] of Ashdod
and the one who holds the scepter in Ashkelon.
I will turn my hand against Ekron,
till the last of the Philistines [Palestinians] are dead,”
says the Sovereign Lord.

Zephaniah 2:4

Gaza will be abandoned
and Ashkelon left in ruins.
At midday Ashdod will be emptied
and Ekron uprooted.
5 Woe to you who live by the sea,
you Kerethite people;
the word of the Lord is against you,
Canaan, land of the Philistines.
He says, “I will destroy you,
and none will be left.”
6 The land by the sea will become pastures
having wells for shepherds
and pens for flocks.
7 That land will belong
to the remnant of the people of Judah [the Jews, Israel];
there they will find pasture.
In the evening they will lie down
in the houses of Ashkelon.
The Lord their God will care for them;
he will restore their fortunes.

Zechariah 9:5

Ashkelon will see it and fear;
Gaza will writhe in agony,
and Ekron too, for her hope will wither.
Gaza will lose her king
and Ashkelon will be deserted.
6 A mongrel people will occupy Ashdod,
and I will put an end to the pride of the Philistines.
7 I will take the blood from their mouths,
the forbidden food from between their teeth.
Those who are left [and repent, convert] will belong to our God
and become a clan in Judah,
and Ekron will be like the Jebusites [people of Jerusalem].
8 But I will encamp at my temple
to guard it against marauding forces.
Never again will an oppressor overrun my people,
for now I am keeping watch.