dinsdag 31 december 2013
maandag 30 december 2013
God's Words talking to John Kerry
"I will gather all nations (including the U.S.) and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will put them on trial (judgement) for what they did to my inheritance, my (Jewish) people Israel, because they scattered my people among the nations and divided {parted) up MY land." - Joel 3:2

19.200 Joden uit de hele wereld keerden in 2013 terug naar huis in de Joodse staat Israël

Volgens gegevens die werden samengesteld door Het Joodse Agentschap voor Israël en het Israëlische Ministerie van Immigratie en Absorptie, zijn zowat 19.200 immigranten aangekomen in Israël in 2013, een lichte stijging vergeleken met de 18.940 die in 2012 arriveerden.
Uiteraard zorgen deze gegevens voor heel wat commotie in de Arabische media. De Arabieren kennen dan ook een lange geschiedenis van het trachten om de Joden te beletten om thuis te komen.
Over heel 2013 werd een totale stijging van de Alijah genoteerd met 35% afkomstig uit West-Europa, met de komst van 4.390 immigranten dit jaar, in tegenstelling tot de 3.258 in 2012. De meest dramatische stijging in de Aliyah werd genoteerd uit Frankrijk, die de komst van 3.120 immigranten zagen in tegenstelling tot 1.916 vorig jaar, mede dankzij de Israëlische programma’s voor de Franse Joodse jeugd en de inspanningen om Aliyah aan te moedigen onder de Franse joodse gemeenschap.
In 2013 werden ook zo’n 3.000 immigranten verwelkomd uit Noord-Amerika en 1240 immigranten uit Latijns-Amerika – een stijging met 34% ten opzichte van 926 vorig jaar. De grootste groep immigranten naar Israël in 2013 kwamen uit de voormalige Sovjet-Unie en klokten af op 7.520 alsmede 270 immigranten die uit andere Oost-Europese landen afkwamen.
Een toename van Aliyah in 2013 werd tevens elders genoteerd: 265 immigranten kwamen uit Oceanië (voornamelijk Australië en Nieuw-Zeeland), een stijging van 46% ten opzichte van de 182 die in 2012 toekwamen, en 204 immigranten kwamen naar Israël vanuit Zuid-Afrika, een stijging met 19 % ten opzichte van vorig jaar 172. 245 immigranten kwamen uit het Midden-Oosten naar Israël in 2013, een stijging van 4% ten opzichte van 236 vorig jaar. 74 kwamen uit Turkije, hetzelfde aantal ten opzichte van 2012.
Bron Brabosh
Read: 19,200 new immigrants arrive in Israel in 2013
Lees ook: Israël plant grootscheepse operatie om op 3 jaar tijd tienduizenden Franse Joden te repatriëren
Read: Israel Planning ‘Rescue’ Operation for French Jews

Ancient Jewish Texts Found in Afghanistan

A special event next week at the National Library of Israel will debut a display of ancient Jewish texts found in a cave in Afghanistan. The library purchased 29 of the discovered texts.
The texts are approximately 1,000 years old and were written in either ancient Persian or Arabic. They are predominantly legal or commercial documents, except for an Arabic commentary on the book of Isaiah, attributed to post-Talmudic Jewish leader Rabbi Saadiah Gaon.
Archeologists verified the documents’ date by carbon-dating microscopic portions. Despite being written on paper, rather than parchment, the documents remain well preserved, most likely due to the climate in the cave, reported Israel National News.
Source: Algemeiner
zondag 29 december 2013
Shimon Peres: I will devote rest of term to Pollard's release

President Shimon Peres has decided to dedicate the remaining few months of presidency to one goal: The release of the Israeli-American spy Jonathan Pollard.
Peres, who is expected to leave the presidential office this coming July, committed Thursday to increase the pressure on US President Barak Obama, in order to convince him to release the spy who has been imprisoned for close to 29 years.
In closed conversations Peres said that just as in Israel it is customary to commute sentences, it is not unreasonable that Pollard, even if he committed a serious offense, should be granted clemency.
The president also responded to a request from the Knesset, agreeing to relay to Obama a letter signed by 106 MKs – with the request to free Pollard.
Source: YNews
Read/Lees: Free Jonathan Pollard !
Israel Set to Release Convicted Palestinian Terrorists
Who Stabbed, Shot, and Strangled their Victims — Including the Elderly

Israel is set to free a third set of Palestinian prisoners as part of an agreement Secretary of State John Kerry brokered earlier this year to restart long dormant peace talks with the Palestinian Authority.
To prepare for Monday’s release, the Prisons Authority has published a list of those who are going to be released and the crimes for which they were convicted.
Families of those killed by the convicted terrorists are blasting the government for agreeing to release the 26 before they have completed their sentences.
According to the Times of Israel, all of the prisoners besides three “were convicted of murdering Israeli civilians, soldiers or Palestinians suspected of collaborating with Israel.”
A Jerusalem Post reporter wrote that at a Saturday night rally in Jerusalem, they held up photos of those killed and signs that read, “You should be embarrassed. Only in Israel are killers freed.”
Source: theblaze
Lees: 3de groep Palestijnse terroristen en moordenaars die Israël vrijlaat voor vrede

Israel is set to free a third set of Palestinian prisoners as part of an agreement Secretary of State John Kerry brokered earlier this year to restart long dormant peace talks with the Palestinian Authority.
To prepare for Monday’s release, the Prisons Authority has published a list of those who are going to be released and the crimes for which they were convicted.
Families of those killed by the convicted terrorists are blasting the government for agreeing to release the 26 before they have completed their sentences.
According to the Times of Israel, all of the prisoners besides three “were convicted of murdering Israeli civilians, soldiers or Palestinians suspected of collaborating with Israel.”
A Jerusalem Post reporter wrote that at a Saturday night rally in Jerusalem, they held up photos of those killed and signs that read, “You should be embarrassed. Only in Israel are killers freed.”
Source: theblaze
Lees: 3de groep Palestijnse terroristen en moordenaars die Israël vrijlaat voor vrede

Good News: Jordan Valley annexation bill approved

The Ministerial Committee on Legislation passed a bill stating that the Jordan Valley will be annexed to the Jewish state and will be under full Israeli sovereignty.
The Ministerial Committee on Legislation approved today a bill initiated by Likud MK Miri Regev calling for the annexation of the Jordan Valley and transferring the area to be under full Israeli sovereignty, in contrast to the American proposal for security arrangements in the framework of the negotiations with the Palestinians.
The bill passed with a majority of 8 Knesset members supporting it, with three opposed. Both Israeli Finance Minister Yair Lapid and Israeli Justice Minister Tzippi Livni are expected to oppose the bill, believing that it will harm the political negotiations with the Palestinians and adversely affect Israel’s public image.
During a heated discussion, Israeli Justice Minister Livni personally attacked the bill’s sponsor: “I have no respect for the bill or those who made it.” Israeli Interior Minister Gideon Sa’ar stated in response, “Who made you talk like that?” MK Miri Regev stressed, “The law was approved just when the government is negotiating with the Palestinians is a statement that the government decided that the Jordan Valley is a strategic asset of Israel and forever will remain a part of Israel.”
MK Miri Regev
“The purpose of the law is simple,” Regev told Arutz Sheva. “To ensure that the current government of Israel continues to maintain Israel’s eastern line of defense, as every previous government has done. Just to remind everyone, there was opposition to imposing Israeli sovereignty on the Golan region, but the sky didn’t fall when it happened,” she said.
“It’s no secret that the towns in the Jordan Valley have tremendous importance in terms of defense and strategy… Ultimately, we have a responsibility to the citizens of Israel,” Regev declared. “Not every round of negotiations has to end with land concessions and forcibly evacuating Israeli towns,” she added. “If this continues, eventually we’ll end up with just central Tel Aviv.”
Source: jerusalemonline
Lees: Geweldig Nieuws! Ministers keuren wetsvoorstel goed om Jordaanvallei te annexeren bij Israël
Our Comment: Israel must Biblically annex whole of the 'westbank', every part of the Land that God has promised to the Jews!

North Israel attacked by two rockets from southern Lebanon

Two Katyusha rockets fired from Lebanon landed west of the northern Galilee town of Kiryat Shmona at approximately 7 a.m. local time. No one was wounded and there was no damage reported from the attack.
Security officials said a total of four rockets were launched from southern Lebanon, but two failed to make it across the border, landing inside Lebanon. The report was followed on Sunday morning by a Lebanese report of two rocket falls near Sarda, a village some 10 kilometers from Marj Ayoun near the border with Israel. Lebanese Army troops deployed to the area to investigate.
The IDF said in a tweet on its Hebrew-language Twitter feed that it retaliated for the rocket attack with “massive artillery fire of dozens of shells targeting the source of the [rocket] fire.”
“This attack from Lebanese soil is an inexcusable, unacceptable blatant breach of Israel’s sovereignty,” IDF spokesman to the international press Lt. Col. Peter Lerner said on Twitter Sunday.
“Launching rockets from Lebanon in to Israel jeopardizes thousands of civilian lives in the north, a reality no sovereign state would accept. The IDF maintains the right to self defense and will operate accordingly against the perpetrators,” he added.
Source: timesofisrael
Read: UN troops vow to catch Lebanese rocket launcher

zaterdag 28 december 2013
Grootste slachting door Islam onder christenen in Syrië wordt genegeerd

Het ergste bloedbad onder christenen – compleet met massagraven, van vrouwen en kinderen gemarteld tot de dood toe, en vernietigde kerken – vond onlangs plaats in Syrië door de handen van de door de VS gesteunde jihad-”rebellen”, waarbij de Amerikaanse regering en hun spreekbuis van de “mainstream media” zich zoals gewoonlijk stil hielden (als ze al niet zelfs actief proberen om zaken te minimaliseren).
Het bloedbad vond plaats in Sadad, een eeuwenoude Syrisch-orthodoxe christelijke woonplaats, zo oud dat ze wordt vermeld in het Oude Testament. De meeste inwoners van de regio zijn arm, aangezien Sadad in een afgelegen woestijn ligt tussen Homs en Damascus (woestijngebieden zijn tot nu toe blijkbaar de enige plaatsen waar de Syrische christenen zich veilig konden voelen; 600 christelijke families waren al eerder gevlucht voor de vervolging van de jihad, maar die kwam hen daarop alleen maar achterna).
Eind oktober is de door de VS gesteunde “oppositie” de stad binnengevallen en bezette Sadad meer dan een week, tot ze weer verdrongen werden door het regeringsleger. Onder vele andere wreedheden waren er deze wreedheden tegen 45 christenen – waaronder vrouwen en kinderen – die werden gedood, meerderen werden doodgemarteld. Sadat telde 14 kerken, sommige heel oud. Ze werden geplunderd en vernietigd, de lichamen van zes mensen uit één familie, variërend in de leeftijd van 16-90, werden gevonden op de bodem van een bron (een steeds vaker voorkomend “onmenselijk” lot voor christenen).
De jihadisten maakten zelfs een video (Engels ondertiteld) van degenen die zij hebben afgeslacht, terwijl ze de islam zegekreet schreeuwen: “Allahu Akbar”. (Die vergelijkt John McCain met als een christen zegt: “Dank aan God”). Nog een video werd gevonden nadat Sadad was bevrijd met meer beelden van wreedheden.
Dat dit het “grootste bloedbad van de christenen in Syrië is,” is het maar het topje van de ijsberg van de vervolgingen die de christelijke minderheid in dit land lijdt, waaronder onthoofdingen, bomaanslagen op kerken, ontvoeringen, verkrachtingen, en de ontwrichting van honderdduizenden christenen sinds de oorlog uitbrak.
Een maand voor Sadad werd een andere oude christelijke regio, Ma’loula, een van ‘s werelds weinige regio’s die nog het Aramees spreekt, de taal van Jezus, belegerd door de jihadisten, de kerken opgeblazen en geplunderd, de bewoners gedwongen om zich te bekeren tot de islam of te sterven. De laatste woorden van een man die weigerde waren: “Ik ben een christen, en als je me hiervoor wilt vermoorden, zal ik me er niet tegen verzetten.”
De aartsbisschop zei: “We hebben naar de wereld geschreeuwd om steun, maar niemand heeft naar ons geluisterd. Waar is het christelijk geweten? Waar is het menselijk bewustzijn? Waar zijn mijn broeders? Ik denk aan al diegenen die vandaag de dag lijden in rouw en ongemak: We vragen iedereen om te bidden voor ons”.
Lees meer: weeswaakzaam
Read: Largest Massacre of Christians in Syria Ignored
vrijdag 27 december 2013
Second Rocket Fired from Gaza at Israel in As Many Days

A Kassam rocket was fired from Gaza Thursday evening, the second in as many days. The rocket fell in open ground right near a community in the south, causing no injuries or damage.
In response, the IAF struck several targets in Gaza. According to an IDF statement, the sites including a weapons production site in central Gaza, along with a weapons storehouse in northern Gaza.
'Color red' sirens were heard throughout the Hof Ashkelon Regional Council communities, after the rocket was fired from near Beit Lahia in northern Gaza.
The Iron Dome system was not deployed, despite the IDF's recent moving of missile batteries to various parts of southern Israel.
Yair Farjun, head of the Hof Ashkelon Regional Council, called for a strong response to the attack.
"We are alert to the security tension created in our region in the last several day," said Farjun, adding "the government must act assertively against the attackers and the IDF knows how to do that. Our communities are strong, but we will not accept being fired upon."
Source: israelnationalnews

donderdag 26 december 2013
Christmas Blessing by President Shimon Peres
Peace is a delicate word, but also a much widely spread/said and misunderstood term. Mr. Chamberlain made 'peace' with Nazi-Germany. Israel likes and will make 'peace' with the palestinian arabs/muslims.I tell you and asure you: Israel and the Jewish people [and nobody]will get NO peace without faith in their Prince of Peace, Yeshua Mashiach, Ben-David - Ben-Yosef. (this a warning for false peace, men later will regret)
woensdag 25 december 2013
Christmas Bombing Targets Iraqi Christians
A car bomb targeted a church in the Iraqi capital Wednesday as worshippers left after a Christmas service, killing at least 35 people, most of them Christians, security officials said.
"The attack targeted the church, and most of the martyrs are Christians," a police colonel told AFP. "The attack happened when worshippers were leaving the church" after a service. There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack.
"Attacks distort the image of Islam and religion, if they are carrying them out in the name of religion," said Monsignor Pios Cacha of Baghdad's St. Joseph church. "The church is a place of love and peace, and not for wars," Cacha said.
Earlier in the year, Cacha had said that "maybe we will follow in the steps of our Jewish brothers," referring to Iraq's once-thriving Jewish community that was all but wiped-out due to persecution, discrimination and violence at the hands of the country's Muslim majority.
Approximately one million Jews were forced to flee Muslim-majority countries during the twentieth century, wiping out entire Jewish communities, whose presence in the region predated Islam. Today, the Middle East's Christian population is facing similar challenges, with Christian communities - many of whom also predate the rise of Islam - targeted by Islamists throughout the region. Israel is currently the only Middle Eastern country with a growing Christian population.
Iraq has seen its Christian population sharply decline in the years since 2003. In that year, the US-led invasion of Iraq ended dictator Saddam Hussein's rule, but also turned the country into a battleground between insurgents and foreign troops, unleashing a wave of bombings and killings by terrorists in which Christians were not only caught in the crossfire, but targeted themselves.
The bloodiest single attack on the community happened on October 31, 2010, when terrorists killed 44 worshippers and two priests in Baghdad's Our Lady of Salvation church.
Estimates of the number of Christians living in Iraq before 2003 vary from just over one million to around 1.5 million; but now there are only around 400,000, according to Chaldean Patriarch Louis Sako, head of one of the world's oldest Christian communities. Some 61 churches have been attacked in the decade since the US-led invasion, Sako said, with more than 1,000 Christians killed in violence, albeit not all in targeted attacks.
Source: israelnationalnews
Read: Christmas bombings kill 34 in Iraq
Israëlisch leger reageert met luchtaanvallen op de Gazastrook na verscheidene Palestijnse aanslagen

Nieuws uit Israël: de voorbije 24 uren werd 1 bomaanslag op een lijnbus gepleegd ; 1 raket werd afgevuurd vanuit Gaza en 1 politie officier werd in Jeruzalem met een mes neergestoken.
Hoezo, u heeft daar niks over gehoord? Wees gerust. Van zodra Israël het geweld beantwoordt, dàn zult u er zeker over horen. Volslagen blind en potdoof voor de Palestijnse terreur, geweld en moord, zal de internationale media als een donderslag bij heldere hemel ontwaken en overlopen van woede en verontwaardiging vanaf het ogenblik dat Israël het waagt om zich te verdedigen.
De Israëlische luchtmacht heeft dinsdagmiddag enkele luchtaanvallen uitgevoerd op doelwitten in de Gazastrook, in antwoord op een scherpschuttersaanslag waarbij eerder een Israëlische burger werd gedood. Volgens Israël Radio, heeft de IAF een militair trainingskamp van Hamas vernietigd ten westen van het vluchtelingenkamp van Khan Younis. Het rapport voegde eraan toe dat door het IAF eveneens doelwitten van Hamas in Zaytoun, een wijk van Gaza, en in het Al-Bureij kamp werden beschadigd.
Ook hebben tanks van het IDF granaten afgevuurd naar wat verluidt terroristische doelwitten waren in de wijken van Gaza Zaytoun en het Al-Bureij vluchtelingenkamp. Militaire bronnen zeiden dat de luchtaanvallen ‘beperkt van omvang zijn’. Afgezien van een richtlijn gegeven aan de landbouwers om de velden in de directe nabijheid van de grens te ontuimen, heeft het Thuisfront Commando van het IDF geen verdere orders afgegeven aan burgers in het gebied.
Bron: Brabosh
Lees: Balans van december: 135 terreuraanvallen
Read: IDF strikes Gaza in retaliation for deadly shooting attack

Eén persoon gewond bij bomaanslag op lijnbus in Bat Yam nabij Tel Aviv

Een bomaanslag op een lijnbus in Bat Yam nabij Tel Aviv, gisteren zondagnamiddag 22 december 2013, is redelijk goed afgelopen, dankzij het alert ingrijpen van enkele passagiers en van de buschauffeur.
Lijnbus No. 240 van de busmaatschappij Dan werkte zijn parcours af en aan een halte merkte een van de passagiers, David Pappo, een verdachte tas op de bus, opende die en zag dat er een presspot (hogedrukkoker) in zat waaruit wat draden liepen en verwittigde buschauffeur Michael Yoger (foto).
Die liet onmiddelijk de bus ontruimen, waarop dat ogenblik ongeveer twaalf mensen hadden plaats genomen. Nauwelijks drie minuten nadat de laatste passagier de bus had verlaten, explodeerde het bompakket waardoor al de ruiten van de bus sneuvelden. Eén persoon raakte licht gewond, met name een ontmijningsexpert toen die de bom benaderde net op het ogenblijk dat de bom afging.
Maar een grote ramp werd dankzij het alert reageren gelukkig voorkomen. Later kregen de twee helden van de dag, Pappo en Yoger, een persoonlijk telefoontje van president Shimon Peres om hen te feliciteren met het voorkomen van een zoveelste tragedie veroorzaakt door de Palestijnse terreurgroepen.
Bron: Brabosh
Read: Bomb Explodes on Bat Yam Bus; One Wounded
dinsdag 24 december 2013
Rebuttal The 'Real' Truth about Palestine - by Danny Ayalon
Txs for telling the Truth; also about [us] 'Christians' (we rather call ourselves Messianic Believers in Yeshua) who have no life under PA or Hamas controlled areas. Also in Israel this is a problem, when Islamic Arabs try to take over everything that is Godly, for example Bethlehem where Yeshua/Jesus was born, and also Nazareth where Yeshua/Jesus lived and was raised up. Jerusalem is next, because Yeshua died there and was raised from the dead, and will come back as the King of Kings (Moshiach) in Jerusalem. They (Islam/Muslims surrounding Israel) say: “Let us take possession of the pasturelands of God [for ourselves]” (Psalm 83:12).
I have a message for you! We as believers in Yeshua are the most best friends of the Jewish people and in the support of the state of Israel, you will ever get. We believe Israel is the promised land (to the Jews) of the God of Israel, Creator of heaven and earth. We believe (the Jew) Yeshua/Jesus is the Messiah (Deuteronomy 18:15-19), saviour of humankind, and that Jews, none Jews (including Muslims) can/must be reconciled (be in peace) to God through faith in Messiah.
maandag 23 december 2013
The Palestinian Red Line

The media reported that Mahmoud Abbas, head of the Palestinian Authority (PA), rejected the peace proposals submitted by US Secretary of State John Kerry.
The Palestinians leaked that Abbas sent a letter to Kerry reiterating his complete opposition to the demand to recognize Israel as a Jewish state. This was declared a “red line” that the Palestinians will not cross.
This “red line” is not just about semantics, but rather the essence of the conflict. The Palestinian position amounts to denying the Jews the right to establish their state in their homeland. It also indicates without any doubt that the Palestinians, despite the conventional wisdom, are not ready to reach a historic compromise with Zionism, the Jewish national revival movement.
Therefore, a stable peace based on mutual recognition and ending all demands is not in the cards. The weak PA seems to accept partition of Mandatory Palestine into two states – perhaps in accordance with the PLO’s stages approach – but it still refrains from accepting the legitimacy of the Zionist enterprise.
Read more: balfourpost
zondag 15 december 2013
vrijdag 13 december 2013
donderdag 12 december 2013
Messianic Performance Asks: Is Israel Ready to Accept Yeshua/Jesus?

A performance put on by the Messianic Jewish Alliance of Israel (MJAI) in central Israel on Thursday asked the pertinent question: How would Israel react today if Yeshua (Jesus) were to show up?
Titled “HaKochav Nolad” (“The Star is Born” - a play on the name of a popular television singing competition), the Hebrew-language stage show recounted the miraculous births of both John the Baptist and Yeshua, and the trials both pairs of parents faced.
The first half of the performance drove home the point that at the time of Yeshua’s birth, the Jews of Israel believed nothing could be worse than the Roman occupation, and were certain the promised Messiah was coming to right that particular wrong.
As such, it is perhaps understandable why so many failed to believe. It is also the same reason the Bible teaches so many in our own time will be taken in by the promises of a great man who promises and appears to bring peace from today’s particular troubles.
At the end of the play, the scene switches to modern times, and a young girl asks, “Israel turned away Yeshua once, what if they do so again?” Fortunately, for those of us who have read the end of the book, the answer to that conundrum is provided: God intends to turn the hearts of all Israel back to Him.
Source: israeltoday
Lees: Messiaans toneelstuk: Is Israël klaar voor Yeshua?
Israeli Foreign ministry summons Dutch ambassador over ‘pro-boycott atmosphere’ in Holland
A very shame for our country, messed up by our leftist socialist pro-palestinian Minister Frans Timmermans.
Dutch Embassy Israel
The Foreign Ministry summoned Dutch Ambassador Casper Veldkamp to protest what it said were “ambiguous” statements by the Dutch Foreign Ministry creating a pro-boycott atmosphere of Israel in the Netherlands, on Wednesday.
The protest came a day after the Dutch water-giant, Vitens, canceled cooperation with Israel’s water corporation Mekorot because of alleged infractions of international law.
Veldkamp met with Rafi Schutz, the Foreign Ministry’s deputy director-general for Europe.
Israel protested that unclear language by the Dutch Foreign Ministry about doing business with Israeli firms was feeding a pro-boycott environment in the country.
Israel said vague statements warning of possible legal problems stemming from doing business with Israeli companies working beyond the Green Line – even though there is no legal precedent for that claim – were scaring away companies, who do not want to take any chances.
A spokesperson for the Dutch foreign minister in The Hague said the ministry did not insist on the termination of the Vitens-Mekorot cooperation, and that the decision was taken by Vitens itself.
Source: JerusalemPost
Lees: Nederlandse ambassadeur in Israël ontboden om Vitens
Dutch Ambassador Casper Veldkamp.

The Foreign Ministry summoned Dutch Ambassador Casper Veldkamp to protest what it said were “ambiguous” statements by the Dutch Foreign Ministry creating a pro-boycott atmosphere of Israel in the Netherlands, on Wednesday.
The protest came a day after the Dutch water-giant, Vitens, canceled cooperation with Israel’s water corporation Mekorot because of alleged infractions of international law.
Veldkamp met with Rafi Schutz, the Foreign Ministry’s deputy director-general for Europe.
Israel protested that unclear language by the Dutch Foreign Ministry about doing business with Israeli firms was feeding a pro-boycott environment in the country.
Israel said vague statements warning of possible legal problems stemming from doing business with Israeli companies working beyond the Green Line – even though there is no legal precedent for that claim – were scaring away companies, who do not want to take any chances.
A spokesperson for the Dutch foreign minister in The Hague said the ministry did not insist on the termination of the Vitens-Mekorot cooperation, and that the decision was taken by Vitens itself.
Source: JerusalemPost
Lees: Nederlandse ambassadeur in Israël ontboden om Vitens

Coming Animal Sacrifices and the Third Temple
A Biblical Warning to Jew and non-Jew
The Holy (Jewish Temple) next to the unholy (Muslim mosque), through a false 'peace' treaty in the Middle East:

Again an abomination will be erected in the Temple, just like Antiochus IV Epiphanes did, and a man (world leader) will declare himself God in the Temple:
The Holy (Jewish Temple) next to the unholy (Muslim mosque), through a false 'peace' treaty in the Middle East:

Again an abomination will be erected in the Temple, just like Antiochus IV Epiphanes did, and a man (world leader) will declare himself God in the Temple:

woensdag 11 december 2013
Waterakkoord over de Dode Zee is ondertekend
Israël, Jordanië en de Palestijnse Autoriteit hebben een pact ondertekend om de uitdrogende Dode Zee te redden. Er zou water uit de Rode Zee via een pijpleiding worden overgepompt.
Vertegenwoordigers van de drie partijen hebben het akkoord ondertekend tijdens een plechtigheid op de zetel van de Wereldbank in Washington. Op een ogenblik dat de vredesonderhandelingen tussen Israël en de Palestijnen niet echt vooruit gaan, is het opmerkelijk dat er een samenwerking tot stand komt over een specifiek dossier dat alle partijen aanbelangt.
Volgens het akkoord moet er een pijpleiding worden gebouwd vanuit een ontziltingsinstallatie nabij Aqaba aan de Rode Zee van waaruit water vervoerd zou worden naar de Dode Zee. Een deel van dat water zal ook herwerkt worden tot drinkwater voor Israëli's, Palestijnen en Jordaniërs.
De Dode Zee is in feite een meer in een 392 meter diepe slenk, meteen het diepste punt op aarde. Dat meer wordt gevoed door de Jordaan en andere rivieren die smeltwater vanuit de Golanhoogten naar het meer vervoeren. Veel water van de Dode Zee verdampt. Het overblijvende water is dan ook erg rijk aan zout en andere mineralen en daardoor heeft zich een hele spa- en wellnessindustrie ontwikkeld langs de oevers.
De voorbije jaren is het evenwel merkbaar droger in de regio en daardoor zakt het waterpeil van de Dode Zee jaarlijks met een meter. Waarnemers vrezen dat de Dode Zee tegen 2050 verdwenen zal zijn. Toch is niet iedereen opgetogen over de plannen voor redding. Milieugroepen eisen dat er eerst een onderzoek komt naar de gevolgen van het overpompen van water uit de Rode Zee voor het fragiele ecosysteem van de Dode Zee.
Bron: deredactie
Ons commentaar: wanneer Messias gekomen zal zijn, zal er levend water vanuit de tempel in Jeruzalem de dode zee instromen, waarna er weer veel vis gevangen zal kunnen worden, en er weer volop leven in zal zijn. Lees Ezechiel 47.
Read: Israel, Jordan, Palestinians to finally build Red-Dead pipeline
Israel, Jordan, PA agree to build Red Sea-Dead Sea link
dinsdag 10 december 2013
Muslims slaughtering Christians "like chickens" in Central African Republic
Here a strong piece of media rape/violence/lies against Christians in Central Africa. while Muslim rebels/fighters are persecuting Christians and hacking them to death, the media portrays Christians as equal militias figthing the Muslims/Islamics. While the Muslims are the main perpetrators with this evil violence against the Christians, they only can and try to defend themselves and their property. A real Christian never wants to bear up arms or want to fight, because Jesus/Yeshua teaches to turn the other cheek when somebody uses violence or hate against a follower of Jesus. But the media demonises Christians, under the cover of 'sectarian violence on both sides', to please Islam and to say nothing bad about them.
Christians living in fear in the Central African Republic
Christians living in fear in the Central African Republic
zondag 8 december 2013
Christian Zionist Heroes
The return of the Jewish People to the Land of Israel and the establishment of the Jewish State could not have been done without the help of leading Christian Zionists, yet their stories are largely unknown. Jerry Klinger, President of the Jewish American Society for Historic Preservation has thoroughly researched and written biographical sketches of 8 leading Christian Zionist Heroes. This short eBook is a must read for both Jews and Christians alike.
Download Free eBook now!
Read: What motivates Christian Zionists? (JPost)
Hebron Attacks: What Is It Like to Be Attacked By Rocks?
Think rock throwing is harmless? See
the horrible reality for yourself of everyday life in places like Judea
and Samaria. Read more about rock throwing: http://www.idfblog.com/2013/03/18/roc...
zaterdag 7 december 2013
NOS Pro-Palestijnen (Anti-Israel) Media-Watch

Ook nu weer herhaald het NOS-Nieuws eindeloos de historisch-incorrecte palestijnse-leugentermen: 'palestijnse gebieden', bezette gebieden', en 'illegale nederzettingen'.
Ik heb hen dan ook de volgende vragen getweet: Kunt u mij uitleggen wat de 'palestijnse gebieden' zijn? En welk 'gebied' Israel 'bezet'? En welke nederzetting 'illegaal' is?
Ook premier Rutte deed er nog een onzinnig schepje bovenop, door te zeggen dat hij alles in het werk zal stellen, om producten uit de zogenaamde illegale nederzettingen trachten tegen te gaan (en/of te labelen}. Bernard Wientjes maakt het nog belachelijker door te zeggen dat het verkrijgen van deze producten ontmoedigd moet worden! Ondanks dat er in het nieuws stond dat de minister-president op eieren moet lopen in Israël, en dat de VVD vaak een verschil van mening heeft met de PvdA betreffende het zgn. Midden-Oosten conflict, zie je hier duidelijk dat de premier aan de halsband loopt m.b.t. de antisemitische pro-Palestina agenda van de PvdA.
Zie ons: NOS Media Watch
Read: Levy Committee Report: Settlements are “Not Illegal”
donderdag 5 december 2013
The anti-Islamic terrorists border fence between Israel and the Sinai has been completed

After dozens of years of border breaches, the last section of the border fence between Israel and the Sinai has been completed. The length of the fence is 245 kilometers long, from Rafah to Eilat, and costs 1,600,000,000 NIS. It was one of Israel’s largest projects in recent years.
After three and a half years of construction, the building of the border fence with Egypt has been completed. For two and a half years, the building of the first 230 kilometers of the fence took place. It took another year and a half to build the remaining 15 kilometers along the south-western border with Israel.
The last section is characterized by deep and steep valleys, as well as hard rocks. Surprisingly, the last section was one of the busiest infiltration routes. “They passed here in the hundreds,” Brigadier-General Eran Ofir stated. “A third of the infiltrators passed via the enclosures surrounding Eilat and it was the biggest part of this section.”
At the beginning, the purpose of the fence was to halt the flow of illegal migrants from Africa. The fence stopped almost all of the job seekers, but when terrorists started to arrive in the Sinai Peninsula, the Israeli security establishment needed to add to the fence other components.
The fence will not prevent the firing of grad rockets from the Sinai, but it will make it very difficult to wage terrorist attacks from within Israeli territory. “Today, we are capable to produce better intelligence on terrorist organizations,” Southern Command Colonel Aviv Reshef stated. “We follow them and monitor them even when they are in the Sinai, and when they try to engage us, we thwart them.”
Part of the land border is very close to Eilat and there is a sea boundary that meets it. The border fence comes with an under-water component. The Israeli Defense Ministry is planning to build an additional sea fence and meanwhile, Israeli naval ships are dispatched to divide this section of the border.
Brigadier-General Eran Ofir worked on the fence for three years as the commander of the complex project. Now with its completion, he is not sure that this southern fence is the last one that Israel will build and already in recent days has discussed a fence along the Jordanian border that is in the planning phases.
Source: jerusalemonline
Norway (Christian) Delegation Visits Israel, Asks for Forgiveness
Lees: “Vergeef ons, Israël!” Verklaring van kerkleiders uit Noorwegen
John Kerry Back in Israel (Again)
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu address a joint news conference at the Prime Minister's Office in Jerusalem, December 5, 2013. Kerry said on Thursday that some progress had been made in Israeli-Palestinian peace talks and that he had presented Israel with ideas for improving its security under any future accord.
WE DON'T BELIEVE KERRY! Any loss of Gods land to the Palestinians, division of Israel, for a so-called fake peace plan, is doomed to fail and will harm the Jewish state.
Read: Israel refuses to compromise on Jordan Valley security
woensdag 4 december 2013
EU Threatens Action Against Israel and PA if Talks Fail / Rivers and lakes turns into blood

The European Union (EU) is apparently fed up with the lack of progress in peace talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA) and is threatening to take action against both sides if the talks fail.
A senior EU official said Tuesday that the bloc was considering cutting its annual aid to the PA if the current round of talks fails to end in an agreement. The EU provides the PA with about 300 million Euros in aid per year.
As well, the official was quoted by Israeli media as having said, the 28-nation bloc was considering reviving its plan to label products manufactured in Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria.
The official said that half the nations in the EU, including Britain and France, have expressed support for implementing the plan right away.
Plans to label “settlement products” have been in the works for a while. Earlier this year, the EU formally recommended that Israeli activity in Judea and Samaria be “prevented” through an economic boycott of Jewish industry in those regions. Such a move would affect tens of thousands of PA Arabs who are employed in Jewish-owned industry in the area.
EU foreign ministers, including Britain’s William Hague and Laurent Fabius of France, indicated at one point they would back the labeling initiative, but it was later reported that the plans were postponed after U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry intervened.
Read More: Arutz7
Amos 4:10 (NIV)
“I sent plagues among you
as I did to Egypt.
I killed your young men with the sword,
along with your captured horses.
I filled your nostrils with the stench of your camps,
yet you have not returned to me,”
Declares the Lord.
Our Comment: The danger of the EU turning against Israel (with an unrepentant and high-minded attitude/heart) is, that the Lord will lay the plagues of Egypt on our EU-countries, and it's allready happening.
Exodus 7:17
"This is what the Lord says: By this you will know that I am the Lord: With the staff that is in my hand I will strike the water of the Nile, and it will be changed into blood."

Update Sept. /Oct. 2016
Oldest Synagogue Building in U.S. Turns 250

During our Thanksgiving and Hanukkah posts, we told you about the oldest Jewish community in the United States and its connections to celebrations of thanksgiving, patriotism, and dedication. Today we bring you news of the 250th anniversary of the Touro Synagogue in Newport, R.I., the oldest synagogue building in the U.S.:
The Newport building was completed in 1763 and was dedicated during the [Hanukkah] festival celebrations on December 2nd of that year. The dedication ceremony was a regional celebration attended not only by the congregation, but also by clergy and other dignitaries from around the colony including Congregationalist Minister Ezra Stiles who later became the president of Yale University.
While our Thanksgiving post mentioned George Washington’s connection and relationship with Colonial Jews, the Touro Synagogue was also recognized by our first president and founding father. In a letter written to the congregation in 1790, Washington declared the dedication of the young nation to not only the Jewish people, but to all of its citizens:
“[H]appily, the Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance, requires only that they who live under its protection should demean themselves as good citizens in giving it on all occasions their effectual support …
“May the children of the stock of Abraham who dwell in this land continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the other inhabitants …
“May the father of all mercies scatter light, and not darkness, upon our paths, and make us all in our several vocations useful here, and in His own due time and way everlastingly happy.”
Take a moment to read President Washington’s words that still hold so much meaning for modern America, and thank God that we are guaranteed the freedom from bigotry and persecution and right to pray and worship.
Source: standforisrael
dinsdag 3 december 2013
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