dinsdag 29 juli 2014
After 2000 years, there are no more Christians in Mosul (Ninive)

After 2000 years, the last Christian was forced to leave Mosul, Iraq.
Mosul, the ancient Nineveh, was the home of one of the most ancient Christian communities in the world, the Assyrian Christians. Last Friday ISIS gave the Christians the ultimatum:
• convert to Islam,
• pay an impossibly high monthly protection tax in gold,
• leave,
• or die.
By Saturday night the last Christians were gone.
Pray their faith will remain strong, and their witness will be clear. Ask the Lord to speak light into the darkness of this persecution and to glorify His name even in the face of this evil.
ISIS Forces Last Iraqi Christians to Flee Mosul
Christenen Mosul vluchten na verlopen ISIS-ultimatum
Christenen Mosul vluchten voor ISIS
maandag 28 juli 2014
Raketdetectie op Boeings Israël
Israëlische passagierstoestellen krijgen een hypermodern beschermingssysteem tegen raketten. Het gaat om 42 Boeings en Airbussen van de drie nationale luchtvaartmaatschappijen El Al, Arkia en Israir.
De vliegtuigen worden volgens De Telegraaf uitgerust met een kleine gondel onder de romp. Daarin bevinden zich een waarschuwingssysteem, vier infraroodcamera’s en een zeer krachtig laserkanon.
C-MUSIC (Multi Spectral Infrared Countermeasure voor commerciële vluchten) detecteert vanaf de grond afgevuurde raketten. De laser treft vervolgens het zoeksysteem zodat het projectiel afzwaait en neerstort, zegt directeur Mike Yanoov van het Israëlische bedrijf Elbit Systems. Tests zouden uitwijzen dat C-MUSIC zeer succesvol is in het manipuleren van raketten.
Het systeem is volledig automatisch en kan aangepast worden zodat tevens de radarfrequentie van raketten als de SA-11 verstoord kan worden. Yanoov: "Dat vlucht MH17 ten prooi viel aan een radargeleide SA-11-batterij is zeer uitzonderlijk. Alleen hoogopgeleide militairen kunnen een SA-11 met de daarbij horende commando- en radarvoertuigen bedienen. Er moet wel medewerking van een land of leger zijn geweest. Het risico van eenvoudiger raketten die vanaf de schouder worden afgeschoten, is helaas nog vele malen groter. Nadat een zojuist van Mombassa in Kenia opgestegen El Al Boeing 757 bijna ten prooi viel aan terroristen met twee SA-7-raketten, besloot de Israëlische regering tot een beschermingsprogramma voor burgervliegtuigen."
ISIS verwoest graf van Jonas

Nahum 3 vers 7 (NBG 51): ‘Verwoest is Nineve! Wie zal haar beklagen? Waar zal ik troosters voor u zoeken?’
Naast de verwoesting van talloze kerken, kloosters, moskeeën en het roven van onbetaalbare archeologische schatten, hebben ISIS-troepen in Mosoel ook de hand geslagen aan het graf van de Oudtestamentische profeet Jonas. Voor wie minder bekend is met de geschiedenis: Mosoel is de plek van het roemruchte Nineve, de oude stad waar Jonas naartoe werd gestuurd. Het gebied is rijk aan bodemvondsten die de eeuwenoude historie van het gebied onderschrijven.
Muslims Destroy The Tomb Of The Prophet Jonah
Warning! Very Sad Video:
zaterdag 26 juli 2014
NOS Anti-Israel Media Watchdog

Walgelijke eenzijdige berichtgeving van de #NOS, waarin de Palestijnen in #Gaza dag aan dag in het nieuws/journaal als zielige mensen worden afgeschilderd, en Israëli's als duivels slecht. Al meer dan 40 Israëlische militairen zijn inmiddels omgekomen/gesneuveld door de moordlust en handen van islamitische Jihadstrijders van #Hamas, jonge jongens van het Israëlische leger die getracht hebben de raketterreur op Israël te stoppen!

vrijdag 25 juli 2014
Pro-Isis/Hamas demonstrate Den Haag: "Dood aan de Joden"

Dit doet ons bloed koken! Wij schamen ons diep dat dit kan en mag in Nederland, en dat de overheid die toestaat en toelaat. Zolang er nog maar 1 van dit soort lieden in Nederland vrij rondloopt en haatzaaiend tegen Joden vrij mogen demonstreren (waarvan hun ideologie-genoten in Syrie/Irak mijn Christen broeders en zusters onthoofden en vermoorden), en onze overtollerante en slappe regering [overheid] hen niet paspoortloos ons land uitzet, zullen wij ons niet meer vrij. veilig, en thuis voelen ons mijn eigen land.
In het handvest voor demonstraties en betogingen staat: "Anderzijds gelden in demonstraties ook de 'normale' beperkingen van het recht van vrijheid van meningsuiting, zoals belediging, majesteitsschennis, belediging van een bevriend staatshoofd, opruiing, en haatzaaien tegen een bevolkingsgroep." [wikipedia]
Ambassadeur Divon werd vandaag geïnterviewd door Omroep West over de demonstratie in Den Haag gisteren waar demonstranten zich anti-Semitisch uitlieten:

Anti-Joodse demonstratie van donderdag in Schilderswijk schokt ambassadeur Israël
De Israëlische ambassadeur Haim Divon in Den Haag is ‘absoluut geschokt’ door de antisemitische demonstratie van radicale moslims donderdag in de Haagse Schilderswijk. Hij zegt tegen Omroep West ‘bezorgd’ te zijn.
‘Toen ik de beelden van de demonstratie zag, leek het op een demonstratie in Syrië of Irak, maar toen realiseerde ik me dit is vlakbij hier Den Haag, ongelofelijk’, zegt Divon. ‘Ik hoop dat de autoriteiten vanaf nu wel daadkrachtig optreden, want als ze dat niet doen blijft het doorgaan en neemt het toe omdat de demonstranten zich vrij wanen.’
Tientallen radicalen moslims scandeerde gisteren in de Schilderswijk volgens aanwezige journalisten onder meer 'dood aan Israel' en ook zou de Hitlergroet zijn gebracht. Er werden door de aanwezige politie geen demonstranten gearresteerd.
Bij eerdere pro-Gaza-demonstraties in Den Haag waren er afgelopen weken ook al antisemitische incidenten. Tijdens een bijeenkomst aan het Spuiplein werden hakenkruisborden in de lucht gehouden en radicale moslims scandeerden tijdens een demonstratie aan het Hobbemaplein ook al ‘dood aan de Joden’.
‘Dit soort antisemitische demonstraties zijn een aanmoediging tot geweld’, zegt de ambassadeur Divon. ‘Kort na een soortgelijke demonstratie zijn de ramen ingegooid bij de Nederlandse opperrabbijn Jacobs.’ Het OM liet eerder vandaag al weten onderzoek te doen naar de antisemitische teksten tijdens de demonstratie.
Ook de Israelische ambassadeur is geschokt en vraagt zich af waarom er niet is ingegrepen in Den Haag. Burgemeester van Aartsen is niet bereikbaar voor commentaar ... hij is op vakantie ... !!!! Wat hebben we aan zulke bestuurders ? Laat die man opstappen !
donderdag 24 juli 2014
woensdag 23 juli 2014
dinsdag 22 juli 2014
Hamas Violates International Law
Israel should not apologise to the world, or bow down to the world opinion, but eradicate and root out Hamas, and take full possession and annexation of Gaza immediately. There is no other option!
US, European airlines cancel flights to Israel after rocket hits near airport

Several North American and European airlines have cancelled their flights in and out of Israel's Ben-Gurion International Airport, after a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip landed near the airport Tuesday.
nited Airlines cancelled their flights, the American FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) issued a notice prohibiting all US airlines of flying in or out of Ben-Gurion Airport for a period of up to 24 hours.
"The FAA will continue to monitor and evaluate the situation. Updated instructions will be provided to US airlines as soon as conditions permit, but no later than 24 hours from the time the NOTAM went into force," the FAA said in a statement.
Delta Air Lines and United Airlines suspended service between the US and Israel indefinitely. US Airways scrapped its one flight to Tel Aviv Tuesday.
Casey Norton, a spokesman for US Airways' parent company American Airlines, said the airline is "in constant contact with the FAA and are monitoring the situation closely." The airline has not yet made a decision about flights to Israel scheduled for Wednesday and beyond, he said.
Canada's largest airline has also canceled a flight to Israel. Air Canada spokeswoman Isabelle Arthur said the flight Tuesday evening was canceled and they will continue to evaluate future flights. Transport Canada spokeswoman Ashley Kelahear said decisions to cancel flights are made by the airlines themselves.
The North American airlines were soon joined by several European airlines.
Israel Transportation Minister: Cancellation of Flights to Israel Gives a ‘Prize to Terror’
Fascist Islamic Kristallnacht Rampage Paris, France
Jewish Owned Stores Burned to the Ground, Synagogue Firebombed in Paris
A Jewish-owned pharmacy was burned to a shell
For the second straight day on Sunday anti-Jewish rioters defied a protest ban in Paris to rampage in the predominantly Jewish suburb of Sarcelles in what one police official called the “Paris Intifada.”
Hundreds of mostly Arab and North African youths marched through the streets wielding bars and clubs while shouting, “Death to Israel.”
The neighborhood’s main kosher grocery Naouri was burned to a shell as was a local Jewish owned pharmacy. The nearby synagogue in Garges was firebombed, but little damage was done.
Riot police attempted to disperse protesters and block access to another synagogue in Sarcelles and a few dozen Jewish vigilantes gathered nearby.
Journalists were assaulted and some police officers were injured by the rioters.
“I live in Garges, near the synagogue, but I’m afraid to go home,” a young woman told the newspaper.
“We are seeing real scenes of urban guerrilla warfare,” Thierry Maze, a local law enforcement officer, told Le Figaro.
Multiple Jewish individuals living in the neighborhood, which was compared by one to Brooklyn’s Borough Park for the density of its Jewish population, told The Algemeiner that they feared leaving their homes.
Sunday’s violence came on the heels of a similar event on Saturday in which 3000 people gathered near the Gare Du Nord train station and began marching up Barbes Boulevard. 14 policemen were injured and 38 arrests were made in the incident.
Last Sunday, an anti-Israel demonstration at Paris’s Bastille Square quickly turned violent with protesters seeking out and attacking Jewish targets and screaming “death to the Jews” and “Hitler was right” according to community newspaper, JSS News.
“Over the last few days in France are we seeing the beginning of a French Kristallnacht?” French Jewish artist and activist Ron Agam asked, in an interview with The Algemeiner about the violence.
In a Facebook post on Monday, France’s former chief rabbi Gilles Berheim called on the French government “not to tolerate this kind of behavior.”
“I watched from Israel with great concern and fear the violence that took place in Paris, in Barbes on Saturday and on Sunday in Sarcelles,” he wrote. “While the pretext for these demonstrations was support of Gaza, they are actually anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic demonstrations. This is unspeakable.”
Rabbi Levy Djian, a French Jewish activist living in New York told that the series of riots show “we are entering a new era of real fear for the Jewish community of France.”
“Last week, in Paris, synagogues were attacked in broad daylight,” Djian said. “In Nice demonstrators screamed: ‘We are all Mohamed Merah’s!’ Then there were the riots in Barbes (Paris’s 18th district) yesterday, and there were the violent demonstrations in Sarcelles on Sunday.”
“The fact that the Muslims feel free to act against the police and the government is very alarming because who knows what will happen tomorrow? Many are talking about going to Israel but this can not be the solution to this problem. There are still many Jewish communities in France and it is imperative that they should be safe and feel totally secure.”
Roger Cukierman, President of the Conseil Représentatif des Institutions juives de France (CRIF), the representative body of French Jewry, warned that further violence could force the community to leave the country.
“This new anti-Semitism can lead to the departure of all the Jews,” he said, in an interview with Le Monde Juif. “If Sharia becomes their state religion and we let ourselves be invaded by people who do not respect the government.” “When a demonstration is prohibited it should not happen,” he said.
The Algemeiner
French Muslims attack Jewish synagogues in Paris France, trap Jews in synagogue temple (1 week ago)

For the second straight day on Sunday anti-Jewish rioters defied a protest ban in Paris to rampage in the predominantly Jewish suburb of Sarcelles in what one police official called the “Paris Intifada.”
Hundreds of mostly Arab and North African youths marched through the streets wielding bars and clubs while shouting, “Death to Israel.”
The neighborhood’s main kosher grocery Naouri was burned to a shell as was a local Jewish owned pharmacy. The nearby synagogue in Garges was firebombed, but little damage was done.
Riot police attempted to disperse protesters and block access to another synagogue in Sarcelles and a few dozen Jewish vigilantes gathered nearby.
Journalists were assaulted and some police officers were injured by the rioters.
“I live in Garges, near the synagogue, but I’m afraid to go home,” a young woman told the newspaper.
“We are seeing real scenes of urban guerrilla warfare,” Thierry Maze, a local law enforcement officer, told Le Figaro.
Multiple Jewish individuals living in the neighborhood, which was compared by one to Brooklyn’s Borough Park for the density of its Jewish population, told The Algemeiner that they feared leaving their homes.
Sunday’s violence came on the heels of a similar event on Saturday in which 3000 people gathered near the Gare Du Nord train station and began marching up Barbes Boulevard. 14 policemen were injured and 38 arrests were made in the incident.
Last Sunday, an anti-Israel demonstration at Paris’s Bastille Square quickly turned violent with protesters seeking out and attacking Jewish targets and screaming “death to the Jews” and “Hitler was right” according to community newspaper, JSS News.
“Over the last few days in France are we seeing the beginning of a French Kristallnacht?” French Jewish artist and activist Ron Agam asked, in an interview with The Algemeiner about the violence.
In a Facebook post on Monday, France’s former chief rabbi Gilles Berheim called on the French government “not to tolerate this kind of behavior.”
“I watched from Israel with great concern and fear the violence that took place in Paris, in Barbes on Saturday and on Sunday in Sarcelles,” he wrote. “While the pretext for these demonstrations was support of Gaza, they are actually anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic demonstrations. This is unspeakable.”
Rabbi Levy Djian, a French Jewish activist living in New York told that the series of riots show “we are entering a new era of real fear for the Jewish community of France.”
“Last week, in Paris, synagogues were attacked in broad daylight,” Djian said. “In Nice demonstrators screamed: ‘We are all Mohamed Merah’s!’ Then there were the riots in Barbes (Paris’s 18th district) yesterday, and there were the violent demonstrations in Sarcelles on Sunday.”
“The fact that the Muslims feel free to act against the police and the government is very alarming because who knows what will happen tomorrow? Many are talking about going to Israel but this can not be the solution to this problem. There are still many Jewish communities in France and it is imperative that they should be safe and feel totally secure.”
Roger Cukierman, President of the Conseil Représentatif des Institutions juives de France (CRIF), the representative body of French Jewry, warned that further violence could force the community to leave the country.
“This new anti-Semitism can lead to the departure of all the Jews,” he said, in an interview with Le Monde Juif. “If Sharia becomes their state religion and we let ourselves be invaded by people who do not respect the government.” “When a demonstration is prohibited it should not happen,” he said.
The Algemeiner
French Muslims attack Jewish synagogues in Paris France, trap Jews in synagogue temple (1 week ago)
maandag 21 juli 2014
Happy Israeli style. IDF believe
IDF soldiers in between missions in Gaza break to sing
"Those who believe are not afraid. We have HaShem (God) who looks over us and protects us from all."
IDF Soldiers Take a Little R&R
"He who has faith in G-d, has no fear in his heart"
IDF soldiers take a break from fighting the terrorism in Gaza. They are singing and dancing, celebrating while they can before they must return to danger.
We pray that all these brave young men will return safely to their families when this is all over. If this video makes you feel as emotionally connected to the soldiers as it did us.
zondag 20 juli 2014
IDF releases names of five of 13 soldiers killed in last 24 hours

Five of the Golani soldiers who were killed in Gaza in the past 24 hours will be laid to rest on Monday.
IDF releases names of five of 13 soldiers killed in last 24 hours
Zware gevechten in Gaza-stad; 13 soldaten gedood

Op de dertiende dag van de strijd tegen Hamas en consorten in de Gazastrook is het tot bloedige botsingen gekomen, waarbij dertien soldaten van de Golanibrigade werden gedood en veel Israëlische soldaten gewond raakten.
Afgelopen zaterdag raakte de commandant van deze befaamde brigade, kolonel Ghassan Alian, een Israëlische Druze, gewond bij de gevechten. Bij het Israëlische leger is het gebruikelijk, dat commandanten hun troepen niet van grote afstand leiden, maar hen persoonlijk leiden in de strijd.
De Israëlische troepen trekken voort en zoeken naar tunnels en raketarsenalen. Er zijn massale gevechten in Sheijaya, de oostelijke wijk van Gaza-stad, waarover we momenteel niets meer mogen berichten. Volgens Palestijnse bronnen zijn er 50 doden geteld en nog meer gewonden.
De Israëlische militaire woordvoerder herhaalde, dat de Palestijnse inwoners van Sheijaya al twee dagen geleden via strooifolders en SMS-berichten werden opgeroepen om hun huizen te verlaten. Het waren de Hamas-strijders, die de bevolking om tactische reden dwongen terug te gaan. De Israëlische grondtroepen zoeken naar raketopslagplaatsen en terroristen, die zich verbergen tussen de Palestijnse burgerbevolking in Sheijaya.
Thirteen IDF Soldiers Killed in Gaza
Three soldiers slain in first days of Gaza ground assault
As Rockets Fall, 900 New Immigrants Arrive in Israel

Since the beginning of Operation Protective Edge, some 475 new immigrants have arrived in Israel – and another 400 are expected in two days.
Speaking at a meeting of the Knesset State Control Committee, Immigration and Absorption Minister Sofa Landver said that the immigrants had arrived from a wide variety of countries, including the US, the UK, and France, and had been sent to live in areas around the country, including in the south.
Speaking at the Committee, Landver said that the Nefesh B'Nefesh (NBN) organization, which helps Jews in North America immigrate to Israel, was “doing wonderful work. The decision to leave the United States is a difficult one, but we will support any organization that brings Jews to Israel. In the near future we will begin a campaign in France to help Jews there become familiar with the possibilities for housing and employment in Israel.” Four hundred new immigrants are expected in two days time, she said.
The Committee called on the government to relax the criteria for funding Aliyah organizations and suggested providing funding for the organizations based on the number of people they were assisting in moving to Israel.
MK Yoni Chetboun (Jewish Home) said that Israel's strength and security could be found in the numbers who come to Israel. By the end of 2014, he said, some 6,000 Jews will have immigrated from France, but between 2005-2012, 95% of funding for aliyah was earmarked for assisting Jews from the US and UK to move to Israel.
“No aliyah should be taken for granted,” said Chetboun. “We mustn't say 'they are going to move to Israel anyway.' The main thing is to ensure the proper and successful immigration and absorption of olim."
“In recent years we have had 1,900 immigrants from France each year,” said Oded Forer, Director of the Immigration and Absorption Ministry. “Now we are seeing some 5,000 people coming from France each year. We are raising money for them, as well as for other Jews immigrating from other European countries, specifically Ukraine,” he said.
MK Amnon Cohen, Chairman of the Committee, said that “each immigrant is a work unto him or herself. The successful absorption of each family is a major success. Unrest and instability, as well a anti-Semitism can break out anytime, anywhere – whether in France, Ukraine, or anywhere else,” he said.

zaterdag 19 juli 2014
donderdag 17 juli 2014
Israël start grondoffensief Gaza
Israël is een grondoffensief in de Gazastrook begonnen. In een gezamenlijke verklaring zeggen premier Netanyahu en minister Yaalon van Defensie dat het leger tunnels tussen Gaza en Israël moet vernietigen.
Bij het grondoffensief zijn infanterie- en tankeenheden betrokken. Die zijn inmiddels de grens met Gaza overgestoken. Eerder op de avond voerde het Israëlische leger luchtaanvallen uit op Gaza. Ook werd de Gazastrook vanaf zee bestookt.
Netanyahu en Yaalon hebben niet laten weten hoeveel militairen naar de Gazastrook zijn gestuurd. Ze zeggen dat Israël moet handelen om de eigen burgers te beschermen.
Israel Launches Ground Invasion of Gaza Strip
IDF launches major ground operation in Gaza

Aanval via tunnel op kibboets Sufa verijdeld
Israëlische soldaten hebben donderdagochtend vroeg dertien Hamasstrijders uit Gaza opgewacht, die via een tunnel op Israëlisch grondgebied waren gekomen.
Deze en andere tunnels waren kort geleden ontdekt, en de IDF verwachtte al een infiltratiepoging. De Hamasstrijders waren van plan de nabijgelegen kibboets Sufa binnen te dringen. Bij de ontdekking van de strijders, die probeerden in de tunnel terug te gaan, ontstond een vuurgevecht, waarbij enkele Hamasstrijders zijn gesneuveld. Aan Israëlische kant waren geen gewonden.
'Ze waren duidelijk verrast. Het leger viel hen vanuit de lucht aan. Er zijn doden gevallen, maar we hebben nog geen volledige informatie,' zei legerwoordvoerder brigade-generaal Moti Almoz. 'Een aanval van Hamas op het zuiden is hier met succes afgeslagen. We zijn voorbereid op meer van zulke acties in de komende dagen'.
Gaza Terrorists Killed Trying to Infiltrate Israel
woensdag 16 juli 2014
NOS Media Watch

Dit wil ik even kwijt: Ik word een beetje misselijk van de Nederlandse media en berichtgeving over het Hamas Israël conflict. Het eerste wat ik hoor wanneer ik mijn radio of tv aanzet, is hoeveel kindertjes Israël gedood heeft in Gaza. Continu wordt je gebombardeerd met Arabische/islamitische propaganda op onze Nederlandse nieuwszenders, en word je gehersenspoeld hoe slecht Israël is. Je wordt helemaal niet op de hoogte gebracht van de angst en de shell-shock en de situatie van Israëli's in Israël, waar voortdurend dodelijke raketten op afgevuurd worden, door een vijand die het joodse volk zo haat, en die hun eigen burgers op het spel zetten. Ik wil u even herinneren, dat destijds 75% van de islamitische bevolking in Gaza per stembiljet voor de Hamas organisatie heeft gekozen, met als doel Israël te heroveren voor de islam. Daarom kan ik ook niet zoveel sympathie hebben voor de bevolking, wiens moeders hun eigen kinderen leren joden te haten, en hen leren aanslagen te plegen voor Allah, wanneer zij volwassen genoeg zijn. Op de volgende video hoort u berichtgeving, zoals u het niet hier in Nederland hoort, helaas!
dinsdag 15 juli 2014
Hamas Terror Rocket Hits Gaza Envelope Cowshed Kiling 30 Cows
Imagine what would have happened if this terror rocket had hit an Israeli children playground?!
maandag 14 juli 2014
zaterdag 12 juli 2014
Hoe zou het zijn?
Iets om over na te denken: Hoe zou het zijn als we de Gaza-Israel situatie op Nederland spiegelen, zoals bijvoorbeeld in deze afbeelding de omgeving van Hoek van Holland als locatie waar dagelijks vele raketten vanaf worden gevuurd?

What If Terrorists Could Shoot This Rocket at Your Country?

What If Terrorists Could Shoot This Rocket at Your Country?
vrijdag 11 juli 2014
Katyusha Rocket Fired on Northern Israel from Lebanon

As the rocket fire from Gaza terrorists continues to pelt southern and central Israel, a new front appears to have opened Friday morning as a Katyusha rocket was fired on the northern tip of Israel, north of Kiryat Shmona.
The rocket landed in open territory in the upper Galillee. Apparently the IDF estimates it was fired by local terror groups supporting Hamas, and not by the Iran-proxy Hezbollah terror group, reports Walla!.
Residents of the region report having heard explosions, although no injuries or damage was reported from the rocket. IDF forces are searching the area to locate the point of contact and rule out further rocket attacks.
"One projectile hit an open space near Kfar Yuval, between Metula and Kiryat Shmona," a military spokeswoman told AFP, listing two towns near Israel's northern border. The IDF returned artillery fire later in the morning, targeting locations in Lebanon suspected of being the source of the rocket fire.
In a statement, the Lebanese army declared a total of three rockets were fired on Israel by "an unknown group" from the Marjayun-Hasbaya region of southern Lebanon, reports AFP.
The Lebanese army has deployed troops to patrol and search the area, where they "managed to find rocket launch pads, as well as two rockets ready for launching. A military expert arrived at the scene and dismantled the projectiles," according to the statement.
A Lebanese security source told AFP earlier that after the rockets, "the Israelis fired back, launching some 25 shells at the outskirts of Kfar Shuba," referring to a town by the border. "No one was hurt, the shelling hit the fields, not houses. The situation at the border is now calm, and one man has been detained by the security forces for questioning."
Lebanon rocket fire draws Israeli artillery strike
woensdag 9 juli 2014
NOS journaal Anti-Israel Media Watch

Opnieuw zeer tendentieus begin berichtgeving van het NOS journaal, omtrent de raketaanvallen van islamitische terroristen vanuit Gaza op Israël. Eerst zien we beelden vanuit Gaza, en wordt er gezegd dat Israël harde klappen uitdeelt, en dat de Palestijnen wraak willen, via raketaanvallen op Israël. Dat is de omgekeerde wereld! De Hamas valt Israël aan met honderden raketten, en Israël probeert dit terreur een halt toe te roepen!

Two Rockets Fall Just South of Haifa

Sirens sounded near Haifa in Hadera, Zikhron Ya'akov, Caesarea and Hof HaBonim on Wednesday afternoon - at least 45 kilometers (almost 30 miles) north of Tel Aviv, and the farthest attack recorded from Gaza in the ongoing rocket barrage.
Two rockets landed in the sea near Haifa, reports AFP, noting the city is 165 kilometers (102 miles) away from the Hamas stronghold of Gaza.
One man has been lightly injured from shrapnel wounds from a rocket impact in the Zikhron Ya'akov area. Magen David Adom (MDA) medics are treating him at the scene.
Hamas has taken responsibility for the rocket fire close to Haifa, according to Walla!, stating that the rockets fired were of the R-160 model.
Meanwhile, rocket after rocket is being fired on the south, with multiple explosions heard near Ashkelon, Ashdod, and communities close to Gaza.
Map: farthest rockets from Gaza yet:

dinsdag 8 juli 2014
Jerusalem and Tel Aviv Code Red through rocket attacks

In the past few minutes, rocket sirens have sounded in numerous locations across the country, including Israel’s two biggest cities: Jerusalem and Tel Aviv
Israel under attack
Rockets hit north of Tel Aviv
Rocket Salvo Hits as Far as Jerusalem, North of Tel Aviv
maandag 7 juli 2014
30 Gaza Rockets Continue to Pound Southern Israel

Palestinian terrorists operating out of the Gaza Strip on Monday fired into southern Israel upwards of a dozen rockets, one of which struck the city of Beersheva.
There were no reports of serious damage, and Israel’s Iron Dome anti-missile system managed to intercept a number of rockets that threatened to hit residential areas.
Israeli officials have been warning to Gaza’s Hamas rulers to curb the rocket fire, or face a strong and determined Israeli military response. However, Israel has thus far confined itself to limited, pinpoint aerial strikes against Hamas operatives.
While the current Israeli approach is aimed at avoiding further escalation in the region, many fear that such a kid-glove response will only encourage Hamas and its allies to continue attacking. And, indeed, they are doing just that.
In fact, Hamas this week published a video taunting the residents of Beersheva and suggesting that they run for their lives “before it’s too late.”
Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the IDF both also published videos to YouTube showing what it’s like for the residents of southern Israel to live under siege (see below).
Meanwhile, Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman on Monday announced the end of his Israel Beiteinu party’s alliance with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ruling Likud faction, at least in part over differences of opinion on how to deal with the Gaza rocket fire.
Lieberman advocates a strong military response, possibly including the reconquering of Gaza, and accuses Netanyahu of only putting Israel at greater risk by taking a more moderate approach.
Rapid escalation in southern Israel; one injured in Gaza rocket barrage

zondag 6 juli 2014
Rockets fired from Gaza Strip as Palestinian Riots spread north of Jerusalem
A typical un-jewish murder on that Arab boy!
May Israel invade, cleanse and retake Gaza as their rightful and God-given promised possession forever!
vrijdag 4 juli 2014
Southern Israel again hit By Islamic jihadist terrorists rockets from Gaza

As 13 more rockets slammed into Southern Israel overnight Wednesday into Thursday morning from Gaza, a children's day-camp suffered a direct hit.
The rocket penetrated the apartment building in which housed the children's day-camp but miraculously failed to explode saving the children's lives.
This was one of 3 rockets which scored direct hits in Sderot populated areas overnight. One struck a student's residence, another struck a house while one fell in the street outside an apartment building causing damage to cars and causing a electrical power outage.
Gaza rocket salvo hits Israel's south
Lees: Raketten uit Gaza treffen gebouwen in Sderot
Familie uit Sderot: Het is een wonder dat we nog leven


woensdag 2 juli 2014
How would God deal with Jihadists?
God's verdict for the kidnapper/murderers of the three Israeli youth
Netanyahu hammers the Gaza Strip over the death of three Israeli Teenagers
With Wise Words From John Bolton!
dinsdag 1 juli 2014
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