vrijdag 29 mei 2015
woensdag 27 mei 2015
Rocket(s) Fired from Gaza Hits Southern Israel

Air raid sirens sounded in towns across southern Israel Tuesday evening at 9:02 p.m, as the IDF confirmed that at least one Grad rocket fired from Gaza struck near the community of Gan Yavneh, near Ashdod.
Some residents of the south reported seeing Iron Dome missile defense batteries deploying to intercept at least one incoming rocket. Sirens were heard in Ashdod, Ashkelon and in numerous towns and villages in the Lachish and Hof Ashkelon regions close to Gaza.
No injuries have been reported.
IAF Strikes Terrorist Infrastructures in Gaza
dinsdag 26 mei 2015
Africa Stands With Israel

25th May marks Africa Day, commemorating the founding of the Organization of African Unity on May 25 1963. On this day, it is a good opportunity to remind of the African refugees living in Israel, as well as Israel relations with the black continent. Our friend, Pastor Dumisani Washington, the founder of the Institute for Black Solidarity with Israel (IBSI) wrote:
"African refugees, asylum-seekers, and infiltrators have been fleeing Sudan, Eritrea and Ethiopia for years. Some 50,000 are living in Israel, a small nation the size of New Jersey. African refugees in Israel are treated more humanely than anywhere else they go, given not only food, shelter, clothing and medical attention but also a monthly stipend. Among the thousands of African refugees who do live in Israel are college graduates, business owners, and employees - many of whom have surpassed other Jewish immigrants including Ethiopian Jews.
There is no nation on the planet that has done more for Africa and her people than the Jewish State of Israel through endless programs of agricultural and medical help. This is why most Africans not only appreciate the Israel-Africa tie, they defend it. Happy Africa day!"
Source: Father Gabriel Naddaf - facebook
zondag 24 mei 2015
Tzipi Hotovely : 'This land is ours. All of it is ours'
We Totally Agree!

Israel’s new deputy foreign minister on Thursday delivered a defiant message to the international community, saying that Israel owes no apologies for its policies in the Holy Land and citing religious texts to back her belief that it belongs to the Jewish people.
Hotovely, 36, is among a generation of young hardliners in Netanyahu’s Likud party who support West Bank settlement construction and oppose ceding captured land to the Palestinians.
With Netanyahu also serving as the acting foreign minister, Hotovely is currently the country’s top full-time diplomat.
In an inaugural address to Israeli diplomats, Hotovely said Israel has tried too hard to appease the world and must stand up for itself.
“We need to return to the basic truth of our rights to this country,” she said. “This land is ours. All of it is ours. We did not come here to apologise for that.”
Hotovely, an Orthodox Jew, laced her speech with biblical commentaries in which God promised the land of Israel to the Jews. Speaking later in English, she signalled that she would try to rally global recognition for West Bank settlements, which are widely opposed.
“We expect as a matter of principle of the international community to recognise Israel’s right to build homes for Jews in their homeland, everywhere,” she said.
the guardian
Tzipi Hotovely : Israël is van ons, heel dit land is van ons

Israel’s new deputy foreign minister on Thursday delivered a defiant message to the international community, saying that Israel owes no apologies for its policies in the Holy Land and citing religious texts to back her belief that it belongs to the Jewish people.
Hotovely, 36, is among a generation of young hardliners in Netanyahu’s Likud party who support West Bank settlement construction and oppose ceding captured land to the Palestinians.
With Netanyahu also serving as the acting foreign minister, Hotovely is currently the country’s top full-time diplomat.
In an inaugural address to Israeli diplomats, Hotovely said Israel has tried too hard to appease the world and must stand up for itself.
“We need to return to the basic truth of our rights to this country,” she said. “This land is ours. All of it is ours. We did not come here to apologise for that.”
Hotovely, an Orthodox Jew, laced her speech with biblical commentaries in which God promised the land of Israel to the Jews. Speaking later in English, she signalled that she would try to rally global recognition for West Bank settlements, which are widely opposed.
“We expect as a matter of principle of the international community to recognise Israel’s right to build homes for Jews in their homeland, everywhere,” she said.
the guardian
Tzipi Hotovely : Israël is van ons, heel dit land is van ons

vrijdag 22 mei 2015
donderdag 21 mei 2015
Bert Koenders: Etiketteer producten uit Israëlische nederzettingen
Onze linkse fascistische politici van vandaag!
Minister Koenders (Buitenlandse Zaken). beeld EPA
Nederland heeft er samen met vijftien andere EU-lidstaten bij Brussel op aangedrongen werk te maken van de etikettering van producten uit Israëlische nederzettingen.
„Dat heeft niets met een boycot te maken”, aldus minister Koenders (Buitenlandse Zaken) woensdag in een Kamerdebat over de oorlog in Gaza vorig jaar. Het kabinet is tegen een boycot van Israëlische producten en tegen een importverbod voor spullen uit dat land.
Wel beschouwt het kabinet de nederzettingen in de betwiste gebieden als illegaal. Koenders wenst consumenten duidelijkheid te verschaffen over de herkomst van Israëlische producten. Omdat Europa een gemeenschappelijke markt heeft, wil de minister dat dit in heel Europa op dezelfde manier gebeurt.
ChristenUnie-Kamerlid Voordewind vindt het jammer dat het voorstel voor het labelen van producten uit de nederzettingen weer „uit de ijskast is gehaald.” De etikettering is volgens hem helemaal niet nodig. „Men kan via codes achterhalen waar producten vandaan komen.”
Ook de SGP ziet er niets in. „Dit kan zomaar een opstap zijn naar een boycot van Israëlische producten”, aldus SGP’er Bisschop. „Daar moeten we ver bij vandaan blijven. Juist nu moet de westerse wereld zich eensgezind scharen achter de Joodse democratische staat Israël, die op zo veel manieren wordt bedreigd.”
Tijdens het debat stelde Bisschop dat in Palestijnse staatsmedia nog steeds „talloze antisemitische uitingen” voorkomen. „Het gaat om het verheerlijken van geweld en om het eren van terroristen.”
Bron: RD
Former European leaders call on EU to up pressure on Israel

Ons Commentaar: Het labelen/etiketteren van Joodse/Israëlische producten heeft wel degelijk een boycot tot gevolg! De Politici van de EU-lidstaten gedragen zich t.o.v. Israel (de Joodse Staat) als de Nazies voor de 2de Wereldoorlog (zie foto hierboven). Het kabinet maakt een grote misrekening/misvatting door de 'nederzettingen' in de betwiste gebieden als illegaal te bestempelen. Ons Blog heeft al heel lang bewezen dat deze (Bijbelse) gebieden gewoon bij Israel horen (en niet bij een toekomende 'palestijnse' fantasie-staat).

Nederland heeft er samen met vijftien andere EU-lidstaten bij Brussel op aangedrongen werk te maken van de etikettering van producten uit Israëlische nederzettingen.
„Dat heeft niets met een boycot te maken”, aldus minister Koenders (Buitenlandse Zaken) woensdag in een Kamerdebat over de oorlog in Gaza vorig jaar. Het kabinet is tegen een boycot van Israëlische producten en tegen een importverbod voor spullen uit dat land.
Wel beschouwt het kabinet de nederzettingen in de betwiste gebieden als illegaal. Koenders wenst consumenten duidelijkheid te verschaffen over de herkomst van Israëlische producten. Omdat Europa een gemeenschappelijke markt heeft, wil de minister dat dit in heel Europa op dezelfde manier gebeurt.
ChristenUnie-Kamerlid Voordewind vindt het jammer dat het voorstel voor het labelen van producten uit de nederzettingen weer „uit de ijskast is gehaald.” De etikettering is volgens hem helemaal niet nodig. „Men kan via codes achterhalen waar producten vandaan komen.”
Ook de SGP ziet er niets in. „Dit kan zomaar een opstap zijn naar een boycot van Israëlische producten”, aldus SGP’er Bisschop. „Daar moeten we ver bij vandaan blijven. Juist nu moet de westerse wereld zich eensgezind scharen achter de Joodse democratische staat Israël, die op zo veel manieren wordt bedreigd.”
Tijdens het debat stelde Bisschop dat in Palestijnse staatsmedia nog steeds „talloze antisemitische uitingen” voorkomen. „Het gaat om het verheerlijken van geweld en om het eren van terroristen.”
Bron: RD
Former European leaders call on EU to up pressure on Israel

Ons Commentaar: Het labelen/etiketteren van Joodse/Israëlische producten heeft wel degelijk een boycot tot gevolg! De Politici van de EU-lidstaten gedragen zich t.o.v. Israel (de Joodse Staat) als de Nazies voor de 2de Wereldoorlog (zie foto hierboven). Het kabinet maakt een grote misrekening/misvatting door de 'nederzettingen' in de betwiste gebieden als illegaal te bestempelen. Ons Blog heeft al heel lang bewezen dat deze (Bijbelse) gebieden gewoon bij Israel horen (en niet bij een toekomende 'palestijnse' fantasie-staat).

woensdag 20 mei 2015
Palestinian terrorist driver rams cops in Jerusalem, is shot dead
A warning to all evil islamic terrorists who are thinking to commit such bad acts in Israel: You will be immediatly shot dead!

Two Israeli border police-officers have been wounded in a suspected car-terror attack in Jerusalem, close to the Mount of Olives. A police statement reported that two police officers were run over by an Arab motorist in the A-Tur neighborhood; their wounds have been described as light-to-moderate.
The terrorist was shot and critically wounded by police, and died of his wounds shortly after.
Magen David Adom (MDA) paramedics provided emergency treatment at the scene and then evacuated the injured to Shaarei Tzedek and Hadassah Mount Scopus hospitals in the capital.
Witnesses described how the terrorist first rammed into his victims, then attempted to reverse over them to confirm the kill, but was shot and critically injured by a border policeman. Meanwhile, tens of Arab rioters gathered to attack emergency responders.
Jerusalem District police commander Moshe Edri, who was at the scene shortly afterwards, said that "border police officers acted as was expected of them - they neutralized the terrorist and prevented further injuries to innocents."
The incident is the latest in a series of attacks by Arab terrorists involving the use of cars or other vehicles to kill and injure Israeli civilians and police. Last week a car terror attack on a group of Israeli teenagers in Gush Etzion left four students injured, one of them seriously.

Two Israeli border police-officers have been wounded in a suspected car-terror attack in Jerusalem, close to the Mount of Olives. A police statement reported that two police officers were run over by an Arab motorist in the A-Tur neighborhood; their wounds have been described as light-to-moderate.
The terrorist was shot and critically wounded by police, and died of his wounds shortly after.
Magen David Adom (MDA) paramedics provided emergency treatment at the scene and then evacuated the injured to Shaarei Tzedek and Hadassah Mount Scopus hospitals in the capital.
Witnesses described how the terrorist first rammed into his victims, then attempted to reverse over them to confirm the kill, but was shot and critically injured by a border policeman. Meanwhile, tens of Arab rioters gathered to attack emergency responders.
Jerusalem District police commander Moshe Edri, who was at the scene shortly afterwards, said that "border police officers acted as was expected of them - they neutralized the terrorist and prevented further injuries to innocents."
The incident is the latest in a series of attacks by Arab terrorists involving the use of cars or other vehicles to kill and injure Israeli civilians and police. Last week a car terror attack on a group of Israeli teenagers in Gush Etzion left four students injured, one of them seriously.

dinsdag 19 mei 2015
EU-backed NGO War on Israel

Read Blog Article Here!

These are our EU-Leaders/Representatives Today:

Interview and Testimony Rabbi Yehuda Glick
"In those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem." - Joel 3:1 (niv)
BREAKING: Rabbi Glick "Finds 1 Billion Dollars Of Gold" In Israel
"The gold of that land is good; aromatic resin and onyx stone are also found there." - Genesis 2:12
maandag 18 mei 2015
Jerusalem will not be divided
How long can and will Netanyahu stand against the evil world powers that want to part / divide Gods (own) Land?!
Zechariah 12
1 A prophecy, the word of Adonai concerning Isra’el — here is the message from Adonai, who stretched out the heavens, laid the foundation of the earth and formed the spirit inside human beings:
2 “I will make Yerushalayim a cup that will stagger the surrounding peoples. Even Y’hudah will be caught up in the siege against Yerushalayim.
3 When that day comes, I will make Yerushalayim a heavy stone for all the peoples. All who try to lift it will hurt themselves, and all the earth’s nations will be massed against her.
Joel 3
1 In those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem,
2 I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will put them on trial for what they did to my inheritance, my people Israel, because they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land.
Source: JPost News May 18, 2015
Recapturing & reunification of Jerusalem 1967

On the 48th anniversary of our historic triumph that led to the reunification of Jerusalem, we celebrate the fulfillment of a 2000 year old dream.
Source: IDF
zaterdag 16 mei 2015
donderdag 14 mei 2015
Haredi Troops Dedicate Air Force's New Torah Scroll

An increase in the number of haredi soldiers at the Nevatim Air Force base in southern Israel has prompted a new addition to the base's arsenal: a brand new Torah scroll.
The new Torah was brought in to the base last weekend, for the benefit of the religious soldiers. Jewish men are required to read from the Torah on Monday and Thursday mornings, as well as on Shabbat (Sabbath).
Today 60 haredi soldiers serve in Nevatim as part of a contingent of the Netzah Yehuda battalion (also known as Nahal Chareidi), who are tasked with protecting strategically valuable assets of the State of Israel located at the base.
The Sefer Torah was donated by the Jewish businessman Victor Abayev, one of the senior leaders of the Caucasian Jewish community in the United States, in memory of IDF soldier Almog Shiloni, who served in Netzah Yehuda and was murdered by an Arab terrorist in a stabbing attack at Tel Aviv train station in November last year.
Vatican recognizes Muslim Palestine as State
When the Vatican will sign this (unbiblical, diabolical) treaty, The Vatican will be Doomed forever! Just as all other countries who recognised a 'palestinian state' earlier.
Vatican recognizes state of Palestine in new treaty
Vaticaan erkent Palestijnse Staat
'brothers in arms'
The RCC does not even know / recognise their own Bible:

See here a picture with the Truth what they are really recognising: A 'palestinian state' Disaster!
Vatican recognizes state of Palestine in new treaty
Vaticaan erkent Palestijnse Staat

The RCC does not even know / recognise their own Bible:

See here a picture with the Truth what they are really recognising: A 'palestinian state' Disaster!

dinsdag 12 mei 2015
Police to Issue Rules on Temple Mount Prayer

With dozens of Jews arrested for “violating the rules” on visits to the Temple Mount, the Students for the Temple Mount organization had a simple question for police: Just what are the rules in the first place?
The answer to that question has not been a simple one; police have often refused to say what is permitted and what is not, and often arrest Jews after much hectoring by Arabs, who accuse Jews of violating their “no Jewish prayer” rule. It should be noted that there is no law against Jews praying on the Temple Mount, and that police arrest Jews who do so on charges of “fomenting a riot” or “endangering the public welfare,” and the like.
In appeals against arrests, Jewish groups have demanded that police produce an official list of behaviors that are acceptable and those that are not – a demand police have refused to comply with, even under court order.
In a conversation with the students' group, police admitted that they have adopted the Arab rule about Jewish prayer on the Mount – even though an Israeli court has ruled that police have no right to do so, and that they must allow Jewish prayer, unless it causes an imminent riot.
Police refused to budge on that point, but they did agree to produce a list of rules they expect visitors to the Mount to observe. Any Jewish visitor to the Mount will be able to request the list of rules, which will be provided on the spot, the police now promise.
The students' group praised police for their change in attitude, saying that they hoped that “as a result, the arrest of Jews who have done nothing wrong and were unaware of the rules will be halted.”
Israel Saves the Life of Syrian Terrorist

Israel’s commitment to human life knows no bounds. When soldiers guarding the northern border with Syria last week were asked to permit entry to a seriously wounded Syrian man, they did not hesitate, despite the fact that the patient was a member of the Al-Nusra Front, an offshoot of Al Qaeda.
Israeli military doctors received the wounded man at the border, and after a security check to make sure he was not wired with explosives, transported the patient to Ziv Medical Center in the Galilee town of Tsefat (Safed).
A day earlier, the Israeli army had been asked by contacts on the Syrian side to open the gates to a pregnant woman in need of a caesarean section. Israel agreed, and sent army doctors and paramedics to await the woman at the border. But the woman ended up giving birth to a healthy baby on her way to meet the Israelis.
These are but a few of the more recent examples of Israel’s readiness to aid the the victims of Syria’s ongoing civil war, be they friend or foe.
A year ago, Israel Today interviewed Prof. Rafi Be’er, director of Rambam Hospital in Haifa, who said that at his hospital “we treat anyone who comes through the door. We check neither his nationality nor his religion. We have an obligation to save lives and to heal the sick.”
Later, Israel Today received permission from the army to speak to four Syrian terrorists being treated in Tsefat. In speaking to us, they had nothing but praise for the way they had been treated in Israel. When asked if Israelis would receive the same care in Syria, all four agreed: “That would be impossible. Muslims have no mercy, enemies remain enemies!”
Israël redt gewonde Syrische terrorist het leven

woensdag 6 mei 2015
Lag B’Omer 2015

The grave of Talmudic sage Shimon Bar Yochai will tonight (Wednesday) be the venue for one of the more festive holidays in Israel - Lag B’Omer.
Lag B’Omer is celebrated on the 33rd day of the Count of the Omer, which begins on the second day of Passover and ends on Shavuot, as commanded in the Bible (Leviticus 23:15–16).
Lag B’Omer is itself an extra-biblical holiday the origin of which remains something of a mystery. There are numerous myths, such as the story of Rabbi Akiva, a first century CE religious leader whose disciples were dying by the thousands to a mysterious plague, only to have the plague disappear under equally mysterious circumstances on the 33rd day of the Counting of the Omer.
Another tale is that Lag B’Omer marks the passing of Bar Yochai, Rabbi Akiva’s greatest disciple and the supposed author of the Zohar, the chief work of Kabbalah, or Jewish mysticism.
For Orthodox Jews, the main event takes place in the small Galilee community of Meron, where Bar Yochai’s grave is located. Given the large number of people who usually show up, over 1,000 police and several helicopters are deployed at Meron to prevent forest fires.
Elsewhere across the country, Israelis will gather to light bonfires, creating a fun family atmosphere for most. Israeli children begin collecting scrap wood already weeks in advance in anticipation of Lag B’Omer.
Within the Messianic community, Lag B’Omer is a subject of some controversy. Many Jewish believers take part in the celebrations as it is a time of warm fellowship with a patriotic Jewish theme. But many feel it is wrong to mark the holiday due to the anti-Messianic side story that accompanies Rabbi Akiva’s activities in the Holy Land two thousand years ago.
Rabbi Akiva was the primary backer of the Bar Kochva Revolt against Rome, going so far as to declare the uprising’s leader, Simon Bar Kochva, to be the promised Messiah.
Obviously, Jewish believers in Yeshua at the time had a major problem with this, even if they wanted to support the revolt. When Yeshua’s followers refused to follow another “messiah,” Rabbi Akiva and the majority of the Jews who looked to him for leadership are said to have labeled the Jewish believers in Yeshua as traitors.
Wat vieren de Israëli's vanavond met Lag Ba'Omer?
Our Comment: The honouring and praying to deceased rebbe's at their grave-sight is useless. I must disapoint all wise rabbi's, but the dead zadiks / rebbes will not hear, because "For G_d (Hashem) is one; and there is but one Mediator (intercessor) between G_d and humanity, Yeshua the Messiah." (1 Timothy 2:5). It's by Hashem's grace, through (the Jewish rebbe) Yeshua, the prayers of the Jews are answered, even if they aren't aware of the full Truth.
maandag 4 mei 2015
Arab Youth Turn to Social Media to Bless Israel

Young people from Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen and many other Arab countries are turning to social media to tell the world that they love Israel.
The trend began, according to Al-Monitor, a popular pan-Mideast media outlet, when an Israeli Arab Muslim who served in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) wanted to convince other Israeli Arabs that the (IDF) are not an “army of evil” and that its soldiers are not as bloodthirsty as they tend to be portrayed in Arab propaganda films.
But instead of messages from the Israeli Arab audience he was targeting, he began receiving messages of peace and love from young Arabs all across the region.
One young woman from Saudi Arabia posted a video holding a green Saudi passport against a street scene in Jeddah, saying in the background: “Good evening. I am a young woman from Jeddah in Saudi Arabia. I am a member of one of the better-known tribes of the Hijaz, and I am showing you Darajeh Square, a famous landmark in Jeddah. I’d like to send a message of peace and love to Israel and its dear citizens. I know it is surprising that a Saudi Arabian citizen sends a message to the people of Israel, but it is a basic principle of democracy that everyone is free to voice an opinion. I hope the Arabs will be sensible like me and recognize the fact that Israel also has rights to the lands of Palestine.”
A young man from Iraq posted a picture of his passport along the Tigris River. “I want to send a message of peace and love to the dear Israeli people,” he said. “I decided to shoot this video and tell you, ‘True, we are two countries that do not have friendly relations, but that doesn’t matter. I believe that the number of people who support Israel here will grow consistently.’”
Other young people send M. photos of their passports with handwritten messages in Hebrew, Arabic and English. It is always the same: “We love Israel.”
Arabische jongeren via sociale media: we houden van Israël
zondag 3 mei 2015
Esther Voet vertrekt bij CIDI

Esther Voet vertrekt op 1 juni als directeur van het Centrum Informatie en Documentatie Israël (CIDI).
Volgens het bestuur is er recentelijk ‘een nieuwe strategische lijn’ uitgezet voor wat betreft de toekomst van het CIDI. Beide partijen kwamen tot de conclusie dat bij die koers een andere directeur past en hebben daarop in goed overleg besloten om uit elkaar te gaan.
CIDI-Voorzitter Ronnie Eisenmann: “Het bestuur van het CIDI is Esther Voet zeer erkentelijk voor haar tomeloze inzet voor het CIDI in de afgelopen jaren. Met het steeds meer toenemende antisemitisme en de uitdagende positie van Israël in Nederland, heeft zij met energie, kennis en kunde de functie van directeur in de afgelopen jaren ingevuld”.
Het bestuur heeft echter ook moeten vaststellen dat er ‘een belangrijk verschil van inzicht’ is over de nieuwe strategische koers van het CIDI en ‘de wijze waarop de directeursfunctie daarin moet worden ingevuld’. Eisemann: “Dit laat onverlet dat het CIDI haar diepe dank verschuldigd is voor alles wat Voet in de afgelopen jaren heeft gedaan”.
Bron: Jonet
Ons commentaar: Wij hopen dat het CIDI een niet nog linkers koers zal gaan varen.
Dachau Liberation 70 Years Ago Remembered
Dachau concentration camp, marking 70 years since its liberation
'We mogen de verschrikkingen van Dachau nooit vergeten'

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