vrijdag 29 april 2016
Israeli Government Ministers: Israel Should Annex Judea & Samaria

Right wing politicians who visited Hebron on Monday called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to annex Judea and Samaria.
The upcoming 50th anniversary of the Six Day War is an opportunity to raise the ante with respect to settlements in Judea and Samaria, one minister said. “We have to connect Judea and Samaria to the State of Israel. We have returned to our land, so that we will never again have to leave it,”
Thousands of visitors were shuttled into the city of Hebron so they could attend the event, which included live musical performances, tours of Jewish areas around the city and food vendors offering popcorn and cotton candy. Likud MK Oren Hazan urged PM Netanyahu to allow more Jews to move into the city, whose small community numbers around 800 people. According to the Palestinian Bureau of Statistics, some 215,452 Palestinians live in the city, 80% of which is under the control of the Palestinian Authority. The remaining 20%, that include the Jewish areas of the city and the Cave of the Patriarchs, is under Israeli military control.
The Jewish community has recently purchased two additional buildings and is waiting for the Defense Ministry to allow them to move in, Hazan told the crowd that had gathered to hear him. Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked (Bayit Yehudi) said the purchase of property in Hebron, much like in Judea and Samaria, is not an issue of real estate, but rather an ideological act driven by love of the Jewish people for their land. Jews have lived in this city since the time of the Bible, Shaked said. Lets pray that Israel takes back control over all the land that God promised to Abraham!
Jerusalem Post, April 27th
maandag 25 april 2016
dinsdag 19 april 2016
UNESCO renames Western Wall “Al-Buraq Plaza”
UNESCO Becomes Totally Insane!

There is a concerted effort among “Palestinians” and their supporters to erase all evidence of the historical connection of Jews to Israel. The UN, controlled by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, is a willing partner in these efforts. Besides being motivated by Islamic Jew-hatred, this endeavor is in line with the Islamic supremacist tendency to appropriate the holy places and sacred figures of other religions.
On Friday, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization’s (UNESCO) Executive Board in Paris adopted a resolution erasing Israel’s ties to the Temple Mount and the Western Wall.
The UNESCO resolution referred to the Temple Mount area solely as the Al-Aqsa Mosque or Al-Haram Al Sharif, ignoring the Jewish claim to the site.
The resolution called Israel “the occupying power” and the Western Wall as Al-Buraq Plaza. It demanded that Israel not restrict Muslim access to the Temple Mount, condemning Israel for “illegal measures against the freedom of worship” at the “Muslim holy site of worship”. It demanded a return to the “status quo”. The status quo since Israel conquered the Temple Mount in 1967 forbids non-Muslim prayer on the Temple Mount and has remained unchanged.
Blaming “Israel aggression” for the violence at the site, it had no mention of the role of Muslim rioters.
It also condemned the Israel’s plans to establish an egalitarian, non-Orthodox prayer section by Robinson’s Arch.
It accused Israel of “planting Jewish fake graves in other spaces of the Muslim cemeteries” located on Waqf property east and south of the Temple Mount, and of “the continued conversion of many Islamic and Byzantine remains into the so-called Jewish ritual baths or into Jewish prayer places.”. It referred to Hebron and Bethlehem as solely “Palestinian sites”.
Authorized by the executive board’s Programme and External Relations Commission, the resolution was submitted by Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, and Sudan. The 58-member board approved the resolution with 33 votes in favor, six against and 17 abstentions. Two countries, Ghana and Turkmenistan were absent all together. Estonia, Germany, Lithuania, Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the US voted against the resolution. France, Spain, Sweden, Russia and Slovenia were among those countries that supported the resolution.
Israeli ambassador to UNESCO, Carmel Shama, released a statement saying, “Even if UNESCO passes dozens of resolutions, and decides to continue passing thousands more, Jerusalem will always remain as part of the capital of Israel and the Jewish people.” Shama added, “As you continue on this path of incitement, lies and terror you will be sending UNESCO down a path towards irrelevance.”
“This is yet another absurd UN decision,” Netanyahu said Saturday. “UNESCO ignores the unique historic connection of Judaism to the Temple Mount, where the two temples stood for a thousand years and to which every Jew in the world has prayed for thousands of years. The UN is rewriting a basic part of human history and has again proven that there is no low to which it will not stoop.”
jihadwatch - breakingisraelnews
UNESCO roept Klaagmuur en Plaza in Jeruzalem uit tot Palestijns en islamitisch erfgoed
UNESCO vervalst geschiedenis Tempelberg-complex

There is a concerted effort among “Palestinians” and their supporters to erase all evidence of the historical connection of Jews to Israel. The UN, controlled by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, is a willing partner in these efforts. Besides being motivated by Islamic Jew-hatred, this endeavor is in line with the Islamic supremacist tendency to appropriate the holy places and sacred figures of other religions.
On Friday, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization’s (UNESCO) Executive Board in Paris adopted a resolution erasing Israel’s ties to the Temple Mount and the Western Wall.
The UNESCO resolution referred to the Temple Mount area solely as the Al-Aqsa Mosque or Al-Haram Al Sharif, ignoring the Jewish claim to the site.
The resolution called Israel “the occupying power” and the Western Wall as Al-Buraq Plaza. It demanded that Israel not restrict Muslim access to the Temple Mount, condemning Israel for “illegal measures against the freedom of worship” at the “Muslim holy site of worship”. It demanded a return to the “status quo”. The status quo since Israel conquered the Temple Mount in 1967 forbids non-Muslim prayer on the Temple Mount and has remained unchanged.
Blaming “Israel aggression” for the violence at the site, it had no mention of the role of Muslim rioters.
It also condemned the Israel’s plans to establish an egalitarian, non-Orthodox prayer section by Robinson’s Arch.
It accused Israel of “planting Jewish fake graves in other spaces of the Muslim cemeteries” located on Waqf property east and south of the Temple Mount, and of “the continued conversion of many Islamic and Byzantine remains into the so-called Jewish ritual baths or into Jewish prayer places.”. It referred to Hebron and Bethlehem as solely “Palestinian sites”.
Authorized by the executive board’s Programme and External Relations Commission, the resolution was submitted by Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, and Sudan. The 58-member board approved the resolution with 33 votes in favor, six against and 17 abstentions. Two countries, Ghana and Turkmenistan were absent all together. Estonia, Germany, Lithuania, Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the US voted against the resolution. France, Spain, Sweden, Russia and Slovenia were among those countries that supported the resolution.
Israeli ambassador to UNESCO, Carmel Shama, released a statement saying, “Even if UNESCO passes dozens of resolutions, and decides to continue passing thousands more, Jerusalem will always remain as part of the capital of Israel and the Jewish people.” Shama added, “As you continue on this path of incitement, lies and terror you will be sending UNESCO down a path towards irrelevance.”
“This is yet another absurd UN decision,” Netanyahu said Saturday. “UNESCO ignores the unique historic connection of Judaism to the Temple Mount, where the two temples stood for a thousand years and to which every Jew in the world has prayed for thousands of years. The UN is rewriting a basic part of human history and has again proven that there is no low to which it will not stoop.”
jihadwatch - breakingisraelnews
UNESCO roept Klaagmuur en Plaza in Jeruzalem uit tot Palestijns en islamitisch erfgoed
UNESCO vervalst geschiedenis Tempelberg-complex

maandag 18 april 2016
Bus Bombing in Jerusalem, 21 Wounded

Unfortunatly Bus bombings returned to the streets of Jerusalem on Monday afternoon when a No. 12 passenger bus exploded and was engulfed in flames near the Talpiot industrial area.
So fierce was the fire that a second nearby bus and a passing car also caught on fire. In all, 21 people were wounded, at least two of them seriously.
Authorities initially reported that the fire could have been caused by a technical malfunction on the first bus. But police later found evidence that a small explosive device had been placed near the rear of the bus.
Security forces on Monday evening were still hunting at least one suspect and urged the public to be vigilant. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed that those responsible for the attack would be brought to justice.
Evil Islamic Terror groups rejoice
Autobus ontploft in Jeruzalem, 21 gewonden

Israeli Police Briefing at Scene of Incident in Jerusalem
Netanyahu: We Will Never Give Away The Golan Heights

Israel’s Cabinet convened its weekly meeting atop the Golan Heights on Sunday so that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu could pointedly inform the world that, in light of the current situation in the region, there is no chance Israel will ever return the strategic plateau to Syrian control.
“The time has come for the world to recognize our sovereignty here,” said Netanyahu. The Israeli leader made similar remarks recently to US Secretary of State John Kerry, whom Netanyahu told, “We will not come down from the Golan Heights. The international community needs to accept this.”
The statement comes amid mounting assessments that Syrian dictator Bashar Assad will survive the ongoing civil war and maintain power in Damascus, largely thanks to the assistance of Iran and Russia.
For nearly 20 years the Golan Heights was used as a platform to launch attacks on the Galilee region, before being captured by Israel in the 1967 Six Day War.
Israel officially annexed the Golan in 1981, but came under heavy American pressure in the 1990s to relinquish control as a first step toward making peace with Syria and the broader Arab world. Had Israel succumbed to that pressure, its northern towns and cities would today be under tremendous and sustained threat from groups like ISIS and the various Al Qaeda-affiliated gangs fighting in Syria.
IDF’s drill secures Golan Heights
Netanyahu: We geven de Golanhoogten nooit op

vrijdag 1 april 2016
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