1. Why did the international world community not condemn Jordan and Egypt for occupying ‘palestinian’ land (1949-1967), after they (incl. Syria) unleased their agression-war against the new founded State of Israel in 1948, and Jordan occupied the ‘westbank’ & east-Jerusalem and Egypt occupied Gaza?
2. Why did the Jordanians and the Egyptians (who occupied the‘westbank’ and Gaza from 1949 untill1967) not gave their Arabic/Islamic brothers the ‘palestinians’ (who lived there) not their own State in the ‘westbank’ and Gaza?
3. Again: Why did the Jordanians and the Egyptians not gave the ‘palestinians’ back their stolen and occupied ‘palestinian’ land (the‘westbank’ and Gaza) between 1949 and 1967 = 18years?
4. Why did the international world community (between 1949 and 1967) not pressure Jordan and Egypt to release occupied ‘palestinian’ land from the‘westbank’ and Gaza to the ‘palestinian’ people, so they could form their own ‘state’?
5. Why did Jordan and Egypt not gave the ‘palestinians’, who lived in their midst on the ‘westbank’, east-Jerusalem and in Gaza (1949-1967), their own ‘palestinian’ identity, no‘palestinian’ passports, and no ‘palestinian’ land?
6. Why did Jordan and Egypt not gave Yasser Arafat his ‘palestinian’ state (with east-Jerusalem as Capital city of ‘palestine’), after Egyptian-born Arafat founded the terrorist organisation the PLO in 1964?
7. Why couldn’t Jews/Israelies live and work freely in the by Jordan and Egypt occupied territories, (the‘westbank’ and Gaza between 1949 and 1967), but the ‘palestinian’ arabs could in Israel (the Jewish State)?
8. And etc, etc .
Written by: Henoch.

12 Questions That Prove Palestine Never Existed!