You know that a government document is deliberately leaked when its contents appear in more than one place at the same time. Yesterday every anti-Israel publication in the world (Al-Jazeera, BBC, The Guardian, etc.) reported on a "draft" European Union working paper that argued for the European Union to take action to ensure that the eastern part of Jerusalem would become the capital of a Palestinian State.
The paper expressed concern that Israeli actions are undermining the Palestinian claim to Jerusalem. It advocated measures such as protesting the demolition of Arab homes, refusing to meet in Israeli government offices, and the continued refusal to recognize Israel's sovereignty over all of its capital city.
This leaked document came a day after the legal destruction of an abandoned property in eastern Jerusalem to make way for the construction of 20 homes for Jewish families. And it came a few days after the European Union's Foreign Minister condemned Jewish construction in the Holy City.
There are many reasons to defend Israel's sovereignty over all of Jerusalem. Jerusalem is the capital of only one people (The Jewish people), when Jerusalem was divided the Jewish population was expelled, and since its unification Israel has insured that Jerusalem is safe and open to all people. But the European Union and the rest of the world wants to go back to the bad old days.
Why? Because it is part of the Arab lead campaign to delegitimize the State of Israel. This is comparable to a diplomatic dissection of the Jewish State. Take away its capital and the rest will collapse.
This campaign is being fought on many fronts. But Jerusalem is the epicenter of the conflict. Israel needs our help and commitment to a united Jerusalem now more than ever.
Source: OneJerusalem

"It will happen in that day, that I (God, The Lord) will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all the peoples (who want to divide Jerusalem, Joel 3:2). All who burden themselves with it (Jerusalem) will be severely wounded (destroyed), and all the nations (also the EU) of the earth will be gathered together against it." (Zechariah 12:3)
"Te dien dage zal Ik (God, de Heer) Jeruzalem maken tot een steen, die alle natiën (allen die Jeruzalem willen verdelen, Joel 3:2) moeten heffen; allen die hem (Jeruzalem) heffen, zullen zich deerlijk verwonden (teniet gaan). En alle volkeren der aarde (ook de EU) zullen zich daarheen verzamelen." (Zacharia 12:3)