A senior Israeli government official on Tuesday said US President Barack Obama must stop being so naive on Egypt, and should avoid the same kind of failed policies Washington implemented during the last Egyptian revolution.
Like most Egyptians today, Israel largely blames Obama for facilitating the hijacking of the 2011 revolution by the Muslim Brotherhood.
It was Obama's "naivete" that led him to engage with the Muslim Brotherhood as former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak was being ousted, the Israeli official told Israel Radio. And it was that American engagement that provided the Muslim Brotherhood with the legitimacy it needed to seize power.
The current situation in Egypt is likely to be protracted, as the Muslim Brotherhood is not expected to give up power without a fight. If the military is to maintain order and prevent a relapse to Islamist rule, it will need international support, and a continuation of American financial aid.
Israel is lobbying Washington to maintain aid to the Egyptian army, even though American law mandates freezing the transfer of funds if it is determined that a military coup has occurred.
Source: IsraelToday
Lees: Israël tot Obama: Wees niet zo naïef over Egypte