One of Israel's greatest arch enemies, Islamic Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal (who deserves the same fate as sheik ahmed yassin, unless he repents to Yeshua) called for an “urgent national meeting” with the Palestinian Authority and Fatah to agree on a unified Palestinian strategy to confront Israeli “schemes” in Jerusalem” on Wednesday, the Jerusalem Post reported. Mashaal was speaking at a conference in Ankara on the issue of Jerusalem.
Mashaal said in his speech that no Palestinian or Arab or Muslim leader is authorized or has a mandate to sign an agreement that “harms” Jerusalem and the [un]holy sites. “Protecting Jerusalem and the Aksa Mosque against Judaization, demolition and division should be a shared national goal,” he said. Mashaal called for a decisive Palestinian, Arab and Islamic stance toward Jerusalem that rejects any concessions in the city.
“We need to affirm to ourselves, the future generations and the world that Jerusalem is the essence of the cause and conflict and a political, religious, national and historic symbol,” he added. “There should be no differing over this.”
The Hamas leader said that building an Arab, Islamic and Palestinian military capability is the only way to restore Jerusalem and the holy sites. The first step toward building such a military force should be to launch resistance attacks against Israel in order to drain its power, Mashaal said.
Source: breakingisraelnews