Turkish-Israel relations were so hostile last year that Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan deliberately exposed a network of Iranians who had been working with the Mossad, Israel’s intelligence agency, the Washington Post reports.
Erdogan gave Iranian authorities the names of up to 10 Iranians who had been meeting with Mossad handlers. Sources told the paper that Turkey’s deliberate exposure of the agents’ identities was a “significant” blow to Israel’s intelligence in Iran.
Israel reportedly had run part of its Iranian network through Turkey, Iran's neighbor. Turkey's internal intelligence agency would have been well placed to pick up on the meetings between Iranians and Israeli agents within its borders.
Turkish intelligence chief Hakan Fidan is considered by Israel to have friendly ties to Iran, according to the report. However, United States intelligence personnel continue to deal with Fidan.
Source: Arutz7
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