The heat of the coming war not only went up a few degrees over the past few days, but Obama has once again made a terrible move that endangers not only the Middle East but the entire world.
When it looked like Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria were getting ready to attack Israel with over 50,000 missiles - many with chemical warheads - it seems that Russia has positioned herself right in the middle of the action by supplying Syria with ground to sea missiles along their Mediterranean Coastline. This was to counter the US 6th Fleet that is packed into that area facing off toward Syria. My son Joel just sailed a boat through that area this week on a 3 day trip. To say it isn't safe these days would be an understatement. But thank God he is okay and was covered by thousands of prayers from around the world.
To add kindling to the fire US troops are amassing on the Jordan/Syria border and Bashar Assad has now brought tanks and soldiers to his borders. One with Turkey and the other with Jordan. It's worth noting that Turkey has upset Russia by allowing the US to build an anti-missile base in Turkey. The Russians have openly told the US that they would attack that facility if it wasn't dismantled soon.
Turkey, who in the past year or so has gone out of its way to befriend Syria and Iran, has since discovered that was a mistake. They now find themselves in a situation of having to back up and re-evaluate their position which is not good. Syria and Russia are both Turkey's neighbours!
Syria's Assad is finding it hard to handle the uprising that has turned into a full civil war and wants to find a way out; the only way for a Muslim dictator in this part of the world to unite other Arab Countries is to attack Israel.
The people of Iran, who for the most part want no part of a war with the US or Israel, have found themselves in a very bad situation after the last election. They seem to have lost the will to fight the Islamic regime and have discovered that Obama is no friend . He will not assist them knowing that things look really grim for the near future.
In the meantime Iran is holding Hezbollah and Hamas back from attacking Israel until they are ready for Syria to join in with all their forces at the same time. Iran knows also that the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, given a little more time, may control the military there as well. This will place Israel in an even more difficult defensive position.
Many of us have lost count of the US Naval Ships presently cruising the Persian Gulf. They include aircraft carriers and battleships along with submarines. Not to mention Israel's presence there with her submarines. So, with the Eastern Med and the Persian Gulf packed with trigger-happy sailors it only takes one crazy to kick off the third world war.
It is not possible to say with certainty what will happen in the next few days or weeks. It is easy to see what very well could happen. The question is just how it will kick off - and what kind of weapons will be used.
As for Israel's part in all of this, be sure that she is ready and those who come against her will pay a very heavy price. We also know that Israel is in the center of it all, and the demonic Islamic world believes that even suicide is worth it for the possibility of destroying Israel and the US. And suicide is what they will be committing.
That is not to say that a great time of sorrow will not fall on Israel, and even our Generals are telling us that many will die in this coming war. God gave us this land. We have no other place to go. Yet we will fight knowing that God's Word is with us.
Source: The Golden Report