TEL AVIV - De radicaal islamitische groepering Hamas heeft in de nacht van maandag op dinsdag voor het eerst sinds april 2011 langeafstandsraketten op Israël geschoten. Dat stelde een woordvoerder van Hamas.
In een verklaring liet Hamas weten dat de raketten „een antwoord op de zionistische misdaden” zijn.
Eerder dinsdag kwamen twee Palestijnen in de Gazastrook om toen Israël een luchtaanval uitvoerde. Het Israëlische leger liet in een verklaring weten een „terroristische brigade met explosieven” te hebben uitgeschakeld.
Bron: Telegraaf
Gaza terrorists fire 31 rockets at Israel since midnight
Palestinian terrorists in the Gaza Strip fired eight additional rockets into Israeli territory on Tuesday evening, bringing the total number of rockets fired since midnight to 31. Meanwhile, Hamas claimed responsibility for at least 10 of the launches in the past 24 hours.
The IDF said aircraft carried out a targeted strike against the launching squad responsible for one of the latest barrages Tuesday afternoon. At least one person was critically injured in that strike and at least four have been killed in the past 24 hours, according to Palestinian reports.
Including the latest rockets, which landed in open fields in the Eshkol Regional Council, Palestinian terrorists have fired 31 rockets into Israel since Monday. There were no injuries or damage reported in any of the attacks.
Earlier, Hamas claimed responsibility for at least some of the rocket fire, claiming that it was responding to the killing of Palestinians in recent days. The IAF killed at least four Palestinian terrorists in the last 24 hours, at least two of whom were members of the Islamic Jihad terrorist group. Some Palestinian reports said a total of six have been killed.
In a statement released by Hamas's armed wing, the Izzaddin al-Kassam Brigades, the group said that it fired three mortars aimed at an IDF base in Zikim. It later claimed responsibility for 10 launches.
Source: JerusalemPost