Terrorists from Hamas-controlled Gaza “thanked” Israel for releasing 26 terrorist murderers by firing two rockets at the southern part of the country on Tuesday night.
One rocket exploded in an open area near the city of Sderot. There were no physical injuries or damages. Kol Yisrael radio reported that a second rocket exploded within Gaza.
On Monday night, terrorists from the Sinai Peninsula fired a rocket towards the Israeli resort city of Eilat. The Iron Dome anti-missile system, which was just recently deployed near Eilat, reportedly intercepted the rocket before it could explode in a populated area. There were no reports of damages, but three people suffered shock.
Last Wednesday night, Gaza terrorists fired a Qassam rocket towards the Eshkol Regional Council. The rocket exploded in an open region, causing no physical injuries or damages. Local residents said that the “Red Alert” warning siren had not gone off before the rocket exploded.
Source: Arutz7
Read: IAF launches early morning attack in response to Gaza rockets
Lees: 26 Palestijnse gevangenen (terroristen) vrij; raketaanval uit Gaza