The response from Jerusalem did not take long, after the speech by Iranian President elect, Hassan Rohani, who said that Israel is “an old wound that must be removed”. Prime Minister Netanyahu responded to the words yesterday (Friday) saying that Roahni’s true face was revealed “sooner than expected”.
“Even if they have now rushed to deny his words, that is what the man thinks and that is the Iranian regime’s plan of action” Netanyahu: “Rohani’s words should wake the half world up from illusions it has held since the elections in Iran”.
According to Netanyahu, “The name of the president has changed, but the regime’s goal has not, it is to have a nuclear weapon in order to threaten Israel, the Middle East and peace throughout the world. A country that threatens to destroy Israel mustn’t have a weapon of mass destruction”.
Netanyahu’s words came in response to a verbal attack by Rohani, said while noting the events of “El-Quds day” in the Islamic republic, there he said that “the Zionist regime has been an ‘old wound’ on the body of the Islamic world for years, and we must remove it”.
Millions throughout Iran went out to protest against Israel. The angry masses burned Israeli and American flags and carried signs calling to boycott the “Zionist entity”.
Source: jerusalemonline