Anyone who was expecting liberal democracy to sprout in Egypt following the series of revolutions, protests, elections and crackdowns since president Hosni Mubarak was overthrown in 2011 will be sorely disappointed by Wednesday’s military assault on protesters and the imposition of emergency law.
One thing is clear – military chief Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi is the new king of Egypt.
Even though the government said it would continue to follow the transition process and hold elections, it seems ever more apparent that the elections will likely not be fair and that Egyptian governments, at least in the near future, will probably rule at the pleasure of Sisi.
This would be similar to Arab monarchies, where a king has overall authority but delegates governance to a prime minister and his cabinet. If things get out of hand or the government does something the king does not like, it is simply forced to carry out the king’s will or is dismissed.
Source: JPost

Our Comment: You must all Read the prophecy about Egypt in Isaiah chapter 19. The word of God is fulfilled before our own eyes! It states in verse 4: "And the Egyptians will I (the Lord, God) give over into the hand of a cruel lord; and a fierce king shall rule over them, saith the Lord (Adonai), the Lord of hosts (Zebaoth)."