Slain Jewish guard in Denmark described as 'irreplaceable'
Copenhagen gunman may be inspired by Paris attacks
Slachtoffer terreuraanslag synagoge Kopenhagen Dan Uzan (37)

Netanyahu to European Jews: Terror attacks in Europe will continue, Israel is your home
Isaiah 11:11-13 (CJB)
11 On that day Adonai will raise his hand again, a second time, to reclaim the remnant of his people who remain from Ashur, Egypt, Patros, Ethiopia, ‘Eilam, Shin‘ar, Hamat and the islands in the sea.
12 He will hoist a banner for the Goyim, assemble the dispersed of Isra’el, and gather the scattered of Y’hudah from the four corners of the earth.
13 Efrayim’s jealousy will cease — those who harass Y’hudah will be cut off, Efrayim will stop envying Y’hudah, and Y’hudah will stop provoking Efrayim.