vrijdag 30 januari 2015
donderdag 29 januari 2015
woensdag 28 januari 2015
IDF soldiers killed in Hezbollah Mt. Dov attack named

Captain Yohai Kalangel and Sergeant Dor Nini were killed when Hezbollah fighters fired anti-tank missile at army convoy; 7 others wounded.
Yohai Kalangel, 25, from the Har Gilo settlement in the West Bank, was married to Tali and a father of a one-year-old girl. He was the commander of the Tzabar Battalion's supporting company, and received the president's award for excellence on Independence Day last year. He was posthumously promoted to the rank of Major.
Dor Nini, 20, from Moshav Shtulim near Ashdod, was a combat soldiuer at the Givati Brigade's Tzabar battalion. Nini, who fought in Gaza during Operation Protective Edge, was posthumously promoted to the rank of Staff Sergeant.
The incident occurred at about 11:30am Wednesday, when a Hezbollah anti-tank missile hit an IDF convoy near Har Dov and Shebaa Farms, a disputed tract of land where the borders of Israel, Lebanon and Syria meet.
The troops that were hit were conducting a patrol in the sector as part of the high alert level in the north. The soldiers stationed in the area were supposed to serve as reinforcement troops in the case of escalation.
Israël treurt om de twee gedode jonge militairen
Two soldiers killed, 7 hurt in attack on Lebanon border

Two soldiers were killed Wednesday when an Israeli army patrol came under anti-tank fire from Hezbollah operatives in the northern Mount Dov region along the border with Lebanon.
The IDF confirmed that at least seven soldiers were wounded in the attack and ruled out the possibility that a soldier had been kidnapped.
The two soldiers were not immediately named. They were identified as a company commander and another soldier.
“Earlier today, an anti-tank missile hit an IDF vehicle in the Har-Dov area, killing two soldiers and wounding an additional seven, two of them moderately,” said the IDF in a statement Wednesday afternoon. “The soldiers’ families have been notified.”
The vehicles were hit by Kornet guided anti-tank missiles, Channel 2 reported. Photos that emerged after the attack showed two badly damaged vehicles in flames.
For over an hour after the attack, IDF positions in the area, as well as on nearby Mount Hermon, were hit with mortar shells.
Israel responded to the attack with artillery strikes in southern Lebanon. Two Lebanese officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Israel targeted the border villages of Majidiyeh, Abbasiyeh and Kfar Chouba with at least 50 shells.
2 IDF soldiers killed in anti-tank missile Hezbollah attack on Lebanon border
Hezbollah antitankraket treft jeep: twee doden, vijf gewonden

dinsdag 27 januari 2015
Sirens sound, rockets from Syria explode in Golan Heights

Air raid sirens went off in the northern Golan Heights on Tuesday as at least two rockets landed in the Israeli-controlled region. No injuries or damage were reported.
The rockets were apparently launched from Syrian territory, but it wasn’t immediately clear who was responsible or whether it was an intentional attack on Israeli territory.
The IDF confirmed at least two rockets hit the northern Golan Heights and a spokesperson said that the Mount Hermon ski slopes were being evacuated. Walla news reported four missiles landed in the Israeli Golan Heights.
At least one exploded in an open area near Kibbutz El-Rom, near the border with Syria. Sirens sounded in the towns of Odem, El-Rom, Buqat’a, Majdal Shams, Mas’ade, Neve Ativ, Nimrod and Ein Kinya.
The IDF returned artillery fire into Syrian territory in response to the rockets. Some 20 artillery rounds were fired into Syrian territory. A direct hit was scored. Unconfirmed reports indicated there were casualties on the Syrian side.
Lebanese media reported Israeli fighter aircraft in the skies over the Golan Heights shortly thereafter.
A police spokesperson said there was heightened security in the area following the rocket attacks, and that roads to the northern Golan Heights were closed as a precautionary measure as police searched for rocket remains.
The incident took place amid heightened tensions in northern Israel following a reported Israeli airstrike on the opposite side of the border with the Syrian Golan Heights that killed an Iranian general, a Hezbollah commander, and at least 10 others last Sunday.
Last week, in the wake of the reported attack, the IDF mobilized troops and armor to the north following Hezbollah threats of retaliation, and deployed at least three Iron Dome missile defense batteries near the northern city of Haifa.
Raketinslagen op Golanhoogten

maandag 26 januari 2015
zondag 25 januari 2015
Reporters in Malmo, Sweden put on a kipah, Stars of David and get threatened by residents

Shock Doc.! Eighteen months after an intrepid gentile journalist strolled the streets of Malmo, Sweden wearing a yarmulke, in order to get a sense of how residents of the city view Jews, a new video suggests that the situation has only worsened.
This time it was Peter Lindgren’s turn to don a kippah and Star of David chain around his neck and head into town. The result: “He received direct threats as he walked through the city,” according to expressen.se.
Lindgren, walking with a hidden camera and microphone alongside, recorded every step. The report showed the reporter enduring verbal abuse by a man who called him a “Jewish s***” and told him to “leave.” Another person hit him and shouted “Satan Jew,” at him.
As they approached the the city’s neighborhoods with higher Muslim populations, the threats only increased. Some 20 percent of the 300,000 residents of Sweden’s third-largest city are Muslim, according to statistics.
“Then a whole gang came along to threaten the ‘Jewish’ reporter,” while occupants of neighboring homes shouted abuse at him. The broadcast caused a public storm in Sweden, with reactions by public figures, local Jewish organizations and international groups.
The clip, which was broadcast on Sweden’s national television, examined the degree of threats Malmo’s Jews face. The city is infamous for having the largest number of anti-Semitic incidents in the country, many of them perpetrated by members of the Muslim community.
According to the report, “many of [Malmo's remaining Jews] are afraid to leave their homes; many want to leave the city and do not want their children to grow up there.”
There are only about 600 Jews remaining; many have left for Stockholm and other cities because they can’t take the hatred.
During the first six months of 2013, Malmo police reported 35 attacks on Jews – triple the previous year, according to an official who spoke with The Jerusalem Post.
zaterdag 24 januari 2015
Israel prepared for 'any scenario' after attack on Hezbollah

Anticipating a possible counter-attack from Hezbollah, Israel is prepared for “any scenario” and will operate with “determination and the required intensity” along the northern border with Syria and Lebanon, declared Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Benjamin Gantz.
Gantz on Friday paid a morning visit to the IDF Northern Command, where he told reporters “the IDF is keeping a close eye on recent developments in the northern region.”
“IDF forces are alert and prepared to respond if needed. … The IDF is prepared for any scenario, and will on the one hand, exercise proper discretion, and on the other, operate with determination and the required intensity.”
Gantz was speaking after an Israeli official took the unusual step of recognizing his country was behind last Sunday’s strike on a Hezbollah convoy near the Israeli side of the Golan Heights.
The attack killed Iranian Revolutionary Guard Gen. Mohammed Allahdadi as well as a Hezbollah commander and the son of the group’s late military leader, Imad Muughniyeh. Hezbollah said six of its members died in the strike.
Reuters on Tuesday quoted a senior Israeli security source stating Allahdadi was not the intended target and that Israel believed it was attacking only low-ranking Hezbollah members who were about to carry out an attack on the border.
Asked if Israel expected Iranian or Hezbollah retaliation, the source told Reuters: “They’re almost certain to respond. We’re anticipating that, but I think it’s a fair assumption that a major escalation is not in the interest of either side.”
Indeed, Iran wasted no time before threatening to hit back. The Revolutionary Guard chief, Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari, was quoted Tuesday telling the state-run Fars news agency: “These martyrdoms proved the need to stick with jihad. The Zionists must await devastating thunderbolts.”
Earlier this week, WND reported that in response to the killing, Israel believes Hezbollah will carry out a major terrorist attack in Israel or against Jewish or Israeli targets abroad, Middle Eastern defense officials stated.
The Middle Eastern defense officials also said Israel believes Hezbollah might try to assassinate an Israeli politician or public figure.
The defense officials said Israel views as unlikely the prospect of Hezbollah responding to Sunday’s attack by launching rockets or missiles into the Jewish state. They assess that the Iranian-backed Hezbollah is not interested in risking a larger confrontation with Israel. Hezbollah has been bogged down attempting to quell the insurgency targeting the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
Still, there is information indicating Hezbollah in recent weeks managed to transport missiles and drones into the Golan Heights. Drones equipped with explosives could infiltrate Israeli territory and carry out a large-scale attack.
According to the Mideast defense officials speaking to WND, Hezbollah and Iran have been planning an imminent counter-insurgency against rebel-held positions inside and near the Syrian sections of the Golan Heights aimed at taking the strategic border territory.
Israel fears the establishment of Hezbollah positions in the Golan Heights could be used in the future as bases to storm into Jewish communities on the Israel side of the border.
Unmentioned in scores of news reports covering the Israeli strikes is that last Thursday, Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah gave a three-hour interview in which he threatened to dispatch commando teams to overrun Israeli communities in the Galilee region adjacent to the Golan Heights.
Speaking to the Lebanese Al Mayadeen network, Nasrallah warned that Hezbollah “is ready and prepared for a confrontation in the Galilee and beyond the Galilee.”
According to sources in the Israel Defense Forces, the Israeli military waited until the Hezbollah convoy was about four miles from the Israel-Syria border before dispatching Hellfire missiles for the attack.
Lees: Bevolking noorden ongerust wegens transport van tanks
Raketafweer naar noorden na luchtaanval in Syrië
Israeli-Syrian border, view on Quneitra from Mount Bental, Golan Israel. (Photo's: Henoch)
vrijdag 23 januari 2015
Auschwitzherdenking begonnen met voorlezen namen slachtoffers
Holocaustoverlevende Beppie Ottenbros is in Westerbork begonnen met het voorlezen van de namen van Nederlanders die zijn omgekomen in Duitse vernietigingskampen tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Daarmee wordt de bevrijding van Auschwitz herdacht, dinsdag precies 70 jaar geleden.
Het voorlezen van de 102.000 namen gaat dag en nacht door en duurt tot en met dinsdag. Het voorlezen gebeurt door vrijwilligers, onder hen nabestaanden en overlevenden van de holocaust, zoals Mirjam Weitzner-Smuk, die vijf kampen heeft overleefd.
Westerbork was een doorgangskamp. Daar vandaan vervoerden de nazi's Nederlandse Joden, Sinti en Roma naar werk- en vernietigingskampen.
Ook koning leest namen slachtoffers Westerbork
Een bijzonder optreden van koning Willem Alexander. In herinneringscentrum Kamp Westerbork las hij vanmiddag 10 minuten lang de namen voor van Nederlanders die in de Tweede Wereldoorlog zijn vermoord in de Duitse vernietigingskampen.
Should Jewish people flee Europe and go Home to Israel for coming Islamic fascist pogroms?
Voices from the Past: Ze'ev Jabotinsky

The evacuation of Jewish communities in Poland, Hungary and Romania was to take place over a ten-year period. However, the British government vetoed it, and the World Zionist Organization's chairman, Chaim Weizmann, dismissed it. Two years later, in 1938, Jabotinsky stated in a speech that Polish Jews were "living on the edge of the volcano", and warned that a wave of pogroms would happen in Poland sometime in the near future. Jabotinsky went on to warn Jews in Europe that they should leave for 'Palestine' as soon as possible. There is much discussion about whether or not Jabotinsky actually predicted the Holocaust. In his writings and public appearances he warned against the dangers of an outbreak of violence against the Jewish population of Central and Eastern Europe.
The evacuation of Jewish communities in Poland, Hungary and Romania was to take place over a ten-year period. However, the British government vetoed it, and the World Zionist Organization's chairman, Chaim Weizmann, dismissed it. Two years later, in 1938, Jabotinsky stated in a speech that Polish Jews were "living on the edge of the volcano", and warned that a wave of pogroms would happen in Poland sometime in the near future. Jabotinsky went on to warn Jews in Europe that they should leave for 'Palestine' as soon as possible. There is much discussion about whether or not Jabotinsky actually predicted the Holocaust. In his writings and public appearances he warned against the dangers of an outbreak of violence against the Jewish population of Central and Eastern Europe.
donderdag 22 januari 2015
woensdag 21 januari 2015
Terreuraanslag met mes in bus Tel Aviv

Ten minste twaalf mensen raakten vanochtend gewond toen een 23-jarige Palestijn in buslijn 40 in Tel Aviv met een mes begon te steken.
Vier slachtoffers zijn in ernstige toestand in het ziekenhuis opgenomen, onder wie de buschauffeur. Een detentiecentrumcommandant met drie collega’s die in de nabijheid waren, wisten de dader in zijn benen te schieten en namen hem gevangen.
Terwijl Israël geschokken reageert, haastten leiders van Hamas zich om deze terreurdaad te loven. Ook in Palestijnse media werd de terrorist geprezen.

Een walgelijke Arabische cartoon waarin deze terreurdaad wordt verheerlijkt. Op het bord staat 'bezet Tel Aviv'.Een Arabische cartoon waarin deze terreurdaad wordt verheerlijkt. Op het bord staat ‘bezet Tel Aviv’.
Palestinian stabs Tel Aviv commuters in terror attack
They shot and caught the allah-demon posessed pally, screaming like a pig, after his islamic terror act to try to kill/murder Jewish people.
maandag 19 januari 2015
zondag 18 januari 2015
Israeli Air Force Attacks Terror Cell in Syria, Five Killed

The Israel Air Force attacked a terror cell in Syria as it was preparing to strike Israel.
Lebanese news sources reported on Sunday that an Israeli Air Force (IAF) helicopter attacked a target inside Syria.
Reports state that a helicopter fired two rockets at a terror cell that was preparing to launch rockets at Israel from the Quneitra area in Syria near Israel’s northern border.
“An Israeli helicopter fired two missiles on Amal Farms in Quneitra,” the Lebanese Al-Maydeen report said, adding that two reconnaissance planes were also flying over the area, which is controlled by al-Qaeda affiliated al-Nusra Front rebels.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), a Britain-based group monitoring the civil war in that country, said that the missiles fired on Sunday targeted armed vehicles, citing local sources. It was unknown whether the vehicles belonged to the army, Hezbollah or anti-Assad insurgents.
The report was not confirmed by the IDF, which stated: “We do not respond to foreign reports.”
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah threatened Israel in an interview with Al-Mayadeen television on Thursday, saying that his organization would retaliate for what he alleges are repeated IDF strikes on Syria. “The repeated bombings that struck several targets in Syria are a major violation, and we consider that any strike against Syria is a strike against the whole of the resistance axis, not just against Syria,” Nasrallah told the Beirut-based Arab news television.
There are unconfirmed reports that the target may have been an armed convoy.
Son of Imad Mugniyeh, 6 Others, Said Killed in IAF Syria Strike
Six Iranians killed in Israeli strike in Syria, including Revolutionary Guards general
dinsdag 13 januari 2015
maandag 12 januari 2015
JOVD : Mein Kampf-verkoper uitgeroepen tot ‘liberaal' van het jaar

De Amsterdamse galeriehouder Michiel van Eyck, die afgelopen jaar voor de rechter moest verschijnen omdat hij het beruchte boek Mein Kampf had verkocht, is door de jongerentak van de VVD (de JOVD) uitgeroepen tot liberaal van het jaar.
Michiel van Eyck behaalde in november een succes in de rechtszaal. Het OM eiste een geldboete van 1000 euro, maar de rechter stelde dat de galeriehouder niet strafbaar was. De Amsterdammer had steeds aangegeven dat hij het verbod op de verkoop van Mein Kampf achterhaald vond, onder meer omdat het ideologische werk van Adolf Hitler via internet vrij verkrijgbaar is, en werd in zeker zin door de rechter in het gelijk gesteld.
De JOVD heeft nu besloten Van Eyck uit te roepen tot Liberaal van het Jaar, vanwege zijn “principiële strijd voor de vrijheid van meningsuiting en tegen overheidscensuur”. JOVD-voorzitter Tom Leijte.
Bron: historiek
Wij vinden dit een walgelijke vertoning van het JOVD, net zoals de uitspraak destijds van de VVD leider Mark Rutte, die beweerde dat Holocaust-ontkenning mogelijk moet zijn, in het kader van de vrijheid van meningsuiting. Het is een klap in het gezicht, en een trap na, aan de vooral joodse slachtoffers en nabestaanden van de holocaust.
Am Yisrael Chai - On the Temple Mount!
Outrageous: Jews and Christians not (yet) allowed on God's holy Hill (the Temple Mount) by Muslims/Islam.

zondag 11 januari 2015
Shame of Palestinian leader Abbas at Charlie Hebdo demo

Nothing shows the West's lack of seriousness about terrorism more than the shameful presence of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas at the mass demo in Paris. If the Charlie Hebdo massacre had taken place in Israel, Abbas would have named a square after the killers
What on Earth was Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas doing at Sunday's mass demonstration in Paris against terrorism in general and the twin massacres by Islamists of the Charlie Hebdo journalists and the Jews at the Kosher supermarket last week?
If you don't get the point instantaneously you're part of the problem, or at least you've probably spent too much time watching, reading and listening to the BBC... which may, of course, amount to the same thing.
It beggars belief. Abbas's Palestinian Authority glorifies terrorism as a matter of policy. Countless squares and streets in the areas that he controls have been named after terrorists who have slaughtered men, women and children.
It is not in any way a cute point, but if the people who murdered the journalists at Charlie Hebdo and the Jews in the Kosher supermarket had been Palestinians, and the civilians they had murdered had been Israelis, Abbas would have already named a square after them.
It is the grossest expression of opportunism for Abbas to be in Paris for the demonstration at all. He's there because he's worried that terrorism has been given a bad name, not because he opposes it.
As for the clowns who invited him, well, it's just another illustration of our total lack of seriousness. But, by now, who could be surprised by that?

zaterdag 10 januari 2015
Tunis chief rabbi's son among dead hostages

Yoav Hattab, 21, the son of the Chief Rabbi of Tunis*, is among the four hostages shot dead in the islamist attack on the Hyper Cacher supermarket in eastern Paris. It is likely that the other victims were also of North African origin. Y-Net News reports:
The four victims of the terror attack on a kosher supermarket in eastern Paris on Friday were named Saturday by CRIF, an umbrella group of French Jewish communities.
The victims, all Jews, were identified as Yoav Hattab, 21, the son of the Chief Rabbi of Tunis, Philippe Braham, in his 40s, Yohan Cohen, 22 and Francois-Michel Saada, in his 60s. One of them - reportedly Yohan Cohen - tried to snatch one of the attackers weapons away and was shot in the head.
“These French citizens were struck down in a cold-blooded manner and mercilessly because they were Jews,” read the CRIF statement.
The possibility of bringing the four victims to Israel for a state funeral is being examined.

vrijdag 9 januari 2015
Joodse cartoonist komt op voor vervolgde christenen

De aanslag in Parijs is in ieder geval geen reden voor de Amerikaans-Israëlische cartoonist Yaakov Kirschen om zijn toon te matigen. Kirschen die al veertig jaar met zijn pen strijdt tegen antisemitisme, heeft een nieuw onderwerp ter hand genomen: de christenvervolging in het Midden-Oosten.
In zijn strijd tegen het antisemitisme haalde Kirschen met zijn cartoons en zijn tekeningen regelmatig grote kranten als de The Wall Street Journal en The New York Times. Kirschen heeft nu besloten om de aandacht te richten op wat hijzelf omschrijft als een van de meest genegeerde problemen: de vervolging van christenen in het Midden-Oosten. Volgens Kirschen worden christelijke minderheden afgeslacht, vermoord en verdreven. Hij stelt dat er simpelweg een etnische zuivering plaatsvindt, waarbij het Westen gewoon de andere kant op kijkt.
In een interview met CBN News zei Kirschen dat de totale apathie hem de grootste zorgen baart.Het is totaal krankzinnig dat de kerken zich hier niet tegen uitspreken. En het is onbegrijpelijk dat er geen demonstraties op straat worden georganiseerd.
Bron: Joodse Omroep
Jewish cartoonist among victims of massacre at Charlie Hebdo

Jewish caricaturist Georges Wolinski was among the 12 victims of an attack Wednesday on the Paris headquarters of the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine.
The assailants cried out “Allah is the greatest” in Arabic and that their attack was to “avenge the prophet,” the French daily Le Monde reported. They reportedly fled in a hijacked car, running over a pedestrian and shooting at officers.
Charlie Hebdo, which regularly runs articles and caricatures critical of religion, has published a series of satirical cartoons of the Muslim prophet Mohammed.
Wolinski, 80, a Tunisia native who moved to France as a teenager, also was a cartoonist at the magazine.
“It’s clear that this was a planned attack against Wolinski and the other cartoon artists,” said Richard Kenigsman, a well-known Jewish caricaturist and painter from Brussels
Schietpartij en gijzeling in joodse winkel

In Parijs is een gijzeling aan de gang in een joodse supermarkt. In de winkel in de voorstad Vincennes zouden zeker vijf klanten, onder wie een paar kinderen, gegijzeld worden door een gewapende man, meldt het Franse persbureau AFP.
Er zou zijn geschoten. De politie bevestigt dat niet, maar zegt wel dat er een gewonde is. De gijzelnemer rende volgens een ooggetuige al schietend met een kalasjnikov over straat en ging toen de winkel in.
De dader is volgens bronnen van AFP de man die gisteren in de Parijse wijk Montrouge een agente doodschoot.
Shooting at Kosher market in eastern Paris

donderdag 8 januari 2015
dinsdag 6 januari 2015
maandag 5 januari 2015
zondag 4 januari 2015
France Stabs Israel in the Back at UN

France voted in favor of the damaging Palestinian bid at the UN, thus stabbing the Jewish State in the back while caving in to anti-Israel pressure.
The resolution submitted by the Palestinian Authority to the UN Security Council (UNSC) – calling for a withdrawal from the “occupied territories” by the end of 2017 and the establishment of the “State of Palestine” – was dismissed on Tuesday, after the Palestinians failed to garner the required nine votes.
Eight countries on the 15-member council – China, France, Russia, Argentina, Chad, Chile, Jordan and Luxembourg – voted in support of the resolution, two voted against and five abstained.
Both the United States and Australia stood by Israel and opposed the belligerent resolution.
“France wanted to offer a constructive, reasonable and consensual alternative to the initial Palestinian draft,” explained Francois Delattre, the French ambassador to the UN, after the vote. He admitted that the Palestinian suggestion was “not ideal,” but despite “reservations about some of its formulations,” he had voted in favor because, he said, the peace process needs to advance and the international community “must share the weight of these negotiations.”
France – Home to Radical Islam

France has become home to the largest Muslim population in Europe and has seen a sharp increase in Islamic violence and anti-Semitic attacks. In recent years, anti-Semitism has more than doubled in France, leaving many concerned that the country’s growing Muslim population will continue to be a source of anti-West and anti-Israel aggression. France has done little, if anything, to curb this trend.
Furthermore, French officials still refuse to call the attacks “terrorism,” opting to characterize the incidents as criminal cases and thus ignoring the growing peril – not only to Jews, but to the French and the West in general.
Among the foreign fighters who have joined the Islamic State (IS or ISIS) terror organization, a notably high percentage hails from France. Many French fear that they could return and strike locally.
Despite the looming threat, France reneged on its promise not to vote against Israel and caved in to Islamic pressure. “The fact that two of Israel’s allies, France and the UK, supported or abstained at the vote is worrying,” Minister of Intelligence and Strategic Affairs Yuval Steinitz stated.
Source: unitedwithisrael

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